Charges of Sexual Harrassment against Herman Cain are at this point, ridiculous.

He's doing the "Nothing to see here" approach. Which is the best way to go.

Because, at this point, there is nothng to see.

Whether that changes or not the problem. What I find disgusting is that they went with it before someone came forward.
Someone did come forward. They spoke to Poltico, which is a right leaning group. Politico gave one of the names to Cain when they asked him about it. Apparently they've been going back and forth with Cain for 10 days and then decided to go with the story....

Not sure why you are so upset....Republicans deserve to know what skeletons lurk in the closets of the candidates before they nominate someone as the candidate to go against Obama.

Ah..they disclosed their name, Ravi? I didn't know that.

Provide a link, please.
As Ravi clearly said, Politico disclosed the name TO AQUILA CAIN, not to the public.

Herman Cain accused by two women of inappropriate behavior - Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman and Anna Palmer and Kenneth P. Vogel -

POLITICO has confirmed the identities of the two female restaurant association employees who complained about Cain but, for privacy concerns, is not publishing their names.

Cain said he has “had thousands of people working for me” at different businesses over the years and could not comment “until I see some facts or some concrete evidence.” His campaign staff was given the name of one woman who complained last week, and it was repeated to Cain on Sunday. He responded, “I am not going to comment on that.”
Misunderstanding. I didn't say the names were released to the public, but that one was given to Cain.

Prove the claim.
It's in the link, idiot.

No name is given but we are to believe that simply because someone claims Cain knows who it might be that this fabricated story is about we should care?

Remind us of your position on Clinton using his office as Governor then President to prey on female subordinates.

No real people. No nothing. I have no idea why the media went with this, other then to smear this guy. I don't like Cain's politics...but this is unfair and morally bankrupt.

don't be coy roy,,, it's SOP for the demonRats. SOP Ask. Clarence Thomas.

The COW SHITTERS on the left will never forgive a black man for being a Republican.

There was a real live person with Thomas.

Very true and she came forward and testified. Much different case.

No real people. No nothing. I have no idea why the media went with this, other then to smear this guy. I don't like Cain's politics...but this is unfair and morally bankrupt.

Thanks for showing the rest of us what I usually see in you... a liberal, but an intellectually honest one.
. The two women NOW have to come FORWARD and give their names.

They supposedly signed a confidential clause..WELL IT AIN'T confidential ANYMORE, thanks to political and washingtoncompost. or maybe they could sue those two RAGS.
So who is behind this ridicules smear? I mean one might think it was fellow Republicans, but judging by the Story being mainly on MSNBC one might think Liberals are Behind it.

So who is behind it, so I can know who is a lying, smearing POS.
One has to be incredibly stupid to even ask! It is obviously his opposition in the GOP primaries. They have the most to lose if AQUILA Cain remains popular. The Libs are salivating at the opportunity to go up against AQUILA Cain in the general election, there is no way they would do anything to damage him.
So who is behind this ridicules smear? I mean one might think it was fellow Republicans, but judging by the Story being mainly on MSNBC one might think Liberals are Behind it.

So who is behind it, so I can know who is a lying, smearing POS.
One has to be incredibly stupid to even ask! It is obviously his opposition in the GOP primaries. They have the most to lose if AQUILA Cain remains popular. The Libs are salivating at the opportunity to go up against AQUILA Cain in the general election, there is no way they would do anything to damage him.

yeah yeah, first it was Palin, now it's Cain. as if the Obama has so much approval of the American people that he will WALK all over anyone.
So who is behind this ridicules smear? I mean one might think it was fellow Republicans, but judging by the Story being mainly on MSNBC one might think Liberals are Behind it.

So who is behind it, so I can know who is a lying, smearing POS.
One has to be incredibly stupid to even ask! It is obviously his opposition in the GOP primaries. They have the most to lose if AQUILA Cain remains popular. The Libs are salivating at the opportunity to go up against AQUILA Cain in the general election, there is no way they would do anything to damage him.

Funny you call me stupid for asking, when it is not clear who is behind it. You can make assumptions if you want, but it is not beyond Possible that Liberals could be behind the story. Just because you and they claim they would not do anything to damage CAIN and they want to run against him, does not make it true. I doubt Liberals would pass up any chance to smear a guy like Cain. They do so hate Conservative Blacks after all.
So who is behind this ridicules smear? I mean one might think it was fellow Republicans, but judging by the Story being mainly on MSNBC one might think Liberals are Behind it.

So who is behind it, so I can know who is a lying, smearing POS.
One has to be incredibly stupid to even ask! It is obviously his opposition in the GOP primaries. They have the most to lose if AQUILA Cain remains popular. The Libs are salivating at the opportunity to go up against AQUILA Cain in the general election, there is no way they would do anything to damage him.

yeah yeah, first it was Palin, now it's Cain. as if the Obama has so much approval of the American people that he will WALK all over anyone.
He would walk all over a clown like AQUILA Cain, and you know it. The GOP establishment knows it too, which is why they leaked this crap in the first place.
One has to be incredibly stupid to even ask! It is obviously his opposition in the GOP primaries. They have the most to lose if AQUILA Cain remains popular. The Libs are salivating at the opportunity to go up against AQUILA Cain in the general election, there is no way they would do anything to damage him.

yeah yeah, first it was Palin, now it's Cain. as if the Obama has so much approval of the American people that he will WALK all over anyone.
He would walk all over a clown like AQUILA Cain, and you know it. The GOP establishment knows it too, which is why they leaked this crap in the first place.

NOBODY knows WHO leaked this, so don't pretend YOU DO

No real people. No nothing. I have no idea why the media went with this, other then to smear this guy. I don't like Cain's politics...but this is unfair and morally bankrupt.

Credit where due.

You can remove the "I Believe Anita" button too while you're at it
One has to be incredibly stupid to even ask! It is obviously his opposition in the GOP primaries. They have the most to lose if AQUILA Cain remains popular. The Libs are salivating at the opportunity to go up against AQUILA Cain in the general election, there is no way they would do anything to damage him.

yeah yeah, first it was Palin, now it's Cain. as if the Obama has so much approval of the American people that he will WALK all over anyone.
He would walk all over a clown like AQUILA Cain, and you know it. The GOP establishment knows it too, which is why they leaked this crap in the first place.

Care to Provide some Evidence that this was Leaked by the GOP Establishment? Or, are you above such things as Proof? You may well be right, and if you are I want to know about it, but you are doing nothing but Making assumptions and insulting people who don't agree with you at this point.

No real people. No nothing. I have no idea why the media went with this, other then to smear this guy. I don't like Cain's politics...but this is unfair and morally bankrupt.

The "media" didn't go with it, Sallow...MSNBC and Huffington Post did and God knows they stopped being real media years ago. Being attacked by MSNBC and HuffPo is a badge of honor.

Ravi went for it too apparently
So who is behind this ridicules smear? I mean one might think it was fellow Republicans, but judging by the Story being mainly on MSNBC one might think Liberals are Behind it.

So who is behind it, so I can know who is a lying, smearing POS.
One has to be incredibly stupid to even ask! It is obviously his opposition in the GOP primaries. They have the most to lose if AQUILA Cain remains popular. The Libs are salivating at the opportunity to go up against AQUILA Cain in the general election, there is no way they would do anything to damage him.

Funny you call me stupid for asking, when it is not clear who is behind it. You can make assumptions if you want, but it is not beyond Possible that Liberals could be behind the story. Just because you and they claim they would not do anything to damage CAIN and they want to run against him, does not make it true. I doubt Liberals would pass up any chance to smear a guy like Cain. They do so hate Conservative Blacks after all.
Just because Libs see through phonies like AQUILA Cain does not mean they hate him, that is just CON$ervative projection.

It's the establishment GOP who fear AQUILA Cain and want to keep him in his place, not the Dems!
He should just do what this guy did...

[ame=]Bill Clinton: I Did Not, Have, Sexual, Relations, with THAT Woman, Monica Lewinsky - YouTube[/ame]
yeah yeah, first it was Palin, now it's Cain. as if the Obama has so much approval of the American people that he will WALK all over anyone.
He would walk all over a clown like AQUILA Cain, and you know it. The GOP establishment knows it too, which is why they leaked this crap in the first place.

NOBODY knows WHO leaked this, so don't pretend YOU DO
Logic dictates it is his GOP primary opponents. He jumped to the lead and needs to be knocked down a peg or two. No other option is even remotely probable.

No real people. No nothing. I have no idea why the media went with this, other then to smear this guy. I don't like Cain's politics...but this is unfair and morally bankrupt.

What have you done with the real Sallow, you fiend?


No, seriously, you're right. Until we know more details, we really have to treat this with suspicion.

No real people. No nothing. I have no idea why the media went with this, other then to smear this guy. I don't like Cain's politics...but this is unfair and morally bankrupt.

What have you done with the real Sallow, you fiend?


No, seriously, you're right. Until we know more details, we really have to treat this with suspicion.

The damage is already done. This is an impossible charge to live down. And it's disgusting someone saw fit to put this out.

Unless there is a face behind it..this should have never seen the light of day.

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