Charges dropped in Smollett case

I love how you sheep are all about innocent till proven guilty....till it is someone from the other side and then they are guilty no matter what.

Partisans can have no consistency

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Kavanagh, officer who shot Brown, Traygone Martin case....hell Trump.

Anyone...anyone at all

Yep, thanks for proving my point. All those folks were innocent till proven guilty by the right wingers and now all that has changed for this guy.

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You are a hate monger.. you want blacks to commit more crimes.. you approve of this
The good thing is.....double jeopardy doesn't apply yet. You can have charges dropped and refiled.

The FBI still has an investigation open and the Post Office has helped out over the letter he sent to himself. They are Federal crimes and he's going down.
Not Obama, but-
Kim Foxx & Tina Tchen: Jussie Smollett Contact Explained |
According to the Chicago Sun-Times, the effort by Foxx came after a former Michelle Obama chief of staff reached out to Foxx. The newspaper reported that the chief of staff and lawyer was a supporter of Smollett. She was described as Tina Tchen, “a Chicago attorney and former chief of staff for former First Lady Michelle Obama,” by the Sun-Times.

Cameras are ready at the criminal court building waiting for #JussieSmollett to come out after SA Kim Foxx decides to drop all charges against

— Rafer Weigel (@RaferWeigel) March 26, 2019

On March 26, 2019, the Empire actor’s attorneys dramatically revealed that prosecutors had dropped charges against Smollett, who stood accused of multiple felonies for allegedly faking a hate crime attack. “He was a victim who was vilified and made to appear as a perpetrator as a result of false and inappropriate remarks made to the public causing an inappropriate rush to judgment,” his lawyers said in a statement. It was a dramatic and stunning about-face in the case, and it’s renewed scrutiny over what happened between Kim Foxx and Tina Tchen.

Foxx had recused herself from the case, and her top deputy, Joe Magats, made the decision, according to a journalist for the New York Times, who quoted Magats as saying, “We stand behind the investigation, we stand behind the decision to charge him and we stand behind the charges in the case. The mere fact that it was disposed of in an alternative manner does not mean that there were any problems or infirmities in the case or the evidence.” New York Times reporter Julie Bosman quoted Joseph Magats as saying, “We didn’t exonerate him.”

Magats, the asst state's atty, said he saw no problems with the police investigation or the evidence against Smollett. The charges against Smollett were dropped in return for his agreement to do community service, he said, and for forfeiting his bond to the city of Chicago.

Read State's Attorney Kim Foxx's texts and emails regarding the Jussie Smollett case
Here is one-
View attachment 252388

Obama's greasy paws are all over this fucking travesty. Everyone knows Michelle is involved and they have the text messages about it. The next time I hear some dipshit rail "white privilege" I'll laugh in their face. What we now know is if you're a black gay man and TV celebrity you can perpetuate a hoax to rile up the morons.

He's the true racist.
Just blame it on Obama with no evidence at all

Sorta like Jussie did

Trump lovers are pathetic...
Trump's personal lawyer, campaign manager, security advisor were all charged with felonies....Is trump behind what they were charged with? Obviously you will say no...

But you have the audacity to infer that this Kim Foxx woman being a former chief of staff for Obama's wife means what again?

By the way, Trump's CURRENT labor secretary is very familiar with giving sweet heart deals to guilty prominent people -- even if they break the law to do it...Since he is Trump's CURRENT labor sec, does that mean Trump is somehow responsible?

Prosecutors Broke Law in Agreement Not to Prosecute Jeffrey Epstein, Judge Rules

Trump's associates with charged with political crimes, not real offenses at all. Just bullshit cooked up by Mueller to try and get them to lie about their President.

One man, Dr. Jerome Corsi broke it however, by refusing to plead guilty to a crime he did not commit and refusing to lie about his President.

Completely different case than Smollett's.

Maybe cap locks will make it harder for you to avoid seeing your bullshit logic blow up in your face....

The only one who named the President as a "coconspirator" is Mike Cohen- an admitted liar and perjurer who is just a disgraceful excuse for a human being. The other gentleman never said anything against their President. Especially with Mr. Manafort, it shows what an outstanding, courageous human being he is. Manafort was locked in solitary confinement as if he was El Fucking Chapo for a solid year for white collar allegations. He was told by Mueller all he had to do was Lie like a rug denouncing his President and he would be released and be the toast of the liberal town. Book deals, movie deals, the whole 9 yards. He refused to lie.
I love how you sheep are all about innocent till proven guilty....till it is someone from the other side and then they are guilty no matter what.

Partisans can have no consistency

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Kavanagh, officer who shot Brown, Traygone Martin case....hell Trump.

Anyone...anyone at all

Yep, thanks for proving my point. All those folks were innocent till proven guilty by the right wingers and now all that has changed for this guy.

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Perhaps a trial to establish that would have been nice eh.
Prosecutors led by Alexander R. Acosta, who is now the secretary of labor, violated federal law when they failed to tell victims about an agreement not to prosecute Jeffrey E. Epstein, a wealthy New York financier accused of molesting dozens of underage girls, a federal judge ruled on Thursday.
When you start throwing your disgust in both directions while making blanket statements, get back to us.
Till then you have zero credibility.

Prosecutors Broke Law in Agreement Not to Prosecute Jeffrey Epstein, Judge Rules

I said from the start he would never see any jail time. The democrat hell hole of Chicago has shown us all again their hate for the law abiding. What if the this fake hate crime had succeeded? Ruining the lives of innocents? Liberal scum are worse than animals, IMO. He's the victim according to one attorney.

Jussie Smollett charges dropped, actor won't be prosecuted on charges he faked attack
In a shocking announcement Tuesday morning, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office said it will not be prosecuting Jussie Smollett, who was previously accused of faking an anti-black, anti-gay hate crime in Chicago in order to drum up publicity for his role on the TV drama “Empire.”

Fox News has learned the judge granted a nolle pros, which essentially means that the case has been dropped and that he will no longer be prosecuted for the alleged crime.

It’s unclear at this time why the court decided not to proceed with prosecution, but the former “Empire” star is expected to give a statement after he leaves the courthouse later today.

Jussie Smollett charges dropped, actor won't be prosecuted on charges he faked attack
Thanks for your fake outrage, but I haven't done what you claim. All child molesters should go down, but just because the faggot you point out didn't, does not mean Juicy Fruit should. The Obamas are neck deep in this crap.
The Grand Jury handed down the charges, petunia. The man just got let go with all charges dropped.

This is a flat out bullshit deal.
Interesting to hear how they justified it

The justification is that the prosecutor doesn't think Smollett is guilty and the police chief is going to have to reopen the case to find these MAGA hate wearing guys targeting gay blacks in Chicago
Good news here....will piss off white males ( real white males ) sick and tired of getting boned by the PC culture who dont see blacks as capable of committing crimes. If you like Trump, it's another night to celebrate.:113::113:
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Rham Emmanuel is PISSED the Chicago DA dropped charges against Faux hate Crimes perpetrator Smollett!

Rahm pulling a double-double-cross on Chicago, PD. No way he wasn't behind the scenes in this for Barry and Mike. Then he "stands shoulder to shoulder" with the cops....sorry little faggot isn't running again and probably has a deal in place with their NetFlix cronies. Nothing happens in Chicago without the mayor being involved...always been that way, always will be.
in some respect, this is just like the OJ case

The police had the smoking gun -- a check from Smollett to the Osundairo bros. While he did not kill anyone, Jessie Smollett is a publicity seeking OJ Simpson. I hope people remember him as the lying, accusing black homo and the publicity turns negative. If the check doesn't fit a paid attack on a black, homosexual by two black brothers wearing MAGA caps who got drugs and pt work for said black homo, then one must acquit.
I love how you sheep are all about innocent till proven guilty....till it is someone from the other side and then they are guilty no matter what.

Partisans can have no consistency
Well, there appears to be sufficient evidence to proceed with trial to actually PROVE innocence or guilt, but the Illinois AG's inexplicable action to drop charges at least warrants an inquiry into whether the AG's conduct rises to the level of derelict of duty.

I mean....FUCK. The Chicago Police Superintendent pretty much laid out a solid case for prosecution when he did his presser.

Why not let the system work?

Why allow unequal treatment under the law?

Gay Black Privilege!!!

Would a Trumpbot faking that shit be treated the same?

I love how you sheep are all about innocent till proven guilty....till it is someone from the other side and then they are guilty no matter what.

Partisans can have no consistency

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Rather a lame attempt to criticize when there will not be any opportunity to prove his guilt.

Which is the point.

Yes he is innocent till proven guilty which is why he should go to trial.

There may be a good reason for dismissing the case but it seems unlikely
Some wealthy benefactor quietly agreed to reimburse the City for the costs of this fiasco. Maybe Oprah or Soetoro.

This puts to death the meme that only rich white heterosexual people can buy their way out of jail.

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