Chinese Scientist. Covid may have leaked from lab.

See what you did OP? You got the "we" nutbags joining you now. Good job.

I'm never concerned about "sides". My side is whatever I believe is the truth and what is right.
Most of us will agree that Fauci was involved in funding the Wuhan lab. Now, consider the moment that Fauci was informed that a Covid virus was causing an "issue" in Wuhan China. Obviously he thought to himself OH SHIT. Now, did the good doctor come clean, and try to get to the facts surrounding Covid? Oh hell no! He lied, then he got his "buddies" to lie, and stuck to the story that the Wuhan lab could not possibly be responsible. All the while, knowing full well, that other such dangerous labs playing with "gain of function" were in full operational mode..... he did this while millions of people were dying from the Covid virus that he funded. Fauci=EVIL
As long as there are billions to be made in China the west will continue to turn a blind eye to their shenanigans. We will sell ourselves out to a country who will turn on us in a blink of an eye that moment they feel they have the advantage.

Of course. This is capitalism.

Freedom and all of that will open you up to attack. The government is run by the most unscrupulous people, because the more unscrupulous you are, the better you'll do in capitalism. The rich essentially run it, they don't get elected, people hardly know who they are.....

There are better ways of having government. Like, by giving people a vote that actually matters, and letting the country decide who the government is.

Right now the president is elected by about 20% of the country and they're manipulated to hell, because the system allows it. The Supreme Court is just a joke in terms of electing members, and Congress is FPTP which is so open to gerrymandering and other abuse... that democracy doesn't exist.
Rand Paul grilled Fauci on the question of what is and what is not considered "gain of function". The good doctor lied, stuttered, made an ass of himself, and was later proven to be lying (not mistaken) about what is defined as "gain of function". Fauci was involved in the funding of a (known to be sketchy) bio lab in China to experiment with making Covid into a bio weapon. In case you don't know it "Gain of function" literally means "Bio weapon "
Why did you post something that belongs in Conspiracy Theories?

You believe, but you said "we" instead of "me"

I've heard that word many times around here.

Why did Fauci lie under oath?
Just for argument sake, let's assume that Fauci had the best of intentions giving funding for "gain of function" research involving Covid,, for the good of humanity. Now ask yourself this ...Why on earth would he choose a dismal lab in China (of all places) to do this extremely dangerous work? When nothing makes sense it is likely because you are being lied to.
You tell me, but how many times has someone around here posted something similar as a "Chinese scientist" said "may" or "maybe?"

Fauci lied to cover his ass. Then one has to ask themselves, why did he feel he needed to cover his ass?
Till I hear other words than "may" or "maybe" it's still speculation.

A chinese scientist who defected here from Wuhan said it was a lab leak very early on, and she was dismissed.

This was posted in another thread about this with links to her interview.

Leftists and reality deniers are waiting for God himself to appear in the clouds and proclaim it to have been a lab leak, otherwise they will deny all evidence and common sense.
A chinese scientist who defected here from Wuhan said it was a lab leak very early on, and she was dismissed.

This was posted in another thread about this with links to her interview.

Leftists and reality deniers are waiting for God himself to appear in the clouds and proclaim it to have been a lab leak, otherwise they will deny all evidence and common sense.

I'm called a "leftist" all the time? I'm believing you have done so from time to time.
No doubt in my mind that Fauci instantly knew that the Wuhan lab was logically the most likely origin. But since he was partially responsible he did what any other weasel would do. He tried to cover his ass. He watched the devastation and made over 5 million dollars in two years (on top of his $500,000 per year salary.) Most of us suffered during the pandemic that came from a lab that Fauci funded.... And Fauci......he got filthy rich.
A chinese scientist who defected here from Wuhan said it was a lab leak very early on, and she was dismissed.

This was posted in another thread about this with links to her interview.

Leftists and reality deniers are waiting for God himself to appear in the clouds and proclaim it to have been a lab leak, otherwise they will deny all evidence and common sense.
Go to the nearest bridge and decide if it's high enough to jump from.

It may be. It might not.
No doubt in my mind that Fauci instantly knew that the Wuhan lab was logically the most likely origin. But since he was partially responsible he did what any other weasel would do. He tried to cover his ass. He watched the devastation and made over 5 million dollars in two years (on top of his $500,000 per year salary.) Most of us suffered during the pandemic that came from a lab that Fauci funded.... And Fauci......he got filthy rich.

The government funded it. Fauci obviously argued for that funding.

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