China to Western "leaders": "You will give us your jobs, your wealth, your obedience. You will accept our viruses and NOT boycott Olympics, B**tches


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Western leaders are like the corporate schlep who watches his boss smack his wifes ass at the Christmas Party and is trying to hush her up in the back room. "Shhh, not so loud honey. He was only joking, you know how he gets after a few drinks".

There is no doubt in my mind, that without a confrontation, especially economically of China, that Taiwan, S Korea, Japan and even Australia, will not be long for the Western camp. What good is following some Western system of capitalism and democracy, when they are once again rolled over by a fascist state (in fact, we arm them)?

What does it say of us as humans when we watch this happen, on top of the many other abuses?

China ‘will sanction’ countries planning to boycott 2022 Winter Olympics over human rights concerns

China has shot a clear warning at human rights groups rallying for countries to boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics over human rights complaints.

Editor of China’s propaganda mouthpiece The Global Times Hu Xijin warned that the government would “seriously sanction any country” that makes a statement against the superpower by refusing to send athletes to Beijing.
“Boycotting 2022 Beijing Winter Games, an unpopular idea, won’t receive wide support,” Hu Xijin wrote on Twitter on Sunday.

“IOC and athletes will both oppose it, and China will seriously sanction any country that follows such a call.”

The development came after a coalition of 180 human rights organisations banded together in an open letter to world governments, urging they boycott the 2022 Games to “ensure they are not used to embolden the Chinese government’s appalling rights abuses and crackdowns on dissent”.

“The IOC foolishly decided on having the Winter Olympics and Paralympics in Beijing (so) we are forced to speak out,” Kalden Obara, president of the Tibetan Community in Japan, said at a Tokyo news conference last week.
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Add the IOC to the list of dangerous global organizations doing the bidding of the CCP and dictator Xi Jinping. Pick a country with existing winter sports facilities and host the 2022 Free Olympics there.

Decades of weak Western leaders, even to this day. Europeans are the biggest hypocrites, with the alt-left not far behind.

Marvelous Merkel criticizes Trump like the putz she is by saying "I grew up on the former East Germany and dealt with the Stasi". Then the useless bird signs a pipeline agreement with Russia and a trade agreement with China, with nary a peep ever about human rights, or the CCP Virus.

Remember my words the day Biden won the election, "we are going to witness he greatest shift of influence in our lifetimes". Unless the U.S has a very strong, focused ad sober CIA and FBI leadership, along with politicians who have courage to make the tough decisions; the West is in trouble. I am wiling to wager that China goes into Taiwan and the world once again, says a few words with little concern.

This is why Trump was correct about U.S leadership that drags Europe to the right place, because this "collective" approach will not work when Europe has NO interest in standing up for principle. They can't find their balls with a map, so why rely on them? America HAS to lead. Loudly and boldly. This isn't grandpas Russia.

Trump was the Wild Card that we needed. Like him or not, he was fully unpredictable to China and this made him dangerous to them. Sure he upset the Establishment and the Status Quo, but it's their ilk that put the West in this position to begin with so they have no credibility. I disagreed with Trump on many issues, I think his approach to China was largely accurate. I liked Navarro and Pompeo on this issue.

Put a career politician in place and the book on them, including the accounting; is a mile long. The biggest loser will be the U.S. Canada, isn't too far behind as you become more and more like us...
We'll see if Sleepy Joe has the guts to stand up to the Dictator Xi or not. He wasn't shy about demonizing the tens of millions of Little Trumpsters who are loyal Americans.
Western leaders are like the corporate schlep who watches his boss smack his wifes ass at the Christmas Party and is trying to hush her up in the back room. "Shhh, not so loud honey. He was only joking, you know how he gets after a few drinks".

There is no doubt in my mind, that without a confrontation, especially economically of China, that Taiwan, S Korea, Japan and even Australia, will not be long for the Western camp. What good is following some Western system of capitalism and democracy, when they are once again rolled over by a fascist state (in fact, we arm them)?

What does it say of us as humans when we watch this happen, on top of the many other abuses?

China ‘will sanction’ countries planning to boycott 2022 Winter Olympics over human rights concerns

I think you have it exactly backwards.

The west is more like the guy who visits the hooker at night, but then is embarrassed when she calls out his name in the street.

Any western country that is happy to do business with China, but won't go to their Olympics is being a bit hypocritical.
I think you have it exactly backwards.

The west is more like the guy who visits the hooker at night, but then is embarrassed when she calls out his name in the street.

Any western country that is happy to do business with China, but won't go to their Olympics is being a bit hypocritical.

Was Jimmy Carter a hypocrite for going to the Communist Olympics in 1980, when he did business with the USSR and other Pinko States.
Was Jimmy Carter a hypocrite for going to the Communist Olympics in 1980, when he did business with the USSR and other Pinko States.

Um. Yeah, that was pretty stupid. Even stupider was Carter was the guy who started arming religious fanatics in Afghanistan who were upset those dirty commies were going to teach girls how to read.

Because that would never come back to bite us in the ass.


Let's get real. If we want China to change, we need to engage it. We need to have Chinese come to this country and see what you get with freedom and capitalism.

(Not that China is the dystopian place you all think it is.)
Um. Yeah, that was pretty stupid. Even stupider was Carter was the guy who started arming religious fanatics in Afghanistan who were upset those dirty commies were going to teach girls how to read.

Because that would never come back to bite us in the ass.

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Let's get real. If we want China to change, we need to engage it. We need to have Chinese come to this country and see what you get with freedom and capitalism.

(Not that China is the dystopian place you all think it is.)


Chairman Xi and the other despots who run Red China aren't interested in Freedom at all.

They doctrinaire marxists, who believe in the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, and not the bourgeois ideas like Liberty.
And so what? Most Chinese are kind of fine with that, so what are you bitching about again?

Do you have any documentation to verify the assertion that Chinese people love tyranny?

Or is that just a racial stereotype than you are echoing?
Decades of weak Western leaders, even to this day. Europeans are the biggest hypocrites, with the alt-left not far behind.

Marvelous Merkel criticizes Trump like the putz she is by saying "I grew up on the former East Germany and dealt with the Stasi". Then the useless bird signs a pipeline agreement with Russia and a trade agreement with China, with nary a peep ever about human rights, or the CCP Virus.

Remember my words the day Biden won the election, "we are going to witness he greatest shift of influence in our lifetimes". Unless the U.S has a very strong, focused ad sober CIA and FBI leadership, along with politicians who have courage to make the tough decisions; the West is in trouble. I am wiling to wager that China goes into Taiwan and the world once again, says a few words with little concern.

This is why Trump was correct about U.S leadership that drags Europe to the right place, because this "collective" approach will not work when Europe has NO interest in standing up for principle. They can't find their balls with a map, so why rely on them? America HAS to lead. Loudly and boldly. This isn't grandpas Russia.

Trump was the Wild Card that we needed. Like him or not, he was fully unpredictable to China and this made him dangerous to them. Sure he upset the Establishment and the Status Quo, but it's their ilk that put the West in this position to begin with so they have no credibility. I disagreed with Trump on many issues, I think his approach to China was largely accurate. I liked Navarro and Pompeo on this issue.

Put a career politician in place and the book on them, including the accounting; is a mile long. The biggest loser will be the U.S. Canada, isn't too far behind as you become more and more like us...
Taiwan should be a red line. But with spineless world leaders Japan can't fend off China alone.
Do you have any documentation to verify the assertion that Chinese people love tyranny?

Or is that just a racial stereotype than you are echoing?

You mean other than 4000 years of Chinese history.

Chinese history hasn't been a choice between freedom and tyranny. It's been a choice between order and anarchy, and they've always done better with order. The cycle of Chinese history has largely been dynasties become weak, anarchy ensues until a strong dynasty replaces it.

The Communists are just another dynasty... with the harems or the eunuchs.

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