Chicago and Cincinnati


Mar 11, 2016
I never lived in Chicago or Cincinnati...

But I been through both....
And I know exactly why their behavior is the way it is..
Its because they're a fuckin' boat load of n!ggers that never learned how to pick cotton.

Pure and fucking simple.

So I wouldn't blame trump for not showing up there.
That's not a security risk just on that day... its a security risk EVERY fucking day.

NO political candidate should show up to those places.... just simply on the merits that the candidate has a set of beliefs, period.
I wouldn't show up to any of those types of cities in America as a political candidate.

One time I was passing through Cincinnati on a bus, and when the bus pulled into the terminal, I went around the corner to go to the gas station and get a drink out of refrigerator...

And I get this ugly ass, buck toothed n!gger following me around pestering me....
He starts his shit when I ask him what his problem is....

I took his head and smashed into a brick wall.... and when the cops came, they sounded really confident to me that they know who that guy is.

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