Chris Wray Op-Ed: America's crime problem is real. Tackling it requires respect for cops


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
As I've said many times on here, the one piece of advice I would give to any U.S agent of the law is, "do not become like Canada". I try not to be too critical of police outside of Canada since they haven't done me wrong. I do the see the U.S more generally looking to emulate Canada and if successful it will spell the end of America and most certainly the West.

The Canadian system is as follows: specifically the plain clothed clowns. Start by hiring the most diabolical, morally unethical and cowardly of characters, the Police State rewards them for decimating their jurisdictions. Entrapment, misrepresentation, abuse of authority, usually of the young, poor and most vulnerable so that some meathead can have an overpaid career and their equally unimpressive kids can as well.

At what cost? Your reputation, global influence, economy, future prosperity and National Security.

The world has changed drastically, respect is earned not just assumed. Reputations are also earned. Choose wisely.

In law enforcement, our most fundamental duty is to ensure people can live free from fear—a task that has become more challenging over the past few years. FBI crime statistics released in October showed that in 2021, for the second year in a row, violent crime remained at alarmingly high levels. From conversations I routinely have with police chiefs and sheriffs every week, those violent crime trends have continued throughout 2022.

The top concern I hear from local law enforcement leaders is gang and gun violence — whether it’s gangs terrorizing a community, juveniles graduating from carjackings to even worse violence, or traffickers moving drugs through a neighborhood and inundating it with crime. Even major corporations are seeing the same thing and are having to make difficult decisions about where they operate.

While the specific drivers can be as varied and diverse as the communities we serve, in far too many instances, we’re seeing repeat or dangerous offenders end up back on the streets. For hardworking law enforcement officers, the only thing more frustrating than having to arrest a violent criminal who should be behind bars is having to arrest that same person over and over again.
There is a large faction of our culture that spreads the meme that the Police are out to get you, because they are an easy target, and those people don't want to accept the reality that the police must...police.
Fuck him.....Perhaps he should look within before demanding "respect" from others.

Another one of Trump's more ignorant choices. I guess that The Turtle told him he would be fine.

With such strong feelings, you should send him an email and let him know how you feel. I bet you don't...
There is a large faction of our culture that spreads the meme that the Police are out to get you, because they are an easy target, and those people don't want to accept the reality that the police must...police.
The definition matters, especially if you believe you are a free nation in which due process, transparency and individual liberty is to be protected. For all those who lost their lives in defense of it.

Members of the Gestapo will tell you they were just "policing", ditto for the Stasi. I've read books on both of their adventures, I'm sure they would disagree with these books findings. In fact, one author tracked down former agents and they were unrepentant, even proud of their "work".

I read a story of a guy in Canada in the 1990s who was denied entry into the U.S. As Americans are more transparent, being a Republic with a Constitution and all, he was told something similar to what I was told when my wife and I experienced a delay "we don't have a problem with you, you might want to speak to your government". I'm sure they stated it differently, but, he took their advice and did speak to his local rep.

It turned out that this guy has 30 years prior had written an essay in University about communism and it attracted the eyes of the RCMP. This flag was applied to his persons and would have shown up in the U.S database, the U.S probably familiar with the creepy Canadians, saw the generic alert before and provided sound advice. This flag was removed and he was allowed entry next time. For the record I tried to do the same but the Canadian police know that admitting what they lied about would open up a can of worms (which I've already opened in spite of their efforts).

Now, multiply that by a factor of many thousands for the manufacturing of threats that Canadian police engage in to fill their pipelines and justify their existence at great cost to the country and you will learn that "policing" is very subjective indeed.

Don't be like Canada is the bottom line. Of course you must police real threats and crimes but don't create them and don't destroy lives with absolute powers and abuses.

CSIS knows that Canadian police represent the greater domestic threat to Canadas National Security and economic prosperity. You don't want the C.I.A to come to a similar conclusion in the U.S...
This might be a good message, but if it is Christopher Wray delivering it, I don't care to hear it.

Let him explain the role of FBI informants in the Jan 6 riots, and stop telling us that it is none of our business.

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