Certificate Errors

I have already contacted IE. This problem is with the security certificate at this site. They need to do something about it but obviously don't care about their security certificate here.

Although I appreciate the respectful comments here, please,

As has been mentioned, I think it is the advertising banner at the top of the screen that is the problem. It is blank on my computer, which uses IE. So I figure it is that which is being blocked.

I agree although knowing that still doesn't solve the problem. I am still getting the warning.
Issue found. The Tapatalk SSL cert expired yesterday. They are aware of it already and it will get resolved...

In short it's going to take a little bit for the cert to propagate across the web. Don't panic :)
I use Safari, and have never had anything like that happen to me.
It got so bad IE wouldn't even show the whole page or reply box Finally had to stop using it.

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