*Change Is Good*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. But every time I go to the store, it isn't.
2. Soaring prices.
3. Do I have any change left when I leave to store, thanks Biden and those who stole him in there.
4. Print mo money!!!
5. Won't be long where a cup of coffee will cost 100.00
6. Hey everything is looking up, even the poor will be millionaires.

Sorry bout that,

1. But every time I go to the store, it isn't.
2. Soaring prices.
3. Do I have any change left when I leave to store, thanks Biden and those who stole him in there.
4. Print mo money!!!
5. Won't be long where a cup of coffee will cost 100.00
6. Hey everything is looking up, even the poor will be millionaires.

Quit whining and get a job. Or fuck off to Russia. Heard Putin is looking for some good cannon-fodders.
Sorry bout that,

1. Pricing going higher and higher, good thing you're a millionaire now, soon that everyone catches up.
2. But you will be a trillionair by then.
3. I'm old and retired, have no chance for work.

So how does it all get fixed? Drill more oil? Less people in an overcrowded labor force?
So how does it all get fixed? Drill more oil? Less people in an overcrowded labor force?
We're reaching a point at which the Fed may need to reverse course and put its foot on the throat of the economy. That could mean a 50-100bps increase in rates.

The economy just won't slow down, even with all the increases so far. Aside from the regular inflation problems, banks will be in serious trouble soon if the value of their bonds keeps dropping. Regional banks are already in trouble.

It may need a shock like a huge rate increase. The Fed waited about a year too long to address inflation, and now they may have to do something big.
Sorry bout that,

Hard times where everybody would like a little (Spare Change).
2. But everyone will be millionaires at same time, so we got that to look forward to! lol!!!
3. We are going into the BIG SQUEEZE..... hold on to something.


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