Change The Redskins Name

Fuck it go ahead and change it. They've been an embarrassment for decades. The name "Redskins," for 22 years now, has stood for pathetic and embarrassing losers. It finally means what a bunch of butthurt white people and a tiny few scattered Native Americans have been trying to make it mean for years.

Who cares what the name changes to? Pick anything. ANYTHING. FUCK the Redskins!!!

45 - 14??? Fuck you Redskins. FUCK YOU.

Given as little attention Native Americans get right now I think they should protest any attempt to change that name and remove them further from the public eye. If I asked my kid to play cowboys and indians he would probably ask me what I was talking about.

Damn redskins need to build a crazy horse statue and Native American genocide museum outside their stadium, dump a few million into that huge horse sculpture and keep holding fundraisers for them all. If you are going to be named redskins you better embrace the cause.

Go Sunny Jurgensen!

I would rather see a sculptured scene of the stupid redskins giving away Manhattan Island for a few trinkets.


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