Chick-fil-a makes headlines


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Chick-fil-A president says company opposes gay marriage  |

Chick-fil-A has taken a stand against gay marriage, and the reactions are rolling in.

Company president Dan Cathy told a Baptist website the Atlanta-based restaurant chain is "guilty as charged" in its support of traditional marriage.

"We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit," Cathy said in article published Monday by the Baptist Press. "We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that."

Chick-fil-A has been under fire from gay rights groups since early 2011, when it was revealed that an independent operator in Pennsylvania supplied food to an event sponsored by a group formed to defeat same-sex marriage initiatives. It was also reported that Chick-fil-A's WinShape Foundation did not admit gay couples to marriage counseling.

One longtime observer said he was not surprised by the comments by Cathy, son of the restaurant's founder Truett Cathy.

"It could be that they've determined that they already have this identity, so let's just own it," said Lake Lambert, dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Mercer University and author of "Spirituality Inc. — Religion in the American Workplace." "But I think it could present challenges to them as they expand outside of the South."

That's their prerogative. It'll either bite 'em in the ass, or not.
I never have liked Chick Filet, I don't like the spices they use on their chicken. Tastes nasty to me. As long as there's a Popeyes Chicken close by me, that's where I go.
Chick Fil A is so hot cause they have playgrounds and chicken. So. It's still over priced, and Churches is better and cheaper.
KFC used to, Churches I like best, Popeyes is good but high. I haven't gotten around to the dozen other chicken joint.
We have one place called Monte Ne's Chicken house, buffet style with fried chicken, great bean soup, bread loaves, mashed tater and gravey, green beans and corn.
Just like grandma used to make.
But we are talking about Chick Fil-a and they only have sandwiches. I've never had a chicken sandwich at Chruches, but I have a Popeyes. It's waaaaaay better than Chick Fil-a.
If you drive by the KFC where I live it's full of white people.

But drive by Church's Chicken down the road and it's almost all black people inside.

So it's obvious who has the best chicken between the two. :cool:
But we are talking about Chick Fil-a and they only have sandwiches. I've never had a chicken sandwich at Chruches, but I have a Popeyes. It's waaaaaay better than Chick Fil-a.

We actually HAVE a Popeye's here! I'll have to check it out. I'm on the eastern side of MN, and the closest Church's is in Milwaukee. :(
Chick Fil A is so hot cause they have playgrounds and chicken. So. It's still over priced, and Churches is better and cheaper.

Those little chick fil a sandwiches are delish. I do like Church's but consider them and Chick Fil A two entities. Ima get some chicken from somewhere tomorrow.
The kids are eating their Chik-fil-a sammiches right now. Once in awhile I let them eat that stuff. Not very often though. We don't have any type of other chicken place except for KFC. I've never had that so no clue what it's like. Not a fan of the fast food. I'm having some raviolis with turkey/peppers/zucchini/garlic. Umm, mmm, tasty!

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