Check Your SIGNATURE Line

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American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
The space occupied by 10 Lines of standard text is the 'official maximum size and weight' of signature lines at USMB.

Don't shoot the messenger, this is straight from Scooters Rules, and NOBODY fucks with Scooters Rules.

Scooters Rules said:
All messages express the views of the author, not necessarily the views of the forum owners. The owners and moderators of reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason. This is a manual process, however, so please realize that we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. This policy goes for member profile information as well.
Member signatures may not be taller than ten (10) lines of standard text.

Did you know that Moderators can edit signatures that are outside of compliance with Scooters Rules?

Note: Size your photos & gifs to a maximum size that's equivalent to 10 lines of standard text.
One line
Two lines
Three lines
Four lines
Five lines
Six lines
Seven lines
Eight lines
Nine lines
Ten lines

^ that big. Ya got to give some kind of visual ya know....

personally i would prefer it at five lines
For those wondering, my sig pic is the standard "SIGPIC" size as mentioned in the UserCP...

100 x 500...

It's what you get without hotlinking to an outside site and I find it's just about right... covers about 4 lines...
Ok, I'm just checking my sig in the mirror....

Hmmmm..... I think I need to diet.

Oh, no.... I'm finnnnnnne.
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