Democrats are The Problem

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I'm thinking.. after years of legalized stealing from successful Americans and corporations, years of give-a-ways to the freeloaders and failed business models, that the failures of the liberal agenda have finally brought the American Dream to it's knees..


The American Dream, sometimes in the phrase "Chasing the American Dream," is a national ethos of the United States in which freedom includes a promise of the possibility of prosperity and success. In the American Dream, first expressed by James Truslow Adams in 1931, "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.[1] The idea of the American Dream is rooted in the United States Declaration of Independence which proclaims that "all men are created equal" and that they are "endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights" including "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."[2]

American Dream - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Part and parcel of the American Dream is funding a government..or as the tories call it.."Legalized Stealing".

Read your Constitution. I direct you attention to Power of Congress..the first clause.

You feel better ya did..thank me later.
Part and parcel of the American Dream is funding a government..or as the tories call it.."Legalized Stealing".

Read your Constitution. I direct you attention to Power of Congress..the first clause.

You feel better ya did..thank me later.

Democrats following the Constitution...:lol:
Part and parcel of the American Dream is funding a government..or as the tories call it.."Legalized Stealing".

Read your Constitution. I direct you attention to Power of Congress..the first clause.

You feel better ya did..thank me later.

Democrats following the Constitution...:lol:

Follow it alot better than the Republican god Bush. That dude wiped his ass with the constitution.
Part and parcel of the American Dream is funding a government..or as the tories call it.."Legalized Stealing".

Read your Constitution. I direct you attention to Power of Congress..the first clause.

You feel better ya did..thank me later.

Democrats following the Constitution...:lol:

Follow it alot better than the Republican god Bush. That dude wiped his ass with the constitution.

Yes.. Democrat failures are always the Republicans fault...:lol:
Democrats following the Constitution...:lol:

Follow it alot better than the Republican god Bush. That dude wiped his ass with the constitution.

Yes.. Democrat failures are always the Republicans fault...:lol:

Naw..but a lot of it has to do with Republicans failure to assume their proper roles. Like getting coffee during their rants. That way you don't hear the rant..and you get a nice hot cup of joe.
The current democrat model is a train-wreck of socialist ideology and Marxist power-madness; media control and some kind of idealized version of the world where everyone is treated fairly except those with whom they disagree, who must be marginalized and if possible, vanquished. These are spoiled brats who grew taller but never grew up.

Look at the so-called "fairness doctrine"; it's supposed to make talk radio fair by demanding that every radio station have an equal number of liberals to conservatives, where conservatives have the current advantage. You will note that this idea does not expand into newspapers, which have a 90% liberal bias, of television and motion pictures, where the bias is enormous. Cable news has Fox news, but it also has the left-leaning MSNBC and CNN - that's two-to-one if you aren't good with statistical percentages. Network news is the same thing only worse; ABC, CBS and NBC all have an obvious agenda and are hosted by people who attend democrat fundraisers but not republican ones.

Yet the democrats' 'fairness doctrine" targets the only place where conservatives have an advantage. If that isn't a severe form of spoiled, childish intellectual corruption, then there is no illustration of it.
Robbery is going to cause problems whether it's legalized or not.

Flee the Robbery mentality. Learn to love work and encourage others to do the same. Respect one anothers property. Don't lie to yourself and tell yourself that you are entitled to the property of others.
I'm thinking.. after years of legalized stealing from successful Americans and corporations, years of give-a-ways to the freeloaders and failed business models, that the failures of the liberal agenda have finally brought the American Dream to it's knees..


The American Dream, sometimes in the phrase "Chasing the American Dream," is a national ethos of the United States in which freedom includes a promise of the possibility of prosperity and success. In the American Dream, first expressed by James Truslow Adams in 1931, "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.[1] The idea of the American Dream is rooted in the United States Declaration of Independence which proclaims that "all men are created equal" and that they are "endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights" including "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."[2]

American Dream - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not Democrats, Progressives. Democrats merely have a different set of big government solutions to counter the Republican big government solutions. Progressives have an entirely different set of solutions, most of them "final."
If you don't like it here feel free to go find a freer and better society to live in.... We are a Democratic, Constitutional Republic based in the blessings of liberty from our creator who endowed us with the right to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.... All men created equal is the Godly moral principle that lead to the freeing of slaves, the emancipation proclamation, and the civil rights act of 1964. So, what we face today in our society has little to do with race Politically, and more to do with divisiveness being created by Multiculturalism, and Economic Centralization that exploits these truths which are self evident through the progressive mechanizations of social factionalization being used to enslave us all to tyranny.... This is why we all have the right to bear arms....

Emancipation Proclamation

Emancipation Proclamation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Social Fractionalization, Political Instability, and the Size of Government

This paper explores the relationship between the degree of division or fractionalization of a country's population (along ethnolinguistic and religious dimensions) and both political instability and government consumption, using a neoclassical growth model. The principal idea is that greater fractionalization, proxying for the degree of conflict in society, leads to political instability, which in turn leads to higher government consumption aimed at placating the opposition. There is also a feedback mechanism whereby the higher consumption leads to less instability as government consumption reduces the risk of losing office. Empirical evidence based on panel estimation supports this hypothesis. Copyright 2002, International Monetary Fund...

Destroying Cultural Continuity
The Leftist War On Social Cohesion

Individualism, Community and the American Character

Dream Act Amnesty Equals The Destruction of America

ALIPAC - Dream Act Amnesty Equals The Destruction of America

Read more: Multicultural Suicide - Politics and Other Controversies -Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President - Page 11 - City-Data Forum
The OP has been lied to by movement conservatism, which has created massive poverty (aka cheap labor).

Ronald Reagan's family was lifted out of poverty by an FDR government work program -- which itself was made possible by progressive taxation.

It wasn't a hand-out. It was an investment. FDR trusted Americans. He thought that if we gave them the tools to succeed -- if we gave them opportunities, not guaranteed outcomes -- we'd have more able bodies competing for every job (not just the children of the wealthy, who are born with unearned access to education, medicine, and stable living conditions). FDR thought that poverty created fewer able bodied job applicants, and therefore diminished the competitive excellence of the country. He didn't want poverty to destroy the next Ronald Reagan. He didn't call the American people welfare queens in order to reduce the tax burden on his wealthy corporate donors.

Just like we need to invest in bridges and roads because they are necessary for commerce, we need to invest in people. We want a thriving middle class of people who can afford to send their children to college; we don't want a disenfranchised army of temp workers without benefits or future prospects. The Right has destroyed this country. The money never trickled down. They merely created billionaires and monopolists.

(wow, just wow)
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The OP has been lied to by movement conservatism, which has created massive poverty (aka cheap labor).

Ronald Reagan's family was lifted out of poverty by an FDR government work program -- which itself was made possible by progressive taxation.

It wasn't a hand-out. It was an investment. FDR trusted Americans. He thought that if we gave them the tools to succeed -- if we gave them opportunities, not guaranteed outcomes -- we'd have more able bodies competing for every job (not just the children of the wealthy, who are born with unearned access to education, medicine, and stable living conditions). FDR thought that poverty created fewer able bodied job applicants, and therefore diminished the competitive excellence of the country. He didn't want poverty to destroy the next Ronald Reagan. He didn't call the American people welfare queens in order to reduce the tax burden on his wealthy corporate donors.

Just like we need to invest in bridges and roads because they are necessary for commerce, we need to invest in people. We want a thriving middle class of people who can afford to send their children to college; we don't want a disenfranchised army of temp workers without benefits or future prospects. The Right has destroyed this country. The money never trickled down. They merely created billionaires and monopolists.

(wow, just wow)

Ah.. an epiphany..:eusa_eh:

Us heading over the cliff is a bipartition event.. no doubt.

I just blame Democrats more, that's all..
Both parties are controlled by corporate lobbyists.

Yup.. and the goal of being re-elected and gaining power...

I've never felt like the countries been so far off track as it is right now...There seems to be no common sense or reality checking in government...just constant failures..
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Both parties are controlled by corporate lobbyists.

Yup.. and the goal of being re-elected and gaining power...

I've never felt like the countries been so far off track as it is right now...There seems to be no common sense or reality checking in government...just constant failures..

I agree with this-but the problem isn't the Democrats. It's the Democrats AND Republicans.
Both parties are controlled by corporate lobbyists.

Yup.. and the goal of being re-elected and gaining power...

I've never felt like the countries been so far off track as it is right now...There seems to be no common sense or reality checking in government...just constant failures..

I agree with this-but the problem isn't the Democrats. It's the Democrats AND Republicans.

Damn it.. you may very well be right....:eusa_eh:
I love how people know exactly what I want. I hate America. I want to be like the USSR because man that is just awesome.

Both are controlled by lobbyists but many of the groups fight for something that you care about. NRA, SIEU, and others both pander to their base. Don't see a problem with it.
Obviously the conservatives on this thread are winning. You can tell when liberals start volunteering that both parties are equally corrupt.

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