Christian Student Forced to Write Islamic Conversion Creed Appeals Case to Supreme Court


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Pathetic Public Education Part 685,494

During the 2014-2015 school year, a Christian teenage girl was forced to recite the Islamic conversion creed — the Shahada — in writing for her 11th-grade class. She was also taught that "Most Muslims' faith is stronger than the average Christian." The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) sued the school responsible, and the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled with the school. TMLC appealed to the Supreme Court, filing a Writ of Certiorari on Monday.

"Under the guise of teaching history or social studies, public schools across America are promoting the religion of Islam in ways that would never be tolerated for Christianity or any other religion," TMLC President and Chief Counsel Richard Thompson said in a statement. "I’m not aware of any school which has forced a Muslim student to write the Lord’s Prayer or John 3:16: 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'"

Christian Student Forced to Write Islamic Conversion Creed Appeals Case to Supreme Court
Who the fuck are these sycophants in charge of our schools?

Oh yea....Marxist loving lefties. When are we going to kick them to the curb?
Pathetic Public Education Part 685,494

During the 2014-2015 school year, a Christian teenage girl was forced to recite the Islamic conversion creed — the Shahada — in writing for her 11th-grade class. She was also taught that "Most Muslims' faith is stronger than the average Christian." The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) sued the school responsible, and the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled with the school. TMLC appealed to the Supreme Court, filing a Writ of Certiorari on Monday.

"Under the guise of teaching history or social studies, public schools across America are promoting the religion of Islam in ways that would never be tolerated for Christianity or any other religion," TMLC President and Chief Counsel Richard Thompson said in a statement. "I’m not aware of any school which has forced a Muslim student to write the Lord’s Prayer or John 3:16: 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'"

Christian Student Forced to Write Islamic Conversion Creed Appeals Case to Supreme Court
HA looks like she’s a Muzzy now. She’s under different magicks now, folks. The Supreme Court can’t help her.
Who the fuck are these sycophants in charge of our schools?

Oh yea....Marxist loving lefties. When are we going to kick them to the curb?

In a rotten nutshell they're:

Cultural communists

Marxist-Abortionists (Cult of child sacrifice) (Don't believe it? You're way, way behind the fucking curve. Do try to catch up).


Moral Relativists

Cultural Relativists

Epistemological Relativists

Moral Nihilists




Anti-human fucking race

Anymore questions?
Pathetic Public Education Part 685,494

During the 2014-2015 school year, a Christian teenage girl was forced to recite the Islamic conversion creed — the Shahada — in writing for her 11th-grade class. She was also taught that "Most Muslims' faith is stronger than the average Christian." The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) sued the school responsible, and the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled with the school. TMLC appealed to the Supreme Court, filing a Writ of Certiorari on Monday.

"Under the guise of teaching history or social studies, public schools across America are promoting the religion of Islam in ways that would never be tolerated for Christianity or any other religion," TMLC President and Chief Counsel Richard Thompson said in a statement. "I’m not aware of any school which has forced a Muslim student to write the Lord’s Prayer or John 3:16: 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'"

Christian Student Forced to Write Islamic Conversion Creed Appeals Case to Supreme Court

Be interesting to see how the SC rules on this. I know many Muslims students that are allowed to totally bow out of entire classes because they can't even be exposed to the content, let alone have to write or recite it.
Who the fuck are these sycophants in charge of our schools?

Oh yea....Marxist loving lefties. When are we going to kick them to the curb?
They are dirty rotten fascistic vile bastards and it's time they starting paying for violating the rights of others.


More of this needs to happen. There has to be some cost to college officials who just flat-out ignore the law when it comes to disfavored groups on campus. Those denied “qualified immunity,” a doctrine that effectively gives public college administrators a blank check to abuse nearly any and all student rights, include Vice President for Student Life Melissa Shivers, Associate Dean of Student Organizations William Nelson, and Coordinator for Student Organization Development Andrew Kutcher. It takes serious work to lose this immunity, so whenever a college administrator does so, it’s worth sitting up to take notice.

The Court first told them to stop, while leaving their personal immunity in place.
They Double Down in Defiance of the Court, and holy crap, the Court rang their bell, but good!
Pathetic Public Education Part 685,494

During the 2014-2015 school year, a Christian teenage girl was forced to recite the Islamic conversion creed — the Shahada — in writing for her 11th-grade class. She was also taught that "Most Muslims' faith is stronger than the average Christian." The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) sued the school responsible, and the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled with the school. TMLC appealed to the Supreme Court, filing a Writ of Certiorari on Monday.

"Under the guise of teaching history or social studies, public schools across America are promoting the religion of Islam in ways that would never be tolerated for Christianity or any other religion," TMLC President and Chief Counsel Richard Thompson said in a statement. "I’m not aware of any school which has forced a Muslim student to write the Lord’s Prayer or John 3:16: 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'"

Christian Student Forced to Write Islamic Conversion Creed Appeals Case to Supreme Court
Love the source....:71:
Pathetic Public Education Part 685,494

During the 2014-2015 school year, a Christian teenage girl was forced to recite the Islamic conversion creed — the Shahada — in writing for her 11th-grade class. She was also taught that "Most Muslims' faith is stronger than the average Christian." The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) sued the school responsible, and the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled with the school. TMLC appealed to the Supreme Court, filing a Writ of Certiorari on Monday.

"Under the guise of teaching history or social studies, public schools across America are promoting the religion of Islam in ways that would never be tolerated for Christianity or any other religion," TMLC President and Chief Counsel Richard Thompson said in a statement. "I’m not aware of any school which has forced a Muslim student to write the Lord’s Prayer or John 3:16: 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'"

Christian Student Forced to Write Islamic Conversion Creed Appeals Case to Supreme Court
Love the source....:71:
You don’t like the Supreme Court of the United States as a source, shitforbrains?
Pathetic Public Education Part 685,494

During the 2014-2015 school year, a Christian teenage girl was forced to recite the Islamic conversion creed — the Shahada — in writing for her 11th-grade class. She was also taught that "Most Muslims' faith is stronger than the average Christian." The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) sued the school responsible, and the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled with the school. TMLC appealed to the Supreme Court, filing a Writ of Certiorari on Monday.

"Under the guise of teaching history or social studies, public schools across America are promoting the religion of Islam in ways that would never be tolerated for Christianity or any other religion," TMLC President and Chief Counsel Richard Thompson said in a statement. "I’m not aware of any school which has forced a Muslim student to write the Lord’s Prayer or John 3:16: 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'"

Christian Student Forced to Write Islamic Conversion Creed Appeals Case to Supreme Court
Love the source....:71:
You don’t like the Supreme Court of the United States as a source, shitforbrains?

That is NOT the source, dumbass!

Perhaps if you learned to read, this would not be such a continuous problem for you!

However, I do agree that this should not be allowed as it is unconstitutional.
Islamists are given latitude that is never applied to Christians. In fact children assume Christianity is bad or evil based on the way it is treated by Governments, Schools, and their peers.
It's because Christianity is an impedimate to the lefty plans...its why you have fake catholics like Biden and Pelosi

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