Chris Christie Calls Out Dems and Repubs

Christie is a straight talker who makes Obama look like the slimy former community agitator that he is. Christie related a story about when former NJ Democrat Corzine invited him into his office shortly after the election and pointed to a cot in the corner. Corzine proudly related about when he slept on the cot when the (democrat ) legislature threatened to shut down the government until they got another (of over 100 in 8 years) tax hike. Later on Christie told the legislature that if they wanted to shut down government he wouldn't be sleeping on a cot. He would take his SUV to the governor's mansion, kick back with a beer and order a pizza and wait until the legislature decided to fund the state his way. You gotta love that guy.
I don't know much about Christie, but I sure wish more of our elected officials would say it like it is when it comes to SS. The retirement age has to be raised much sooner and quicker than most would like. It's really quite simple. People are living longer, so they need to work longer. If anyone wants to retire at an earlier age, then they need to fund their retirement themselves, at least for those years before they are eligible for SS at a higher age.
Too bad other state governors aren't talking tough...and walking the Christie...

I guess states like Illinois think Santa Obama will fly in with toys and inflated $$$ to save them...
I don't know much about Christie, but I sure wish more of our elected officials would say it like it is when it comes to SS. The retirement age has to be raised much sooner and quicker than most would like. It's really quite simple. People are living longer, so they need to work longer. If anyone wants to retire at an earlier age, then they need to fund their retirement themselves, at least for those years before they are eligible for SS at a higher age.

It won't be surprising to see some kind of means testing down the road.
Former GOP governor Frisky Todd Whitless raids the union pensions to pay for her 30% tax cut and who does the lying fat man blame for the pension shortfall, the unions. The teacher unions made compromises for the "Race to the Top" education grant that would have won the $400 million fed grant, Christie created his OWN plan because he didn't want to be "perceived" as caving to the unions, who had compromised on everything Christie wanted except ONE very minor thing, and the fat man's plan lost the grant, who did he blame and then fire, GOP CON$ervative Bret Schundler, the education commissioner who had gotten the union to compromise and accept nearly everything Christie wanted.
Christie didn't just blame the unions but also the way things have been run for the last twenty years.
As for the deal you have it backwards. It went against everything Christie was pushing. You should have heard his supporters howling when they thought he caved. By the way what Christie is pushing is the same thing Obama is pushing. Teacher accaountability.
Not qiute!!

According to Christie's former education commissioner Bret Schundler in his testamony before a state senate hearing, he said that in his conversation with the governor, he had explained that it was the union that had given ground, and that the administration had won nearly everything it wanted. “When the governor came to understand that, his concern became more about how it would be perceived”

The union had agreed to a draft agreement negotiated by Schundler, signing on to almost every change called for by the governor, including paying teachers based partly on their students’ performance. There was one major exception, the union would not endorse giving up the principle that when tenured teachers were laid off, it had to be in reverse order of seniority. Schundler said in his testimony that that was not a major issue, because such layoffs were rare, and the governor could pursue the change whether or not it was included in the application.
On Morning Joe, Gov. Christie was hilarious. You know he's twice as big as me. He said Obama wants to do big things like hi speed trains, broadband Internet and electric cars. He said the ONLY things we can do is cut the budget and raise the retirement age. The Gov was talking in front of a Republican audience. Each thing he mentioned (trains, Internet, cars), they broke out in gales of derisive laughter. When he mentioned raising the retirement age, they wildly applauded. Now, this is funniest of all. I had this image of the bulky governor being carried down three flights of stairs by two 70 year old firemen. Oops, slipped. It's so "heavy".

Then 450 lbs of toxic lard spills out into the environment causing the EPA to declare the Gov's mansion a "toxic waste zone". But he was saved by a nearsighted 70 year old surgeon with shaky hands who accidentally stitched his mouth shut in a "zig zag" pattern.

A secret not obvious to Republicans. If you don't "grow" the economy, it doesn't matter how much you "cut", it will NEVER "be enough".
I thought he'd be a good presidential candidate too but what we really need is 100 Christies in the Senate.
I thought he'd be a good presidential candidate too but what we really need is 100 Christies in the Senate.

Try to figure out why a shrinking economy will never pay down the debt, no matter how much you cut.

Christie is all for raising the retirement age. Imagine being robbed and then you have to rely on 70 year old cops. Or going to a 70 year old doctor. Or being carried out of a burning building by 70 year old firefighters. Or going down stairs on a stretcher and being carried by 70 year old medics.

This is what Republicans propose?
I thought he'd be a good presidential candidate too but what we really need is 100 Christies in the Senate.

Try to figure out why a shrinking economy will never pay down the debt, no matter how much you cut.

Christie is all for raising the retirement age. Imagine being robbed and then you have to rely on 70 year old cops. Or going to a 70 year old doctor. Or being carried out of a burning building by 70 year old firefighters. Or going down stairs on a stretcher and being carried by 70 year old medics.

This is what Republicans propose?

So tell me...

Imagine being robbed and then you have to rely on 65 year old cops. Or going to a 65 year old doctor. Or being carried out of a burning building by 65 year old firefighters. Or going down stairs on a stretcher and being carried by 65 year old medics.

According to your spin of the truth, that is what we have now.

If you must spin the truth to win a debate, you aint got shit to stand on.
I thought he'd be a good presidential candidate too but what we really need is 100 Christies in the Senate.

Try to figure out why a shrinking economy will never pay down the debt, no matter how much you cut.

Christie is all for raising the retirement age. Imagine being robbed and then you have to rely on 70 year old cops. Or going to a 70 year old doctor. Or being carried out of a burning building by 70 year old firefighters. Or going down stairs on a stretcher and being carried by 70 year old medics.

This is what Republicans propose?

So tell me...

Imagine being robbed and then you have to rely on 65 year old cops. Or going to a 65 year old doctor. Or being carried out of a burning building by 65 year old firefighters. Or going down stairs on a stretcher and being carried by 65 year old medics.

According to your spin of the truth, that is what we have now.

If you must spin the truth to win a debate, you aint got shit to stand on.

Is there a point?

Mandatory Retirement
Effective July 1, 1997, retirement is mandatory at age 65. If you do not file a retirement application before your mandatory retirement, you are automatically retired on that date. Retirement benefits, however, are not payable until the application is filed. Elected officials are exempt from mandatory retirement.

Police and Fireman’s Retirement :: Human Resources :: The College of New Jersey


The point is that making the retirement age 70 is not as crazy as you tried to make it by saying a "imagaine a 70 year old cop trying to save you"

We dont have 65 year old cops trying to save us now even though the retirement age is 65.

Either you are spinning....or you are illogical.

The point is that making the retirement age 70 is not as crazy as you tried to make it by saying a "imagaine a 70 year old cop trying to save you"

We dont have 65 year old cops trying to save us now even though the retirement age is 65.

Either you are spinning....or you are illogical.

Nearly 700 officers currently fall between the ages of 55 and 60 and could be lured into retirement, if only they were guaranteed affordable health care, said Fraternal Order of Police President Mark Donahue.

Chicago lowers police retirement age 5 years

This is Chicago and there are 60 year old police, perhaps even hundreds. Chicago, one of the most stressful and violent cities and there are possibly hundreds. Although I couldn't find any statistics, I suspect elsewhere in the US, there are many police 65 years old simply for the FUCKING FACT that the mandatory retirement age is, yes, 65 years old. I already posted THAT link.

What is wrong with you fucking right wingers? You never present evidence. Only what you "imagine" things to be. You guys are all awful. If you are going to argue, argue with some "evidence". And you other ones, agreeing with ignorance. Why on earth would you think more than 6% of scientists are Republican? You guys worship ignorance.
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I thought he'd be a good presidential candidate too but what we really need is 100 Christies in the Senate.

Try to figure out why a shrinking economy will never pay down the debt, no matter how much you cut.

Christie is all for raising the retirement age. Imagine being robbed and then you have to rely on 70 year old cops. Or going to a 70 year old doctor. Or being carried out of a burning building by 70 year old firefighters. Or going down stairs on a stretcher and being carried by 70 year old medics.

This is what Republicans propose?

TRY to figure out WHY the economy is shrinking deany.
Ann Coulter is on MSNBC, Lawrence O'Donnell, raving about Christie.
Ann mentions that Reagan was soft on a few things too, like the very Liberal abortion law he signed as Governor of California.
I thought he'd be a good presidential candidate too but what we really need is 100 Christies in the Senate.

Try to figure out why a shrinking economy will never pay down the debt, no matter how much you cut.

Christie is all for raising the retirement age. Imagine being robbed and then you have to rely on 70 year old cops. Or going to a 70 year old doctor. Or being carried out of a burning building by 70 year old firefighters. Or going down stairs on a stretcher and being carried by 70 year old medics.

This is what Republicans propose?

TRY to figure out WHY the economy is shrinking deany.

Everyone already knows.

First, If you concentrate the wealth of a nation in the hands of a few, no one else has any money to spend (that is so fucking obvious).

Second, Republicans, working with the Chinese, moved 2.4 million jobs to China from 2001 to 2008 along with shutting down tens of thousands of American factories.

Third, two endless wars Republicans trapped American into and then hid the actual cost.

Fourth, the trillions wasted in the "Drugs for votes" bill.

Those are the four reasons America is in the mess it's in. And yes, it's just that simple.

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