Children of deported immigrants languish in foster care –


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Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Children of deported immigrants languish in foster care
– as the Obama administration fights itself

Posted on November 16, 2011 by Sasha Chavkin

The president even asked the audience to turn up the heat on his own agency.

“I think we have to keep putting pressure on those responsible for administering the program,” Obama said, “to make sure that children aren’t torn from their parents without due process and the possibility to stay with their children

Children of deported immigrants languish in foster care

How about finding a way for parents to take their children with them.
How much do a family get for a foster child? This is a perfect example why the automatic birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens should be repealed, I causes all kind of problems. I thought Obama was only deporting people who have committed crimes? Do parent of anchor babies commit crimes? Guess they do:eusa_whistle:
Kids trapped in foster care...
We are abandoning children in foster care
Thu April 17, 2014 ~ Rita Soronen is the president and CEO of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. Since 2001, Soronen has worked to find adoptive families for each of the more than 134,000 waiting children in the U.S. and Canadian foster care systems. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
In 2012 in the United States, 23,439 children in foster care turned 18 and were "emancipated" or "aged out." In simple terms, most of them were put out into the world on their own without housing, financial assistance or emotional support. Take Adrian, now 27. After being placed into foster care at 6 because of his mother's drug and alcohol abuse, he stayed in care, moving from home to home, until he was 18 and too old for the system. He found the strength to try to put himself through college, using the county van his caseworker helped secure to move there.

His roommate got to go home on school breaks and had a mother who called to check in on him. Adrian had no one to call when he struggled at school -- nowhere to call home, no one to send a gift, no one to see how he was doing. He worked nearly 60 hours a week just to pay for college, and when eventually his grades slipped, he was kicked out. He struggled with the ups and downs of depression. As Adrian said of children in foster care: "We are not equipped to go through this world alone." In 2012, U.S. authorities received more than 3.3 million reports of abuse, representing about 6 million children, or 8% of the child population. From those reports, after investigation and intervention, about 400,000 children were placed in foster care, and of those, nearly 60,000 were permanently taken away from their families of origin.


This graphic illustrates the outcomes for many children who "age out" of foster care at 18 with little or no resources.

These are children who were neglected or abused by parents -- physically or sexually or both -- so egregiously that a judge permanently severed the parents' rights to claim the children as their own. Terminating, or legally ending, the right of parent to raise a child is not something a judge decides lightly. In fact, parents receive every legal, social and system opportunity to keep their families intact -- too often putting the child at risk of emotional or physical harm. Because we know that children thrive in families -- not institutions or transient, temporary care -- we made a promise to those children. We promised the day they were permanently separated from their families that we would find them new ones. A place to call home, to be loved, supported and cherished, as every child should.

We failed 23,439 children last year, and legally emancipated them from care. This world is not an easy place for children to grow and thrive on their own. Too often it is not even safe place. Make no mistake, many dedicated and skilled adults step forward to care for these children, as their social workers, counselors or temporary foster parents. Some even stay connected once a child leaves care. And some states have worked hard to extend foster care to 21, but resources for older youth are limited and difficult to access. A Health and Human Services report found that the federal Foster Care Independence program meant to help foster children make the transition to adulthood is inconsistent from state to state and provides too little for these troubled young people. And it simply is not a substitute for a family.

You aren't talking about immigrants. You are talking about criminals who enter the Country illegally. Why can't they take their kids back with them?
[MENTION=27951]waltky[/MENTION] a better thread bumper than RITH... ;)

Whitehall makes a good point.

If illegal parents have custody shouldn't the parents take responsibility for their children?
How long do these children expect to be children? Adrian is almost 30. He's whining because he's still not being nurtured.
Don't tell rw's about this. They'll want to grind them up into dog food.

After all, they'll happily starve the children of Americans. Don't look for them to have any christian care for the children of any one else.

For that matter, by nature of the fact that they vote for Repubs, they don't even work to protect their own children.
How long do these children expect to be children? Adrian is almost 30. He's whining because he's still not being nurtured.

Yeah, stop feeding those little criminals at 4yo and you won't have a problem when they're eight.
No one is saying these children aren't being fed. Unless you know something not in any of these articles. It's not easy to starve a child today. Schools provide three meals a day especially to foster children.

What the complaints are is lack of attachment. Too bad. No one promised anyone love and there is no right to a family. If you imagine they do, volunteer. Be a big brother. So far welfare doesn't pay for nurturing. Nor is the failure to nurture strangers against the law. A 30 year old man who still pines for his momma deserves what he gets. Go hang out at the old folks home.
when I leave I take my children with me and I would like to see some one try and stop me. These children of illegal aliens have been deserted and parent should be charged with child abandonment. When an american mother leaves her child she is charged and prosecuted. They bring them here, they take them with them when they leave. Not my problem. They bring children who are Mexican citizens with them across the border or on visas and stay.
when I leave I take my children with me and I would like to see some one try and stop me. These children of illegal aliens have been deserted and parent should be charged with child abandonment. When an american mother leaves her child she is charged and prosecuted. They bring them here, they take them with them when they leave. Not my problem. They bring children who are Mexican citizens with them across the border or on visas and stay.

The ignorance about how the system works is just stunning.

Why would anyone think these people have a choice?
You mean the United States FORCIBLY removes children into foster care if parents wish to take them back to the homeland?

I'd say this was a horrible thing to do if I didn't know that we don't. Parents are absolutely free to take their children with them.
You mean the United States FORCIBLY removes children into foster care if parents wish to take them back to the homeland?

I'd say this was a horrible thing to do if I didn't know that we don't. Parents are absolutely free to take their children with them.

Just for once, don't lie.

Thanks ever so much.

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