Chip, chip, chip…..


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The sound of the Reich slowly chipping away government control and power. Their plan, since Obama took office, is to destroy government. You see, if they get it so small and powerless it will become totally useless. And give more power to private industry and campaign support.

Governor Sandoval of Nevada has a plan to cut millions in education spending (public education) (in order to balance the budget)and give millions to voucher program to be used in private schools. To those parents who want to opt our of public schools, each child could get $2500 to $5100 a year to attend school of their choice.

Another subtle attack on public education, disadvantaged students and teachers and on a fast track to privatizing education. $100,000 in vouchers in Nevada.
Voucher program leaves children behind in schools that are already hurting with less to work with. Sandoval is taking from public education and giving to private education.

They will not stop at unions, healthcare, education and government. Then there will social security, Medicare, welfare, libraries, military, prisons, law enforcement, homeland security, fire department, teachers, county and state government, wholesale and retail, post office, state liquor stores, marijuana sales, etc. This is just the beginning of private take over of our lives. A dictatorship by a few.

Privatization is a take over of our lives, more control then the present government.

They Want To Privatize EverythingPosted on 27 September 2010
They Want To Privatize Everything | California Progress Report

"Privatize Everything" Bumper Sticker”
"Privatize Everything" Bumper Sticker - CafePress
has anyone planned yet, a protest rally to protest too many protests?
think people are tired of protests about stupid shit?
the boy who protested "wolfe" too many times?
me thinks the lady doth protest too much, and guys.
to serve and protest?
department of homeland protesting?
familiarity breeds contempt

something has to give soon
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The sound of the Reich slowly chipping away government control and power. Their plan, since Obama took office, is to destroy government. You see, if they get it so small and powerless it will become totally useless. And give more power to private industry and campaign support.

Governor Sandoval of Nevada has a plan to cut millions in education spending (public education) (in order to balance the budget)and give millions to voucher program to be used in private schools. To those parents who want to opt our of public schools, each child could get $2500 to $5100 a year to attend school of their choice.

Another subtle attack on public education, disadvantaged students and teachers and on a fast track to privatizing education. $100,000 in vouchers in Nevada.
Voucher program leaves children behind in schools that are already hurting with less to work with. Sandoval is taking from public education and giving to private education.

They will not stop at unions, healthcare, education and government. Then there will social security, Medicare, welfare, libraries, military, prisons, law enforcement, homeland security, fire department, teachers, county and state government, wholesale and retail, post office, state liquor stores, marijuana sales, etc. This is just the beginning of private take over of our lives. A dictatorship by a few.

Privatization is a take over of our lives, more control then the present government.

They Want To Privatize EverythingPosted on 27 September 2010
They Want To Privatize Everything | California Progress Report

"Privatize Everything" Bumper Sticker”
"Privatize Everything" Bumper Sticker - CafePress


Conservatives love one-party rule where no one votes and the rich have all the power. Like a Kingdom.
"I want to shrink it to a size I can drown it in the bathtub"

That guy is still a top republican brain trust.

The sound of the Reich slowly chipping away government control and power. Their plan, since Obama took office, is to destroy government. You see, if they get it so small and powerless it will become totally useless. And give more power to private industry and campaign support.

Governor Sandoval of Nevada has a plan to cut millions in education spending (public education) (in order to balance the budget)and give millions to voucher program to be used in private schools. To those parents who want to opt our of public schools, each child could get $2500 to $5100 a year to attend school of their choice.

Another subtle attack on public education, disadvantaged students and teachers and on a fast track to privatizing education. $100,000 in vouchers in Nevada.
Voucher program leaves children behind in schools that are already hurting with less to work with. Sandoval is taking from public education and giving to private education.

They will not stop at unions, healthcare, education and government. Then there will social security, Medicare, welfare, libraries, military, prisons, law enforcement, homeland security, fire department, teachers, county and state government, wholesale and retail, post office, state liquor stores, marijuana sales, etc. This is just the beginning of private take over of our lives. A dictatorship by a few.

Privatization is a take over of our lives, more control then the present government.

They Want To Privatize EverythingPosted on 27 September 2010
They Want To Privatize Everything | California Progress Report

"Privatize Everything" Bumper Sticker”
"Privatize Everything" Bumper Sticker - CafePress


Conservatives love one-party rule where no one votes and the rich have all the power. Like a Kingdom.

You don't think there could be maybe three or four PRIVATE gas companies and three or four PRIVATE automobile manufacturers ? We can't all be worker bees ya know. If things worked out you might even be able to own one of those private companies
Wasn't it the private sector, particularily Wall Street, that was primarily responsible for creating this financial mentdown!

If government contracts leaving a power vacuum, it won't take long before America is totally turned over to the "tender mercies" of many of the same people who destroyed the economy back in 2008!

Meanwhile the Republicans are busy diverting attention away from their responsibility in this affair, by "demonizing" the public sector.
Ah yes, here is the Conservative ideal of privatization.

Opinion: Leonard Pitts Jr.: Justice is served for judge who denied it to children - San Jose Mercury News

Thousands of children came before Ciavarella for relatively minor offenses -- throwing meat at mom's boyfriend, shoplifting a jar of nutmeg. And in trials that lasted as little as a minute, child after child after child was shackled and led away without even being allowed to speak in their own defense or have a lawyer do so for them.

What's more appalling than the "what" of this is the "why." Ciavarella and another judge, Michael Conahan, shut down the county's juvenile detention center by cutting off public funds. Then they funneled kids to two new detention centers, privately owned by the judges' friends, who had given them nearly $1 million. Ciavarella has steadfastly denied a quid pro quo -- cash for kids. He says the money was a "finder's fee" for putting the jail's owner in touch with a builder. However the arrangement is characterized, the fact remains that he and Conahan, who pleaded guilty last year, took money from the owners of a private prison to which they then sentenced children. You be the -- no pun intended -- judge.
Wasn't it the private sector, particularily Wall Street, that was primarily responsible for creating this financial mentdown!

If government contracts leaving a power vacuum, it won't take long before America is totally turned over to the "tender mercies" of many of the same people who destroyed the economy back in 2008!

Meanwhile the Republicans are busy diverting attention away from their responsibility in this affair, by "demonizing" the public sector.

Someone needs to make up their minds. I keep hearing that the government failed at properly regulating it was the cause. So were there too many crooks or not enough cops ?
You know........if the government creates the jobs, the country will do better.

The only people who would suffer is the greedy conglomerates who are currently trying to buy their way into the government. Why else do you think they're going after the teachers and civilian workers unions? They want to make the people into slaves, working for meager wages. the the fuck can someone who makes 27-50 thousand dollars/year be one of those "greedy rich union members"? Middle class in this country is considered to be 50 - 100 thousand a year, twice what the teachers make.
Wasn't it the private sector, particularily Wall Street, that was primarily responsible for creating this financial mentdown!

If government contracts leaving a power vacuum, it won't take long before America is totally turned over to the "tender mercies" of many of the same people who destroyed the economy back in 2008!

Meanwhile the Republicans are busy diverting attention away from their responsibility in this affair, by "demonizing" the public sector.

Someone needs to make up their minds. I keep hearing that the government failed at properly regulating it was the cause. So were there too many crooks or not enough cops ?

There would never have been enough cops. Wanna know why? Because the Bush Jr. tax cuts, combined with the de-regulation of Wall St. INCREASED the amount of crooks, who under the legislation passed by the Bush Jr. admin, found a better way to steal........

They do it legally by giving money to the PAC's of various politicians, who in turn, make the laws more lax so it's easier to steal.

Simple actually.

The sound of the Reich slowly chipping away government control and power. Their plan, since Obama took office, is to destroy government. You see, if they get it so small and powerless it will become totally useless. And give more power to private industry and campaign support.

Governor Sandoval of Nevada has a plan to cut millions in education spending (public education) (in order to balance the budget)and give millions to voucher program to be used in private schools. To those parents who want to opt our of public schools, each child could get $2500 to $5100 a year to attend school of their choice.

Another subtle attack on public education, disadvantaged students and teachers and on a fast track to privatizing education. $100,000 in vouchers in Nevada.
Voucher program leaves children behind in schools that are already hurting with less to work with. Sandoval is taking from public education and giving to private education.

They will not stop at unions, healthcare, education and government. Then there will social security, Medicare, welfare, libraries, military, prisons, law enforcement, homeland security, fire department, teachers, county and state government, wholesale and retail, post office, state liquor stores, marijuana sales, etc. This is just the beginning of private take over of our lives. A dictatorship by a few.

Privatization is a take over of our lives, more control then the present government.

They Want To Privatize EverythingPosted on 27 September 2010
They Want To Privatize Everything | California Progress Report

"Privatize Everything" Bumper Sticker”
"Privatize Everything" Bumper Sticker - CafePress

The more private it is, and the less government is involved, the better off this country will be. School vouchers are a great idea, it will allow parents to remove there kids from schools that are failing and put them into schools that have good teachers who actually try to teach the kids something.
You look at Wisconsin's schools for a prime example, all the tax payer money pumped into them in the last 10 years, and all that has happened is the schools keep on failing more and more. No matter how much money you throw the unions "I mean the schools" way it has not worked. Time to try something different yes?

The sound of the Reich slowly chipping away government control and power. Their plan, since Obama took office, is to destroy government. You see, if they get it so small and powerless it will become totally useless. And give more power to private industry and campaign support.

Governor Sandoval of Nevada has a plan to cut millions in education spending (public education) (in order to balance the budget)and give millions to voucher program to be used in private schools. To those parents who want to opt our of public schools, each child could get $2500 to $5100 a year to attend school of their choice.

Another subtle attack on public education, disadvantaged students and teachers and on a fast track to privatizing education. $100,000 in vouchers in Nevada.
Voucher program leaves children behind in schools that are already hurting with less to work with. Sandoval is taking from public education and giving to private education.

They will not stop at unions, healthcare, education and government. Then there will social security, Medicare, welfare, libraries, military, prisons, law enforcement, homeland security, fire department, teachers, county and state government, wholesale and retail, post office, state liquor stores, marijuana sales, etc. This is just the beginning of private take over of our lives. A dictatorship by a few.

Privatization is a take over of our lives, more control then the present government.

They Want To Privatize EverythingPosted on 27 September 2010
They Want To Privatize Everything | California Progress Report

"Privatize Everything" Bumper Sticker”
"Privatize Everything" Bumper Sticker - CafePress

Obama : the Small government candidate endorsed by the Tea Party of North America
Yeah that make sense ~
Wasn't it the private sector, particularily Wall Street, that was primarily responsible for creating this financial mentdown!

If government contracts leaving a power vacuum, it won't take long before America is totally turned over to the "tender mercies" of many of the same people who destroyed the economy back in 2008!

Meanwhile the Republicans are busy diverting attention away from their responsibility in this affair, by "demonizing" the public sector.

and that evil PBS cuased all the bad things.
The more private it is, and the less government is involved, the better off this country will be.

That is so wrong and so shallow-minded simplistic, I don't even know where to begin...

Maybe because it is simplistic is the reason why you just don't get it. Liberals are however known to make things more difficult then they have to be.
Let me help you out on it then, name one thing that Government has gotten it's fingers into or has created that is not now in bad debt and about to go bankrupt.
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chipping away government control and power.

When did we become a COMMUNIST COUNTRY?

Do friggen people actually think that way???

You bet your ass they do. To them the Government OWNS US and not, WE THE PEOPLE...The Constitution means NOTHING to these types and neither do US people.

my gawd, that was one ignorant article and a little damn scary.
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Their plan, since Obama took office, is to destroy government. You see, if they get it so small and powerless it will become totally useless. And give more power to private industry and campaign support.

No. It's actually because there are those who believe that the government has a limited scope outlined in the constitution that we should probably get back to before we drown in our own debt.

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