Chief Justice Roberts Rebukes Trump


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Trump did something unconstitutional. If he was a black guy, the pseuedocons would have added that to their growing List O'Reasons To Impeach they used to copy and paste on this forum a few years ago.

A federal judge placed an injunction on Trump's action.

So, as predictable as the sun rising in the east (thanks to Emperor Trump!), our President whined about the judge being an "Obama judge".

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court normally keeps himself above the fray, but I guess yet another criticism of a judge by Perpetual Defendant Donald got to him. So he told Trump to knock it off.

Which means, of course. that John Roberts is a fucking homo muslim democrat America hater.

In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Trump for comment about 'Obama judge'
“In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Trump for comment about 'Obama judge'”

Further proof that Trump is unfit to be president, that he has no understanding of the law and responsible pubic policy.

It’s rare because we haven’t had a president with such contempt for the rule of law since Nixon.
He also wrongly voted for Obamacare, and Didn't do the job he was sworn to do, and ADMITTED IT! Thanks Bush! Another Progressive, just like you GWB.
I give no fucks to what the says oligarch who performed some of the most convoluted mental contortions in human history, in order to declare Ocommiecare constitutional....Might as well quote what Judge Jewdy has to say about the subject.
Like I said. Roberts is obviously a fucking homo muslim democrat America hater.
Good for Justice Roberts!
I suppose now he'll have to recuse himself for speaking up, huh? He's done it now.
Good for Justice Roberts!
I suppose now he'll have to recuse himself for speaking up, huh? He's done it now.
Trump will ask Rosenstein to draft a letter allowing him to fire Roberts.

And Roberts totally deserves it. I heard he's a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Emperor Trump is the only real conservative Republican in the WHOOOOOOOOOLE world.
Trump did something unconstitutional. If he was a black guy, the pseuedocons would have added that to their growing List O'Reasons To Impeach they used to copy and paste on this forum a few years ago.

A federal judge placed an injunction on Trump's action.

So, as predictable as the sun rising in the east (thanks to Emperor Trump!), our President whined about the judge being an "Obama judge".

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court normally keeps himself above the fray, but I guess yet another criticism of a judge by Perpetual Defendant Donald got to him. So he told Trump to knock it off.

Which means, of course. that John Roberts is a fucking homo muslim democrat America hater.

In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Trump for comment about 'Obama judge'

"Roberts said Wednesday the U.S. doesn't have "Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges." He commented in a statement released by the Supreme Court after a query by The Associated Press."

With all respect to Roberts, who does he think he's kidding?
He also wrongly voted for Obamacare, and Didn't do the job he was sworn to do, and ADMITTED IT! Thanks Bush! Another Progressive, just like you GWB.
Yeah, what does a Supreme Court Justice homo muslim democrat America hater know about the constitutionality of Obamacare.

You know better than he does.
I give no fucks to what the says oligarch who performed some of the most convoluted mental contortions in human history, in order to declare Ocommiecare constitutional....Might as well quote what Judge Jewdy has to say about the subject.
Like I said. Roberts is obviously a fucking homo muslim democrat America hater.
Roberts is an establishment oligarch, who believes those in his line of "work" are demi-gods on Earth....Fuckem.
Trump did something unconstitutional. If he was a black guy, the pseuedocons would have added that to their growing List O'Reasons To Impeach they used to copy and paste on this forum a few years ago.

A federal judge placed an injunction on Trump's action.

So, as predictable as the sun rising in the east (thanks to Emperor Trump!), our President whined about the judge being an "Obama judge".

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court normally keeps himself above the fray, but I guess yet another criticism of a judge by Perpetual Defendant Donald got to him. So he told Trump to knock it off.

Which means, of course. that John Roberts is a fucking homo muslim democrat America hater.

In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Trump for comment about 'Obama judge'

You know, when you called Roberts a Democrat America hater, I was going to correct you, as he is a Republican.

But, then I read the rest of your posts and realized you were sarcastically acting like a Trump supporter. Yep, if a person goes against Trump in any way shape, form or fashion, even if they were originally a conservative hero, the second they say something against Trump, according to his supporters, the person speaking against Trump suddenly becomes a communist America hater, even if they are speaking the truth about Trump doing stupid things.
Trump did something unconstitutional. If he was a black guy, the pseuedocons would have added that to their growing List O'Reasons To Impeach they used to copy and paste on this forum a few years ago.

A federal judge placed an injunction on Trump's action.

So, as predictable as the sun rising in the east (thanks to Emperor Trump!), our President whined about the judge being an "Obama judge".

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court normally keeps himself above the fray, but I guess yet another criticism of a judge by Perpetual Defendant Donald got to him. So he told Trump to knock it off.

Which means, of course. that John Roberts is a fucking homo muslim democrat America hater.

In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Trump for comment about 'Obama judge'

"Roberts said Wednesday the U.S. doesn't have "Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges." He commented in a statement released by the Supreme Court after a query by The Associated Press."

With all respect to Roberts, who does he think he's kidding?

Bingo, to pretend the judiciary isn't infested with partisans who ignore the Constitution to favor the left is absurd. I guess Roberts was trying to defend his profession but get real Roberts.
“In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Trump for comment about 'Obama judge'”

Further proof that Trump is unfit to be president, that he has no understanding of the law and responsible pubic policy.

It’s rare because we haven’t had a president with such contempt for the rule of law since Nixon.

I agree!
"Roberts said Wednesday the U.S. doesn't have "Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges." He commented in a statement released by the Supreme Court after a query by The Associated Press."

With all respect to Roberts, who does he think he's kidding?
Apparently, he was able to kid the Bushies and the Senate republicans in order to get confirmed.
Apparently, he was able to kid the Bushies and the Senate republicans in order to get confirmed.

The Democrats have something on Roberts. It is why he was put there in the first place.

Really? The Dems put him in the SC because they had something on him? If that is true, then why did so many Dems vote against him?

Full Senate vote
State Senator Party

Alabama Jeff Sessions R Yea
Alabama Richard Shelby R Yea
Alaska Lisa Murkowski R Yea
Alaska Ted Stevens R Yea
Arizona Jon Kyl R Yea
Arizona John McCain R Yea
Arkansas Blanche Lincoln D Yea
Arkansas Mark Pryor D Yea
California Barbara Boxer D Nay
California Dianne Feinstein D Nay
Colorado Wayne Allard R Yea
Colorado Ken Salazar D Yea
Connecticut Chris Dodd D Yea
Connecticut Joe Lieberman D Yea
Delaware Joe Biden D Nay
Delaware Tom Carper D Yea
Florida Mel Martínez R Yea
Florida Bill Nelson D Yea
Georgia Saxby Chambliss R Yea
Georgia Johnny Isakson R Yea
Hawaii Daniel Akaka D Nay
Hawaii Daniel Inouye D Nay
Idaho Larry Craig R Yea
Idaho Mike Crapo R Yea
Illinois Dick Durbin D Nay
Illinois Barack Obama D Nay
Indiana Evan Bayh D Nay
Indiana Richard Lugar R Yea
Iowa Chuck Grassley R Yea
Iowa Tom Harkin D Nay
Kansas Sam Brownback R Yea
Kansas Pat Roberts R Yea
Kentucky Jim Bunning R Yea
Kentucky Mitch McConnell R Yea
Louisiana Mary Landrieu D Yea
Louisiana David Vitter R Yea
Maine Susan Collins R Yea
Maine Olympia Snowe R Yea
Maryland Barbara Mikulski D Nay
Maryland Paul Sarbanes D Nay
Massachusetts Ted Kennedy D Nay
Massachusetts John Kerry D Nay
Michigan Carl Levin D Yea
Michigan Debbie Stabenow D Nay
Minnesota Norm Coleman R Yea
Minnesota Mark Dayton D Nay
Mississippi Thad Cochran R Yea
Mississippi Trent Lott R Yea
Missouri Kit Bond R Yea
Missouri Jim Talent R Yea
Montana Max Baucus D Yea
Montana Conrad Burns R Yea
Nebraska Chuck Hagel R Yea
Nebraska Ben Nelson D Yea
Nevada John Ensign R Yea
Nevada Harry Reid D Nay
New Hampshire Judd Gregg R Yea
New Hampshire John E. Sununu R Yea
New Jersey Jon Corzine D Nay
New Jersey Frank Lautenberg D Nay
New Mexico Jeff Bingaman D Yea
New Mexico Pete Domenici R Yea
New York Hillary Clinton D Nay
New York Chuck Schumer D Nay
North Carolina Richard Burr R Yea
North Carolina Elizabeth Dole R Yea
North Dakota Kent Conrad D Yea
North Dakota Byron Dorgan D Yea
Ohio Mike DeWine R Yea
Ohio George Voinovich R Yea
Oklahoma Tom Coburn R Yea
Oklahoma Jim Inhofe R Yea
Oregon Gordon H. Smith R Yea
Oregon Ron Wyden D Yea
Pennsylvania Rick Santorum R Yea
Pennsylvania Arlen Specter R Yea
Rhode Island Lincoln Chafee R Yea
Rhode Island Jack Reed D Nay
South Carolina Jim DeMint R Yea
South Carolina Lindsey Graham R Yea
South Dakota Tim Johnson D Yea
South Dakota John Thune R Yea
Tennessee Lamar Alexander R Yea
Tennessee Bill Frist R Yea
Texas John Cornyn R Yea
Texas Kay Bailey Hutchison R Yea
Utah Bob Bennett R Yea
Utah Orrin Hatch R Yea
Vermont Jim Jeffords I Yea
Vermont Patrick Leahy D Yea
Virginia George Allen R Yea
Virginia John Warner R Yea
Washington Maria Cantwell D Nay
Washington Patty Murray D Yea
West Virginia Robert Byrd D Yea
West Virginia Jay Rockefeller D Yea
Wisconsin Russ Feingold D Yea
Wisconsin Herb Kohl D Yea
Wyoming Mike Enzi R Yea
Wyoming Craig L. Thomas R Yea
Notes: D = Democratic; R = Republican; I = independent; ID = Independent Democratic

Judicial views
And how does the SCOTUS have so many 5-4 decisions if they are not politically biased hmmm.
Different opinions on how the law should be interpreted. If you've ever tried reading some of their decisions, they're deep into stuff that you and I never heard of.

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