China's latest energy Megaprojects show that Coal is really on the way Out

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
We hear alot about Chinese polllution, Coal use, etc.
Well China has been going Full guns AWAY from Coal and into wind and Solar.
They'll probably still build some Better Coal plants, but pollution is dropping significantly despite their 6% growth. They are retro-fitting, builder cleaner coal, or not building it.

Remember when Our govt/Obama subsidized USA plant went outa biz a few years ago: the scandal?
Well that's because the Chinese Govt decided to go full bore and control solar manufacturing.
They also put the largest German Solar manufacturer out business.
This was/IS a crucial technology for them
They are smart.

22 pix at link

China's latest energy megaprojects show that coal is really on the way out
Leanna Garfield - May. 9, 2018
China's latest energy megaprojects show that coal is really on the way out

"....To improve the country's air quality, the Chinese government vows to spend at least $360 Billion on clean energy projects and create 13 Million new Renewable energy jobs by 2020.

China's latest energy megaprojects — two Giant Solar farms in Anhui, one of which will go online in May — could get the country closer to that goal.
In late 2017, the country built a massive floating solar farm on top of a former coal mine that had collapsed and flooded.
This year marks China's fourth anniversary since it started a "war on pollution," and there's reason to believe the country is making headway
Looking at over 200 monitors throughout China, a new analysis found that Chinese cities have cut concentrations of fine particulates — often considered the deadliest type of pollution — by 32% on average since 2013.
China is already one of the world's biggest investors in alternative energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower.
The two new solar farms signal the slow decline of fossil fuels like coal in China and other countries around the world.

China is one of the biggest countries to make a significant move Away from coal. Last year, the country Cancelled 104 new coal plants that were in development across 13 provinces.
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We hear alot about Chinese polllution, Coal use, etc.
Well China has been going Full guns AWAY from Coal and into wind and Solar.

Remember when Our govt/Obama subsidized USA plant went outa biz a few years ago: the scandal?
Well that's because the Chinese Govt decided to go full bore and control solar manufacturing.
They also put the largest Gereman Solar manufacturer out business.
This was/IS a crucial technology for them
They are smart as a Govt.

China's latest energy megaprojects show that coal is really on the way out
Leanna Garfield - May. 9, 2018
China's latest energy megaprojects show that coal is really on the way out

"....To improve the country's air quality, the Chinese government vows to spend at least $360 billion on clean energy projects and create 13 million new renewable energy jobs by 2020.

China's latest energy megaprojects — two giant solar farms in Anhui, one of which will go online in May — could get the country closer to that goal.
In late 2017, the country built a massive floating solar farm on top of a former coal mine that had collapsed and flooded.
This year marks China's fourth anniversary since it started a "war on pollution," and there's reason to believe the country is making headway[/B]
Looking at over 200 monitors throughout China, a new analysis found that Chinese cities have cut concentrations of fine particulates — often considered the deadliest type of pollution — by 32% on average since 2013.
China is already one of the world's biggest investors in alternative energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower.
The two new solar farms signal the slow decline of fossil fuels like coal in China and other countries around the world.
China is one of the biggest countries to make a significant move Away from coal. Last year, the country Cancelled 104 new coal plants that were in development across 13 provinces.**

The CCP feels that to be able to hold onto its power, it needs to have the people comfortable. The pollution levels over the last few years have been really bad, cancer rates are high as hell and people are getting angry.

So, they want to do away with the anger.

US politics shows the downfalls of Democracy. You can vote for whoever you like but it ends up being two parties because of the way voting take places. They don't care about the people. The Chinese govt cares MORE about the people than the US govt.
US politics shows the downfalls of Democracy.
No, it shows the downfalls of the US system and the shackles of the nearly 250 year old piece of paper. For example, I don't think anyone would call Germany undemocratic but it has escaped capture by the two party system.
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US politics shows the downfalls of Democracy.
No, it shows the downfalls of the US system and the shackles of the nearly 250 year old piece of paper. For example, I don't think anyone would call Germany undemocratic but it has escaped capture by the two party system.

Well, I didn't say Democracy couldn't work, just that it can have downfalls. The US goes around the world claiming to promote "democracy" as if "democracy" itself is a shining light.
Well, I didn't say Democracy couldn't work, just that it can have downfalls. The US goes around the world claiming to promote "democracy" as if "democracy" itself is a shining light.
Oh it is, if implemented so citizenry is sufficiently represented. The idea that the POTUS does not lead the party in power is ludicrous to most outside eyes, as is the notion smaller states have greater representation per capita. US politics shows the downfall of the Constitution.
Well, I didn't say Democracy couldn't work, just that it can have downfalls. The US goes around the world claiming to promote "democracy" as if "democracy" itself is a shining light.
Oh it is, if implemented so citizenry is sufficiently represented. The idea that the POTUS does not lead the party in power is ludicrous to most outside eyes, as is the notion smaller states have greater representation per capita. US politics shows the downfall of the Constitution.

The biggest problem in the modern era is about legitimacy. The presidency looks less legitimate when the Republicans seem to gain an unfair advantage. Also with gerrymandering seeming to be a normal practice.

One person, one vote seems to be fairer.
One person, one vote seems to be fairer.
Equal representation in Congress is fairer still. Anchoring one's political system to a document 250 yrs old while ignoring the circumstances that created it - such as slavery, to a large part - is incomprehensible.

And it creates this situation with dinosaur industries, like coal.
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One person, one vote seems to be fairer.
Equal representation in Congress is fairer still. Anchoring one's political system to a document 250 yrs old while ignoring the circumstances that created it - such as slavery, to a large part - is incomprehensible.

Yes, well, if you look at Proportional Representation in Germany you see that about 95% of people are represented in parliament.

Germany has a 5% threshold which means two parties got 1% of the vote and don't get seat, two got .4% of the vote and don't get seats and 10 parties got between 0.1% and 0.3% and no seats.

In the US the number of people not represented is actually quite high. Firstly because they feel they only have two choices, Republican and Democrat, and second because if their choice doesn't win, they're not represented.

In Germany with FPTP the CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the votes but gained 77% of the seats. That's how unfair it is.
One person, one vote seems to be fairer.
Equal representation in Congress is fairer still. Anchoring one's political system to a document 250 yrs old while ignoring the circumstances that created it - such as slavery, to a large part - is incomprehensible.

Yes, well, if you look at Proportional Representation in Germany you see that about 95% of people are represented in parliament.

Germany has a 5% threshold which means two parties got 1% of the vote and don't get seat, two got .4% of the vote and don't get seats and 10 parties got between 0.1% and 0.3% and no seats.

In the US the number of people not represented is actually quite high. Firstly because they feel they only have two choices, Republican and Democrat, and second because if their choice doesn't win, they're not represented.

In Germany with FPTP the CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the votes but gained 77% of the seats. That's how unfair it is.
Brooklyn, a single borough (of 5) in NYC, has about the same population of Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota, put togther.
But is down 6-0 in the Senate, and also porked in the electoral college.
How many bills does/did that alone swing?
That's why you have Farm Subsidies and all kinds of Warping that favors the GOP/rurals.
(not to mention the fateful 2000 election, and to a lesser extent 2016)
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One person, one vote seems to be fairer.
Equal representation in Congress is fairer still. Anchoring one's political system to a document 250 yrs old while ignoring the circumstances that created it - such as slavery, to a large part - is incomprehensible.

Yes, well, if you look at Proportional Representation in Germany you see that about 95% of people are represented in parliament.

Germany has a 5% threshold which means two parties got 1% of the vote and don't get seat, two got .4% of the vote and don't get seats and 10 parties got between 0.1% and 0.3% and no seats.

In the US the number of people not represented is actually quite high. Firstly because they feel they only have two choices, Republican and Democrat, and second because if their choice doesn't win, they're not represented.

In Germany with FPTP the CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the votes but gained 77% of the seats. That's how unfair it is.
Brooklyn, a single borough (of 5) in NYC, has about the same population of Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota, put togther.
But is down 6-0 in the Senate, and also porked in the electoral college.
How many bills does/did that alone swing?
That's why you have Farm Subsidies and all kinds of Warping that favors the GOP/rurals.
(not to mention the fateful 2000 election, and to a lesser extent 2016)

Yes, if you count the votes the Republicans have extra, it's a lot. Votes they don't even need to worry about.
In Germany with FPTP the CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the votes but gained 77% of the seats. That's how unfair it is.
Yes. We experienced a situation where a party got 20% of the vote and not a seat in Parliament, which pushed the change here to MMP. But having a situation where the president can be not the leader of the party in power is ludicrous.
In Germany with FPTP the CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the votes but gained 77% of the seats. That's how unfair it is.
Yes. We experienced a situation where a party got 20% of the vote and not a seat in Parliament, which pushed the change here to MMP. But having a situation where the president can be not the leader of the party in power is ludicrous.


Personally I think the Presidency should be split up anyway, so that different people are heads of different departments and do their thing, and run on how they'd run that department.
China halts more than 150 coal-fired power plants
China halts more than 150 coal-fired power plants
Beijing finalises move to stop or delay new projects, but the list of affected plants is smaller than previously suggested
11.10.2017 Lauri Myllyvirta
Li Danqing @laurimyllyvirta
announced by premier Li Keqiang in March to stop, delay and close down at least 50,000 megawatts of coal-fired power plant projects in 2017.

The list affects coal power plants with capacity equal to the combined operating capacity of Germany and Japan (95,000 megawatts) costing around US$60 billion (389 billion rmb).

The amount of capacity affected hence exceeds the target set for this year but is still well short of the total of 150,000 megawatts the government says is needed by 2020.
We hear alot about Chinese polllution, Coal use, etc.
Well China has been going Full guns AWAY from Coal and into wind and Solar.
They'll probably still build some Better Coal plants, but pollution is dropping significantly despite their 6% growth. They are retro-fitting, builder cleaner coal, or not building it.

Remember when Our govt/Obama subsidized USA plant went outa biz a few years ago: the scandal?
Well that's because the Chinese Govt decided to go full bore and control solar manufacturing.
They also put the largest German Solar manufacturer out business.
This was/IS a crucial technology for them
They are smart.

22 pix at link

China's latest energy megaprojects show that coal is really on the way out
Leanna Garfield - May. 9, 2018
China's latest energy megaprojects show that coal is really on the way out

"....To improve the country's air quality, the Chinese government vows to spend at least $360 Billion on clean energy projects and create 13 Million new Renewable energy jobs by 2020.

China's latest energy megaprojects — two Giant Solar farms in Anhui, one of which will go online in May — could get the country closer to that goal.
In late 2017, the country built a massive floating solar farm on top of a former coal mine that had collapsed and flooded.
This year marks China's fourth anniversary since it started a "war on pollution," and there's reason to believe the country is making headway
Looking at over 200 monitors throughout China, a new analysis found that Chinese cities have cut concentrations of fine particulates — often considered the deadliest type of pollution — by 32% on average since 2013.
China is already one of the world's biggest investors in alternative energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower.
The two new solar farms signal the slow decline of fossil fuels like coal in China and other countries around the world.

China is one of the biggest countries to make a significant move Away from coal. Last year, the country Cancelled 104 new coal plants that were in development across 13 provinces.

They pulled the plug on this fiasco just a week ago.
The OP is absolutely laughable.

Fritz Vahrenholts Sonnenkolumne 5/18: Klimaempfindlichkeit gegenüber CO2 und die Kohlekommission | Die kalte Sonne

German energy expert and scientist Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt commented at his monthly column at Die kalte Sonne site here on solar activity, CO2 and coal power in Germany.

clip: "In China 280,000 MW and in India 174,000 MW are going to be added. By comparison: the entire brown coal fleet in Germany has a capacity of 22,700 MW. 1600 coal-fired power plants will be built in 62 countries across the world, most of them, by the way, will be built by Chinese power plant builders with the help of credits from China. Approximately 15,300 MW in Pakistan, 16,000 in Bangladesh, and even Myanmar with 5100 MW. (Source: South China Morning Post). Insgesamt wird die Kohlekraftwerkskapazität weltweit um 43 % erweitert.

Translation: In China 280,000 MW and in India 174,000 MW are going to be added. By comparison: the entire brown coal fleet in Germany has a capacity of 22,700 MW. 1600 coal-fired power plants will be built in 62 countries across the world, most of them, by the way, will be built by Chinese power plant builders with the help of credits from China. Approximately 15,300 MW in Pakistan, 16,000 in Bangladesh, and even Myanmar with 5100 MW. (Source: South China Morning Post). In total, coal power plant capacity will expand by 43% worldwide

A 43% expansion of coal power worldwide hardly sounds like the death throes of an industry.
Lol.....fake thread

Maybe coal is going out but not for a long, long, long time. Everybody who is a member on this board will be in their box for decades while fossil fuels still dominate the energy landscape. This goofball stuff that China is going green is only to be believed by the hopelessly duped suckers of the world.:bye1::bye1:

On progressive statistics fakery, is it necessary for me again to use my flat chested girl boob augmentation analogy?:5_1_12024:

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