Christian Arab Woman Becomes Commander of Israeli Combat Unit


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010

In Syria, Christians are running for their lives. In Egypt, Christians are running for their lives. In Iraq, Christians are on the run. In Israel, an Arab Christian woman is in training to command a combat unit.

It’s all about horizons. And while Israel is not perfect, it offers greater horizons for everyone making it the United States of the region.

History took place on Wednesday, October 17, 2012, when Mona Abdo, a Christian Arab who grew up in Haifa, Israel, became the first female Arab commander of a combat unit in the Israeli Defense Forces.

Abdo’s road to this historic moment started in 2010 when, as a volunteer in the Israeli army, she served in the Ordnance Corps for four months before she knew that she wanted to do more, and, as a result, she was transferred to the female combat unit Caracal – where Arab and Jewish soldiers fight for the same side.

Christian Arab Woman Becomes Commander of Israeli Combat Unit

In Syria, Christians are running for their lives. In Egypt, Christians are running for their lives. In Iraq, Christians are on the run. In Israel, an Arab Christian woman is in training to command a combat unit.

It’s all about horizons. And while Israel is not perfect, it offers greater horizons for everyone making it the United States of the region.

History took place on Wednesday, October 17, 2012, when Mona Abdo, a Christian Arab who grew up in Haifa, Israel, became the first female Arab commander of a combat unit in the Israeli Defense Forces.

Abdo’s road to this historic moment started in 2010 when, as a volunteer in the Israeli army, she served in the Ordnance Corps for four months before she knew that she wanted to do more, and, as a result, she was transferred to the female combat unit Caracal – where Arab and Jewish soldiers fight for the same side.

Christian Arab Woman Becomes Commander of Israeli Combat Unit

Gosh I wonder why not a single Muslim Palestinian citizen of Israel has opted to leave Israel to go live in some Arab country with all of Israel's "brutal treatment" of Palestinians?
And we're supposed to care why?

In Syria, Christians are running for their lives. In Egypt, Christians are running for their lives. In Iraq, Christians are on the run

[ame=]Arab Women Voice Fears of Post-Arab Spring Islamization - YouTube[/ame]
Irrelevant. Quit posting stuff that has nothing to do with the topic whatsoever. Of course the Muslim Brotherhood has some opposition. Every party in the World has opposition. Mubarak was corrupt and Women wanted to get rid of him! I don't post nonsense about Israeli women and how they vote.
Israel has like two Christians in their army. Surprising a non Jew can join their military. It's pretty strict on being Jewish.
My commander in the navy was a Christian Arab as well. From Haifa.

She was a a Zionist up to her last bone. She tied her dastiny with other Israeli Jews. "If Hamas targets Israelis, It targets Arabs too. there is no difference between Arabs and Jews, when fighting terror".

Thank you for teaching me very important lessons about this conflict, Natalie. I owe you, great woman.
There's no such thing as a Palestinian Christian allowed to join the Army. She's probably an immigrant. Tell her she's a joke.

There is no such thing as bravery in the Jewish Army.

When Hamas approached the tank, Shalit yelled "I'm a Jew" I'm a Jew". Israel is a cowardly nation. Your technology advantage won't last forever.
There's no such thing as a Palestinian Christian allowed to join the Army. She's probably an immigrant. Tell her she's a joke.

There is no such thing as bravery in the Jewish Army.

When Hamas approached the tank, Shalit yelled "I'm a Jew" I'm a Jew". Israel is a cowardly nation. Your technology advantage won't last forever.

It really is hard to take you seriously, when you speak all your words from the secure United States. Both you and Sunni don't really have an Idea.

My commander's family is from Haifa, goes way back. Just because one did the right decision and left Islam does not make the family a joke.

There is much bravery in the Jewish army. There is no bravery though, in calling other nations "Apes and pigs" brainwash your kids from childhood that they are the source of all evil and then cry when there this nation dislikes you back.

Israel is here to stay. Either you accept us, or your fight till your last. And you WILL
There's no such thing as a Palestinian Christian allowed to join the Army. She's probably an immigrant. Tell her she's a joke.

There is no such thing as bravery in the Jewish Army.

When Hamas approached the tank, Shalit yelled "I'm a Jew" I'm a Jew". Israel is a cowardly nation. Your technology advantage won't last forever.
Where do you get all your facts and knowledge about everything under the sun?

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