Censorship pure signals flag violence before mid term elections ..bigger than 9/11


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Censorship Purge Signals Imminent False Flag Violence Before Mid-Term Elections... Bigger Than 9/11?

The aggressive, unprecedented PURGE of Alex Jones / InfoWars underscores the desperation of the totalitarian deep state that’s about to make a move to eliminate President Trump and / or steal the elections.

Anyone who believes that the sudden de-platforming of Alex Jones across over a dozen online services and platforms isn’t coordinated collusion is delusional. The coordinated de-platforming effort is clearly directed by the deep state to eliminate a prominent, dissenting voice in preparation for unleashing a history-shaping false flag attack that’s likely going to be bigger than 9/11.

The radical Left is escalating its violence across America, and the tech giants are dramatically escalating their censorship actions to silence all independent voices that might question any “official” narrative.

Well some of you that actually pay attention to what I Post and or comment on in the past few days ...

I mentioned " FALSE FLAGS WERE COMING" and here we are BAM!!!!!

D'nesh Dsouca is coming out with a moive named Death of a Nation and it's suppose to be really good too. We are dying wake up.
I posted a thread yesterday explaining how conservative views were being systematically removed and kept from the public.

This comes as no surprise to me.. It appears the Liberty Tree is about to be watered...
Yeah man its horrible how fox news, rush, levin, hannity, breitbart, beck, dailcaller, conservativetreehouse, zerohedge, drudge, the blaze, dailywire, gatewaypundit, newsmax, etc. are all under such censorship! You poor victims.
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I posted a thread yesterday explaining how conservative views were being systematically removed and kept from the public.

This comes as no surprise to me.. It appears the Liberty Tree is about to be watered...

Oh i'm sorry Billy I missed it,
The radical Left is escalating its violence across America
Ummm... link?
You're being wound up by idiots like Alex, when you should be looking at how the hick states are going to protect their online voting systems against expert foreign hackers.
Hacking the US mid-terms? It's child's play
What’s a hick state?
Its a state that looks at stupid left wing bigotry and hate and says get the f**k out... States that are self sufficient and not beholden to the welfare slavery of the left... And we don't tolerate it in our state...

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