Christian Pastor Says World Will Be A “Better Place” After COVID Vaccine Causes “Genocide”

This is a very irresponsible man. First he spewed lies about the virus, now he's spewing lies about the vaccine.

It's people like this who are keeping the virus alive in our nation causing it to mutate to new variants. We won't ever get out of this if people like this man keep lying to people.

Never would I have expected the Right would react to this whole mess like this. Never. Ever.

"The right"?
Tell us Mac, how have we reacted to this pandemic that doesn't meet with your approval?
You don't need to meet my approval.

I can only wish that you had not been conditioned to go through life consumed by anger and paranoia.

You're being lied to by people who have convinced you to trust them, and there's nothing I can do about it.
This is a very irresponsible man. First he spewed lies about the virus, now he's spewing lies about the vaccine.

It's people like this who are keeping the virus alive in our nation causing it to mutate to new variants. We won't ever get out of this if people like this man keep lying to people.

Never would I have expected the Right would react to this whole mess like this. Never. Ever.
This is a very irresponsible man. First he spewed lies about the virus, now he's spewing lies about the vaccine.

It's people like this who are keeping the virus alive in our nation causing it to mutate to new variants. We won't ever get out of this if people like this man keep lying to people.

Never would I have expected the Right would react to this whole mess like this. Never. Ever.
What you libturds did to this country for power using Covid and ruining so many lives. It is unforgivable the cruelty you caused. But you're too fucking stupid to see it.
This is a very irresponsible man. First he spewed lies about the virus, now he's spewing lies about the vaccine.

It's people like this who are keeping the virus alive in our nation causing it to mutate to new variants. We won't ever get out of this if people like this man keep lying to people.

Never would I have expected the Right would react to this whole mess like this. Never. Ever.

"The right"?
Tell us Mac, how have we reacted to this pandemic that doesn't meet with your approval?
The pandemic was used for a grab for power. Without it they would not have beenable to cheat their mother fucking asses off.
That wasn't very christian of him...but let's just follow the science and see what happens to the vaxxed and unvaxxed over the course of the next 1.5 to 3.5 years. Science.
This is a very irresponsible man. First he spewed lies about the virus, now he's spewing lies about the vaccine.

It's people like this who are keeping the virus alive in our nation causing it to mutate to new variants. We won't ever get out of this if people like this man keep lying to people.

THY Lord has SMITED the sinners with COVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..the strong survive
The strong get vaccinated.
Environmentalist say that we need a lot fewer people on the planet. I don't see the difference.
It's people like this who are keeping the virus alive in our nation causing it to mutate to new variants.

The virus is mutating all over the world and globalism is spreading it to this country

I am pretty indifferent to the vaccine

My doctor called and said I have an appointment to take the shot and I did

But if they never called it would not matter unless proof of Covid19 immunization becomes the Mark of the Beast and no one can buy or sell or travel without it

Which I dont think this is

But I’ve been wrong before
Why when some group reports on a '' Christian pastor'' they dig up some one like this? Read his comments on Jews then read Gods word what it says about the Jews. It will make you wonder why he is called a Christian.

And why he was ever invited to the White House.

To be fair, it was only the trump administration that invited him to the White House and gave him press credentials. All other administrations didn't.
Environmentalist say that we need a lot fewer people on the planet. I don't see the difference.

There is a looney tunes professor at The University - thats what orange bloods call their school in Austin - who went even farther than the preacher

He said a 90% death rate was about right to save the planet from humans
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Environmentalist say that we need a lot fewer people on the planet. I don't see the difference.

There is a looney tunes professor at The University - thats what orange bloods call their school in Austin - who went even farther that the preacher

He said a 90% death rate was about right to save the planet from humans

But he doesn't likely (granted I do not know this to be the case) claim to be a Christian or a Christian pastor.
he doesn't likely (granted I do not know this to be the case) claim to be a Christian or a Christian pastor.
Of course not

The UT professor is a most likely a godless lib
Why do Jews not believe in Jesus?

After all, Jesus was a Jew, and those who were there and actually observed Jesus were all Jews. All of Jesus' loyal disciples were Jewish. And then when the authorities showed up to arrest Jesus, those same loyal disciples who all "know" whether Jesus is real or fraud bolt like a scene from COPS...

Give up everything and follow me....

Um, who do I give everything to????

Does the Christian even KNOW???
Not all were Jews
Matthew was a Levite
Simon a canaanite
later Paul was from the tribe of Benjamin

Saul of Tarsus???

Wiles has previously made a lot of wild claims about the coronavirus pandemic, including that the virus was caused by trans kids and sexual immorality, that God sent the virus to kill Jews, and that the death of a gay man in New York City proved that the virus was God’s judgment.

But now it’s not the virus that’s going to kill everyone Wiles doesn’t like; it’s the vaccines.

He discussed an article from an Indian conspiracy theory website – the same absurd site that falsely claimed last year that China stole the coronavirus from Canada in order to “weaponize” it against India – that said that the vaccines actually make people susceptible to dying from the virus and 70% of people who got both doses will die in a “third COVID wave.”

Needless to say, this is not true: studies involving tens of thousands of participants showed that the vaccines are safe and effective at preventing death from COVID-19 and the virus is killing fewer people in countries that have been faster at vaccinating their populations.

But that’s not important to Wiles. The Christian pundit was much more concerned about his own survival and was eager to believe that so many people are about to die, which he said would create a “better world.”

“I am not going to be vaccinated,” he said. “I’m going to be one of the survivors. I’m going to survive the genocide.”

“I am not going to allow the COVID maniacs to convince me to be vaccinated or vaccinate me against my will,” he continued.

“There is a mass death campaign underway right now, and I don’t care what people- They can they write any article they want to write about me, they can do everything they can to de-platform me, I’m going to survive a global genocide.”

“The only good thing that will come out of this is a lot of stupid people will be killed off,” he said. He talked about a woman who had had two strokes who was “cheering the vaccine,” which makes sense because stroke survivors are at greater risk of complications if they catch the COVID-19 virus.

“That’s a level of stupidity I can’t even comprehend,” Wiles said. About the woman. Not himself.

“If the vaccine wipes out a lot of stupid people, well, we’ll have a better world. I’m gonna survive. I’m gonna survive. By God’s grace, by his will, I’m gonna survive the genocide.”
Sounds like something a Christian Nationalist would say...
Why when some group reports on a '' Christian pastor'' they dig up some one like this? Read his comments on Jews then read Gods word what it says about the Jews. It will make you wonder why he is called a Christian.

Because there are too many of these loons among the Evangelicals, Pentacostals, Dispensationists and Domimionists.. They are not the exception.
This is a very irresponsible man. First he spewed lies about the virus, now he's spewing lies about the vaccine.

It's people like this who are keeping the virus alive in our nation causing it to mutate to new variants. We won't ever get out of this if people like this man keep lying to people.

Bill Gates?
This is a very irresponsible man. First he spewed lies about the virus, now he's spewing lies about the vaccine.

It's people like this who are keeping the virus alive in our nation causing it to mutate to new variants. We won't ever get out of this if people like this man keep lying to people.

CRCs are such nice people.....;)
Their sympathy and empathy gave Progs the keys to the kingdom. And they see the gratitude.

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