Chilling Economic Report Getting Passed Around By CEOs


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The liberals will love this report because some of the "solutions" include not paying back debt and raising taxes. However, I'm sharing this because it really illustrates how the Democrats have driven our economy to the brink of collapse.

Their entire strategy for the past 100 years has been trade money/entitlements for votes/power. But, the money has run out, and no amount of taxes (even 100%) can solve the problem now.

The only way we survive at this point is if we end Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, cut the federal government by 75%, lower taxes across the board, and restructure our entire tax code.

And suggesting that we simply not pay beck debts is the most absurd suggestion I have ever heard. Why would anyone give us credit again knowing that we'll just fuck 'em royally in the end and not pay back what we borrowed?

There’s a ‘Chilling’ Economic Report Making the Rounds Among Top Execs — And Wait Until You See What It Says About Gov’t Programs |
Workers are already following companies out of the country. It can't happen fast enough. The US needs to wallow.
That "plan" is what is happening in Greece right now.

Oh and you CAN forgive debt, it's called "Debt Jubilee". Look that up.
It is rather a stretch to state that it only took two years to reach the financial abyss. For the past 80 years we have steadily inched closer to the edge. Let me explain, we as a country have always had a national debt, the key was and remains the percentage of national debt to GDP and ability to service the debt. During a period of expanding economy the percentage of debt to GDP decreased, during periods of economic contraction the percentage increased. The fact that during periods of expanding GDP, even with high rates of taxation, the debt was not reduced, rather congress continued to spend and increase future liabilities. It was inevitable that unless the budget was balanced and surplus was earmarked toward reducing the debt, unfunded future liabilities, that we would reach the point that we are at today. Friedman and a host of others warned the country that the time would come during a period of contraction that the percentage of debt to GDP would create a non sustainable monetary and fiscal environment resulting in a major decrease in the standard of living. In 2008 Congress chose to employ stimulus measures to jump start the economy, however, this required substantial increases in the debt at a period of contraction in GDP. The unfortunate reality is that unless government spending is reduced we will continue to remain in a period of anemic growth in GDP. As we can witness one party still subscribes to expansion of government spending and the other remains stead fast in cutting government spending. The resulting polarization will result in means testing, increased taxation, and further curtailment in private sector job growth and GDP contraction. Unless major revisions are made that enhance private sector job growth, (manufacturing) we will remain stuck in a floundering economy and period of expansion in debt to GDP percentage. Class warfare, anti business mind set, and unwillingness to address the need to curtail government spending will only kick the can down the road and further erode what remains of our economy. It took 80 years to get here now one can only hope those in Washington will someday stand up and recognize that tough unpopular decisions need to be made. Don't hold your breath, for the majority party will never compromise their political base, it would amount to political suicide for the entitlement culture it has created.
Workers are already following companies out of the country. It can't happen fast enough. The US needs to wallow.

It took Obama, Pelosi, and Reid only 2 years to completely devastate the world's premier superpower.

XXXXXXX-Meister, the Ponzi schemes arise (couched in financial instruments like derivatives) to provide substitutes that "investors" pretend represent productive activity.

Ponzi schemes MUST collapse, however. That is simply inevitable.
Workers are already following companies out of the country. It can't happen fast enough. The US needs to wallow.

It took Obama, Pelosi, and Reid only 2 years to completely devastate the world's premier superpower.

You, sir, are a profoundly stupid person.

You managed to miss the entire point of the article, didn't you? You were focused on "Obama did it," "Pelosi did it," and "Reid did it." Stupid political hacks like yourself are the problem.

Collapse of capitalism is in the cards and always has been. The Ponzi scheme described in the article are necessary to provide constant, infinite growth necessary in capitalist economies; when real productivity wanes, the Ponzi schemes arise (couched in financial instruments like derivatives) to provide substitutes that "investors" pretend represent productive activity.

Ponzi schemes MUST collapse, however. That is simply inevitable.

As long as people desire to retain the fruits and benefits of their labor capitalism will survive. Capitalism alone is accountable for 100% of the improvements in the worlds standard of living. To assume otherwise is naive at best. The melding of socialism and capitalism is a Ponzi scheme in it self for the concept of sustainability is lost.
We cannot afford Big Government, especially the 25% increase in size relative to GDP, which has been Obama's main accomplishment.
Workers are already following companies out of the country. It can't happen fast enough. The US needs to wallow.

It took Obama, Pelosi, and Reid only 2 years to completely devastate the world's premier superpower.

This has been in the making for more than half a century.
It took Obama, Pelosi, and Reid only 2 years to completely devastate the world's premier superpower.

XXXXXXXXschemes arise (couched in financial instruments like derivatives) to provide substitutes that "investors" pretend represent productive activity.

Ponzi schemes MUST collapse, however. That is simply inevitable.

As long as people desire to retain the fruits and benefits of their labor capitalism will survive. Capitalism alone is accountable for 100% of the improvements in the worlds standard of living. To assume otherwise is naive at best. The melding of socialism and capitalism is a Ponzi scheme in it self for the concept of sustainability is lost.

Now if only we could get back to a capitalist society.....
This report, once again, coming from inside the financial system we have, is totally off the rocker. It wants to save a Keynsian poonzi monetary scheme by addressing a few of the symptoms of that scheme. Why is it so incredibly difficult for most main stream analysts and economists to understand? Why do they absolutely refuse to listen to the scholars who have been right about the problem all along?

There is no "fixing" this corporatist system. It's finally collapsing under its own weight and the federal reserve, fiat currency and inflationary monetary policy is at the absolute heart of the matter. Until these people wake up and realize the free money party is OVER, we'll continue reading this type of tripe.
It took Obama, Pelosi, and Reid only 2 years to completely devastate the world's premier superpower.

XXXXXXXXXschemes arise (couched in financial instruments like derivatives) to provide substitutes that "investors" pretend represent productive activity.

Ponzi schemes MUST collapse, however. That is simply inevitable.

As long as people desire to retain the fruits and benefits of their labor capitalism will survive. Capitalism alone is accountable for 100% of the improvements in the worlds standard of living. To assume otherwise is naive at best. The melding of socialism and capitalism is a Ponzi scheme in it self for the concept of sustainability is lost.

Hey, I didn't say that capitalism was ALL bad; however, the very benefits you cite necessarily bring capitalism's demise. Why? Because capitalism only functions when there is an apparent return on investment. When there is no gain, investment stops; and gains only occur in aggregate from constant, eternal growth. Such a condition is what drives the continual mechanisms that imitate such "growth."

And DEFICIT SPENDING SUPPLIES THE ARTIFICIAL GROWTH THAT SUSTAINS CAPITALIST ECONOMIES. It wasn't just "capitalism," you know, that was responsible for America's economic success. The U.S. Government gave away vast tracts of land, resources, assets, and ideas to a growing population. Those give-aways are all gone now, and largely concentrated in the hands of a very few.

We are entering a new era, no matter how unhappy this makes you.
BSG's philosophy on the 'primary driver of increased government spending' is:

And yet, for all the focus on the high cost of health care, remarkably little attention is paid to what U.S. society is getting for its investment—that is, the actual health outcomes delivered by the U.S. health system. Most Americans would be shocked to learn that in nearly every disease group tracked by the 34 countries constituting the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), U.S. health outcomes are worse—and sometimes considerably worse—than the OECD median. (See Exhibit 1.)
We believe that targeting better health outcomes is the key to sustainable health reform. Indeed, we think such a focus is the only way both to improve the quality of care and to curb excess health-care spending.

Putting the improvement of health outcomes at the center of health reform emphasizes the value that society is getting for its health care investment. It also has the benefit of engaging health care providers—not only clinicians but also medical-device makers and drug companies—in a positive approach to health care reform. Making value the centerpiece of changes in the health system has the potential to reorient clinical practice and incentives so that providers compete not on the basis of who delivers the most procedures or sells the most drugs (whether those procedures and drugs are actually linked to improved outcomes or not) but rather on the basis of who delivers the best value, understood as the best health outcomes for a given level of cost.

Who are these radical Don Berwick-worshipping liberals?!
XXXXXXXXthe Ponzi schemes arise (couched in financial instruments like derivatives) to provide substitutes that "investors" pretend represent productive activity.

Ponzi schemes MUST collapse, however. That is simply inevitable.

As long as people desire to retain the fruits and benefits of their labor capitalism will survive. Capitalism alone is accountable for 100% of the improvements in the worlds standard of living. To assume otherwise is naive at best. The melding of socialism and capitalism is a Ponzi scheme in it self for the concept of sustainability is lost.

Hey, I didn't say that capitalism was ALL bad; however, the very benefits you cite necessarily bring capitalism's demise. Why? Because capitalism only functions when there is an apparent return on investment. When there is no gain, investment stops; and gains only occur in aggregate from constant, eternal growth. Such a condition is what drives the continual mechanisms that imitate such "growth."

And DEFICIT SPENDING SUPPLIES THE ARTIFICIAL GROWTH THAT SUSTAINS CAPITALIST ECONOMIES. It wasn't just "capitalism," you know, that was responsible for America's economic success. The U.S. Government gave away vast tracts of land, resources, assets, and ideas to a growing population. Those give-aways are all gone now, and largely concentrated in the hands of a very few.

We are entering a new era, no matter how unhappy this makes you.

A capitalist economy does not have artificially created demands. That isn't capitalism you speak of, it's corporatism and crony socialism. Capitalism relies upon the existence of a free market. A free market depends on natural, instead of artificial supplies of money and interest rates.

You're right, we're entering a new era, where the 100 years of corporatism have finally destroyed the wealth this nation built in it's first 150 years. Now people are screaming for socialism, while they blame something entirely absent (capitalism) from our economy.

This is simply history in repetition.
This report, once again, coming from inside the financial system we have, is totally off the rocker. It wants to save a Keynsian poonzi monetary scheme by addressing a few of the symptoms of that scheme. Why is it so incredibly difficult for most main stream analysts and economists to understand? Why do they absolutely refuse to listen to the scholars who have been right about the problem all along?

There is no "fixing" this corporatist system. It's finally collapsing under its own weight and the federal reserve, fiat currency and inflationary monetary policy is at the absolute heart of the matter. Until these people wake up and realize the free money party is OVER, we'll continue reading this type of tripe.

Capitalism requires infinite, sustained economic growth. If you can figure out a way to do that and maintain concentrated wealth in the American aristocracy, I would be happy to know how that happens.
As long as people desire to retain the fruits and benefits of their labor capitalism will survive. Capitalism alone is accountable for 100% of the improvements in the worlds standard of living. To assume otherwise is naive at best. The melding of socialism and capitalism is a Ponzi scheme in it self for the concept of sustainability is lost.

Hey, I didn't say that capitalism was ALL bad; however, the very benefits you cite necessarily bring capitalism's demise. Why? Because capitalism only functions when there is an apparent return on investment. When there is no gain, investment stops; and gains only occur in aggregate from constant, eternal growth. Such a condition is what drives the continual mechanisms that imitate such "growth."

And DEFICIT SPENDING SUPPLIES THE ARTIFICIAL GROWTH THAT SUSTAINS CAPITALIST ECONOMIES. It wasn't just "capitalism," you know, that was responsible for America's economic success. The U.S. Government gave away vast tracts of land, resources, assets, and ideas to a growing population. Those give-aways are all gone now, and largely concentrated in the hands of a very few.

We are entering a new era, no matter how unhappy this makes you.

A capitalist economy does not have artificially created demands. That isn't capitalism you speak of, it's corporatism and crony socialism. Capitalism relies upon the existence of a free market. A free market depends on natural, instead of artificial supplies of money and interest rates.

You're right, we're entering a new era, where the 100 years of corporatism have finally destroyed the wealth this nation built in it's first 150 years. Now people are screaming for socialism, while they blame something entirely absent (capitalism) from our economy.

This is simply history in repetition.

Capitalism DOES NOT EQUAL free markets.

Capitalism DOES EQUAL wage slavery of the masses.
This report, once again, coming from inside the financial system we have, is totally off the rocker. It wants to save a Keynsian poonzi monetary scheme by addressing a few of the symptoms of that scheme. Why is it so incredibly difficult for most main stream analysts and economists to understand? Why do they absolutely refuse to listen to the scholars who have been right about the problem all along?

There is no "fixing" this corporatist system. It's finally collapsing under its own weight and the federal reserve, fiat currency and inflationary monetary policy is at the absolute heart of the matter. Until these people wake up and realize the free money party is OVER, we'll continue reading this type of tripe.

Capitalism requires infinite, sustained economic growth. If you can figure out a way to do that and maintain concentrated wealth in the American aristocracy, I would be happy to know how that happens.

No, capitalism does not require infinite sustained growth. That's the consumer corporatism we have you're confusing with capitalism. Captialism requires a sound monetary system and money, the private means of production and a free market of competition. There are still going to be down turns and bad investments in true capitalism. Human action isn't perfect.
Hey, I didn't say that capitalism was ALL bad; however, the very benefits you cite necessarily bring capitalism's demise. Why? Because capitalism only functions when there is an apparent return on investment. When there is no gain, investment stops; and gains only occur in aggregate from constant, eternal growth. Such a condition is what drives the continual mechanisms that imitate such "growth."

And DEFICIT SPENDING SUPPLIES THE ARTIFICIAL GROWTH THAT SUSTAINS CAPITALIST ECONOMIES. It wasn't just "capitalism," you know, that was responsible for America's economic success. The U.S. Government gave away vast tracts of land, resources, assets, and ideas to a growing population. Those give-aways are all gone now, and largely concentrated in the hands of a very few.

We are entering a new era, no matter how unhappy this makes you.

A capitalist economy does not have artificially created demands. That isn't capitalism you speak of, it's corporatism and crony socialism. Capitalism relies upon the existence of a free market. A free market depends on natural, instead of artificial supplies of money and interest rates.

You're right, we're entering a new era, where the 100 years of corporatism have finally destroyed the wealth this nation built in it's first 150 years. Now people are screaming for socialism, while they blame something entirely absent (capitalism) from our economy.

This is simply history in repetition.

Capitalism DOES NOT EQUAL free markets.

Capitalism DOES EQUAL wage slavery of the masses.

I didn't say it equaled it. Capitalism REQUIRES a free market by its very definition.
Bear in mind that Green as a Party Insider gets to live comfortable, if not well, after the collapse.
This report, once again, coming from inside the financial system we have, is totally off the rocker. It wants to save a Keynsian poonzi monetary scheme by addressing a few of the symptoms of that scheme. Why is it so incredibly difficult for most main stream analysts and economists to understand? Why do they absolutely refuse to listen to the scholars who have been right about the problem all along?

There is no "fixing" this corporatist system. It's finally collapsing under its own weight and the federal reserve, fiat currency and inflationary monetary policy is at the absolute heart of the matter. Until these people wake up and realize the free money party is OVER, we'll continue reading this type of tripe.

Capitalism requires infinite, sustained economic growth. If you can figure out a way to do that and maintain concentrated wealth in the American aristocracy, I would be happy to know how that happens.

The problem is that your viewpoint is centered on the US, Europe, and very small portion of Asia, one must realize the world is now flat due to technology, view potential sustained economic growth through a broader spectrum, as in world.

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