Check out Biden's "situation room" during his disastrous SOTU speech

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
I can smell the BO, mystery pronouns, and unpaid student loan debt through my screen.

How many of these folks are still on their parents' cell phone plans? LOL


Young people tend to be left wingers because they are easy to manipulate and they are unwise.

Today's younger ones also have nothing of value to the world and in today's world of everyone needing to be paid attention to thanks to social media they use political and social agendas as a way to get attention and feel they have value. So they get the illusion of doing something without actually doing anything.

I doubt any of them could be able to even function in life if you transported them just 30 years into the past.
Idealists with limited actual experience
And they don’t want actual experiences Unless those are compliant with their wishes and feelings. Since most experiences are not they never learn and grow which is Stellar for remaining an idealist
Yes, Biden did beat you like a gong.

Yes, the whole planet is laughing at you, hard.

Yes, you're butthurt.

However, you need to get over it.

You Trump cult losers can't cry out all of your sore-loser tears now.

You need to save some for November.
Mamsteeth thinks he is still on some Ukraine thread where he was laughed at and ridiculed for his crazy posts , until even he realised that the Nazi Kyiv insanity group were taking a horrendous and unrecoverable beating .
Do you remember when you used tell us about the UAF capturing deserted twenty dwellings villages but losing huge numbers for no ground gain ?
What laughs .
Now you are humbled and silent .
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