Chinese President Urges Navy to Prepare for War


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Chinese President Urges Navy to Prepare for War
Posted by EU Times on Dec 7th, 2011 // No Comment
Chinese President Urges Navy to Prepare for War |

Chinese President Hu Jintao on Tuesday urged the Navy to prepare for military combat, amid growing regional tensions over maritime disputes and a US campaign to assert itself as a Pacific power.

The Navy should “accelerate its transformation and modernisation in a sturdy way, and make extended preparations for military combat in order to make greater contributions to safeguard national security,” he said.

Addressing the powerful Central Military Commission, Hu said: “Our work must closely encircle the main theme of national defence and military building.”

His comments, which were posted in a statement on a government website, come as the United States and Beijing’s neighbours have expressed concerns over its naval ambitions, particularly in the South China Sea.

Several Asian nations have competing claims over parts of the South China Sea, believed to encompass huge oil and gas reserves, while China claims it all. One-third of global seaborne trade passes through the region.

Vietnam and the Philippines have accused Chinese forces of increasing aggression there.

In a translation of Hu’s comments, the country’s official news agency quoted the President as saying China’s Navy should “make extended preparations for warfare.”

The Pentagon however downplayed Hu’s speech, saying that Beijing had the right to develop its military, although it should do so transparently.

“They have a right to develop military capabilities and to plan, just as we do,” said Pentagon spokesman George Little, but he added, “We have repeatedly called for transparency from the Chinese and that’s part of the relationship we’re continuing to build with the Chinese military.”

“Nobody’s looking for a scrap here,” insisted another spokesman, Admiral John Kirby. “Certainly we wouldn’t begrudge any other nation the opportunity, the right to develop naval forces to be ready.

“Our naval forces are ready and they’ll stay ready.”

State Department spokesman Mark Toner said: “We want to see stronger military-to-military ties with China and we want to see greater transparency. That helps answer questions we might have about Chinese intentions.”

Hu’s announcement comes in the wake of trips to Asia by several senior US officials, including President Barack Obama, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

US undersecretary of defence Michelle Flournoy is due to meet in Beijing with her Chinese counterparts on Wednesday for military-to-military talks.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao last month warned against interference by “external forces” in regional territorial disputes including those in the South China Sea.

And China said late last month it would conduct naval exercises in the Pacific Ocean, after Obama, who has dubbed himself America’s first Pacific president, said the US would deploy up to 2,500 Marines to Australia.

China’s People’s Liberation Army, the largest military in the world, is primarily a land force, but its navy is playing an increasingly important role as Beijing grows more assertive about its territorial claims.

Earlier this year, the Pentagon warned that Beijing was increasingly focused on its naval power and had invested in high-tech weaponry that would extend its reach in the Pacific and beyond.

China’s first aircraft carrier began its second sea trial last week after undergoing refurbishments and testing, the government said.

Get ready for “warfare”: Hu to Chinese Navy
The 300-metre (990-foot) ship, a refitted former Soviet carrier, underwent five days of trials in August that sparked international concern about China’s widening naval reach.

Beijing only confirmed this year that it was revamping the old Soviet ship and has repeatedly insisted that the carrier poses no threat to its neighbours and will be used mainly for training and research purposes.

But the August sea trials were met with concern from regional powers including Japan and the United States, which called on Beijing to explain why it needs an aircraft carrier.

China, which publicly announced around 50 separate naval exercises in the seas off its coast over the past two years — usually after the event — says its military is only focused on defending the country’s territory.

China has been pursuing a Mahanian policy of naval development for some time now.
Bring it China.

One U.S. Nimitz-class CVN would destroy your entire freaking pathetic Navy.
I'll tell you what... If China even tries to pull some kind of shit, I say we pull all of our industry out of there and bring those jobs back home. If Corporate America refuses, then they should be declared enemies of the state and those in charge stripped of their assets and deported.
No problem people....just keep right on buying Chinese products from Wal-Mart.
It is the other guys fault - not you.
I hope they are not preparing for war against the US

It wouldn't be pretty
They have one Air Craft carrier which is untested and no history or tradition of naval air at sea. Their Navy is pitiful. They may have a couple modern subs but as far as we know they have never penetrated a Carrier Task Force close enough to sink anything.

We have what? 10 Air Craft carriers? We have Japanese bases, South Korean bases and Taiwan would allow bases if we ended up in a shooting war with China.

Their army may be a threat to land connected neighbors but their Navy is little threat to the region if it involves the US as well.
No problem people....just keep right on buying Chinese products from Wal-Mart.
It is the other guys fault - not you.

Yeah... like most Americans have a choice.

Of course you have a choice.
All it takes is a few minutes to see if there are American made alternatives.

I got into this argument here with someone else who went on and on about "you can't find anything made in America"...bullshit.

In my house...

Washer and Dryer...American made
Dishwasher...made in America
Oven....made in America

And all of them were competitively priced with others. It just takes a few minutes to search on the web to look for something you are in the market for.
Even the computer I am typing this on was assembled in America.
No problem people....just keep right on buying Chinese products from Wal-Mart.
It is the other guys fault - not you.

Yeah... like most Americans have a choice.

Of course you have a choice.
All it takes is a few minutes to see if there are American made alternatives.

I got into this argument here with someone else who went on and on about "you can't find anything made in America"...bullshit.

In my house...

Washer and Dryer...American made
Dishwasher...made in America
Oven....made in America

And all of them were competitively priced with others. It just takes a few minutes to search on the web to look for something you are in the market for.
Even the computer I am typing this on was assembled in America.

You know, you are right.... but it should be easier for everyone to know what products are American made. I've actually thought of the idea of a Department Store that only carries American Products... that way people will know that if they walk through those doors, they will be supporting American Companies that use American Workers.
Yeah... like most Americans have a choice.

Of course you have a choice.
All it takes is a few minutes to see if there are American made alternatives.

I got into this argument here with someone else who went on and on about "you can't find anything made in America"...bullshit.

In my house...

Washer and Dryer...American made
Dishwasher...made in America
Oven....made in America

And all of them were competitively priced with others. It just takes a few minutes to search on the web to look for something you are in the market for.
Even the computer I am typing this on was assembled in America.

You know, you are right.... but it should be easier for everyone to know what products are American made. I've actually thought of the idea of a Department Store that only carries American Products... that way people will know that if they walk through those doors, they will be supporting American Companies that use American Workers.

There have been a couple of these - but they failed.
You might remember WalMart used to label products made in America 15 years ago or so, but they stopped that process a loooooong time ago as people began noticing the ever eroding number of items labeled.
I remember other stores in the mall used to often have signs that said "Made in America" - today I don't believe anyone is doing it anymore.
And you are right - it should be easier to make the choice. People shouldn't have to search on their own to find products made ourselves. But it is what it is.
There is no better time to seriously confront the US. We have no leader, the nation is terminally divided, our military is weakened and obama has poisoned our alliances.
There is no better time to seriously confront the US. We have no leader, the nation is terminally divided, our military is weakened and obama has poisoned our alliances.

Oh... are we back to "Obama, the Muslim loving, weak kneed bastard"... Just the other day it was "Obama, the war mongering, hawk Bastard".... it's so hard to keep up.
The Chinese are just posturing. According to their plan they are not ready for a military conflict yet. The idea is to build a credible regional force that will sway regional foreign governments into line, gunboat diplomacy if you will.

As to the US the ground based missiles and aircraft they are building are meant to to inflict so much damage upon US forces that enter into this theater of operations so as to prevent the US from responding to an invasion of Taiwan. Our Aircraft carriers will have to stay far away from the mainland thereby diminishing the effectiveness of naval power. The land based missile force is the main threat at present and there are too many for us to destroy without nuclear weapon deployment and they are building more everyday.

The Chinese are focused mainly on SE Asia and can concentrate their forces there. We on the other hand, are stretched across the globe and cannot move forces from the Middle East because it leave our critical oil source open to Iranian interference. It is not a simple thing to just go in and blow the Chinese up. A war with them would resemble a war with Japan in WWII, not Iraq.
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There is no better time to seriously confront the US. We have no leader, the nation is terminally divided, our military is weakened and obama has poisoned our alliances.

Oh... are we back to "Obama, the Muslim loving, weak kneed bastard"... Just the other day it was "Obama, the war mongering, hawk Bastard".... it's so hard to keep up.

I wish they would make up their minds

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