
I wish pro life meant all the Jains.

"I wish pro life meant all life"

All life would then have to include paedophiles, serial killers, mass murderers and terrorists.

"like the Jains."

They are not without criticism eg. Sallekhana where they consciously fast to death which can include children starving themselves to death and the Digambara Sect of Jain Dharma who consider women lesser beings than men and that the only way for women to achieve liberation is to be reincarnated as men.

Also the whole Ahimsā non violence thing would in the general world be very naïve, we inhabit a very violent world and taking a vow of non violence and Pacifism would be catastrophic.

I have morals, unless real life gets in the way of my morals, in which case I'll pretend I still have morals while hiding the fact that I have a dick.

I'm reading this history book and it includes a lot of people from the upper classes of Germany and the UK from 100 something years ago, they ALL had mistresses, but they ALL told the working classes to have morals and to do things properly. Nothing's changed.

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