Celebrating Absurdity.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy.
Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

Truer words were never stated.

2. The Left advances all sorts of political agendas, and labels them as science. That, of course, is a major advantage of control of the language, via the schools, the media and the conversation in general.
They pretend that the sex is not based on DNA, and that mankind is more powerful than nature itself....e.g., "Global Warming.

3. The power the Left has is represented by the longevity of today's nearly fiftieth 'celebration' of Earth Day.
Can you imagine?

4. No...it isn't based on science.
Earth Day, just as Gramschi stated, is political.

It is aimed at giving the senseless their marching orders, and those orders are that human beings are murdering the earth, and only global governance can 'save' us. That means turning over control of all of our lives to some international socialist body.

5. Just below the surface is communism's demand that Judeo-Christian tradition and morality be replaced by the pan-paganism, – the worship of the earth, the worship of Gaia, (Earth Mother). Earth Day is the worship of nature — rather than Nature’s God.

6. Oh.....and, if you believe in coincidence....
April 22,1870 was the birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (22 April 1870 – 21 January 1924), ...a Russian Marxist revolutionary, author, lawyer, economic theorist, political philosopher, creator of the Soviet Communist Party, leader of the 1917 October Revolution, and founder of the USSR. As head of the Bolsheviks (1917–1924) he led the Red Army to victory in the Russian Civil War, before establishing the world's first officially socialist state.
Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia

"Earth Day is naked communism. To begin, it substitutes a worship of the Earth, Gaia, for the worship of God, creator of the universe and the instructor of moral behavior for mankind. The Earth does not demand a moral code of personal behavior. While America was established to ensure “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, environmentalism exists to exert more and more control over our lives by limiting our choices, our liberty."
Warning Signs: The Naked Communism of Earth Day
Warning Signs: The Naked Communism of Earth Day

A celebration for Liberals and other children.
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Well if Earth day, green energy, and conservation is a big left wing plot, what is the right wing viewpoint? Endless pollution, drilling, strip mining, deforestation, destroying ecosystems, and killing off entire species is all perfectly fine as long as there is a profit to be made?
1. Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy.
Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

Truer words were never stated.

2. The Left advances all sorts of political agendas, and labels them as science. That, of course, is a major advantage of control of the language, via the schools, the media and the conversation in general.
They pretend that the sex is not based on DNA, and that mankind is more powerful than nature itself....e.g., "Global Warming.

3. The power the Left has is represented by the longevity of today's nearly fiftieth 'celebration' of Earth Day.
Can you imagine?

4. No...it isn't based on science.
Earth Day, just as Gramschi stated, is political.

It is aimed at giving the senseless their marching orders, and those orders are that human beings are murdering the earth, and only global governance can 'save' us. That means turning over control of all of our lives to some international socialist body.

5. Just below the surface is communism's demand that Judeo-Christian tradition and morality be replaced by the pan-paganism, – the worship of the earth, the worship of Gaia, (Earth Mother). Earth Day is the worship of nature — rather than Nature’s God.

6. Oh.....and, if you believe in coincidence....
April 22,1870 was the birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (22 April 1870 – 21 January 1924), ...a Russian Marxist revolutionary, author, lawyer, economic theorist, political philosopher, creator of the Soviet Communist Party, leader of the 1917 October Revolution, and founder of the USSR. As head of the Bolsheviks (1917–1924) he led the Red Army to victory in the Russian Civil War, before establishing the world's first officially socialist state.
Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia

"Earth Day is naked communism. To begin, it substitutes a worship of the Earth, Gaia, for the worship of God, creator of the universe and the instructor of moral behavior for mankind. The Earth does not demand a moral code of personal behavior. While America was established to ensure “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, environmentalism exists to exert more and more control over our lives by limiting our choices, our liberty."
Warning Signs: The Naked Communism of Earth Day
Warning Signs: The Naked Communism of Earth Day

A celebration for Liberals and other children.

So why are you so concerned about a naked communist on earth day? Doesn't he always pay you just like every other day?
Well if Earth day, green energy, and conservation is a big left wing plot, what is the right wing viewpoint? Endless pollution, drilling, strip mining, deforestation, destroying ecosystems, and killing off entire species is all perfectly fine as long as there is a profit to be made?

"Well if Earth day, green energy, and conservation is a big left wing plot, ...."

Liberals....never able to connect the dots.

Where does one find the greatest of 'Global Warming' proponents?

Of course: the United Nations.

And who created the United Nations?

Joseph Stalin.

"The U.N. charter was authored by a communist, the first U.N. Secretary-general was a communist, and the U.N., from the beginning, was designed to be a Union of World Socialist Republics.

Stalin's spy, Alger Hiss was the leading force in the designing of the United Nations. He was secretary of the Dumbarten Oaks Conversations from August to October of 1944 where most of the preliminary planning for the U.N. was done. He was Roosevelt's right-hand man in February of 1945 at Yalta where the postwar boundaries of Europe were drawn (Roosevelt was a dying man at the time. (His death came only ten weeks later). At Yalta it was agreed that the Soviet Union would have three votes (one each for Russia, Ukraine, and Byelorussia) in the U.N. General Assembly, even though the United States had only one.

.... three years later. Alger Hiss was exposed as a communist spy and sent to prison. Only then did people understand why the emblem of the United Nations looked so much like the emblem of the Soviet Union."
What The U.N. Doesn't Want You To Know

Now....this is where you are free to try to deny anything I've posted.

I'm prepared for your silence.
Well if Earth day, green energy, and conservation is a big left wing plot, what is the right wing viewpoint? Endless pollution, drilling, strip mining, deforestation, destroying ecosystems, and killing off entire species is all perfectly fine as long as there is a profit to be made?

That God gave the bounty of the Earth to be exploited for monetary gain by the few.
Well if Earth day, green energy, and conservation is a big left wing plot, what is the right wing viewpoint? Endless pollution, drilling, strip mining, deforestation, destroying ecosystems, and killing off entire species is all perfectly fine as long as there is a profit to be made?

That God gave the bounty of the Earth to be exploited for monetary gain by the few.

Environmentalism is a scam.

It is the way socialists and communists....called 'Liberals' co-opt the basis of capitalism: private property.

  1. The Spotted Owl campaign, as is so very many other environmental campaigns, a deceit. It is a way of advancing the real agenda, confiscating property, making land off-limit, and eliminating any human presence. No matter the cost. No matter the result.
  2. “Look, I don’t doubt that the regulatory processed that we put in place to produce the environmental goods that we wan have taken a toll on the economy generally and the rural economy in particular. Telling the story that rural communities are being harmed may tug at the heartstrings of rural people, but no one else will care.
  3. You see, what the sage grouse is about is, they want to stop drilling in beautiful Wyoming. That’s the hidden agenda….Take the spotted owl case….One of the people instrumental in shutting down the forests told me that ‘if the spotted owl hadn’t existed, we would have had to invent it.’ The goal was to stop logging….It is totally questionable whether owls were endangered by logging. Was it good for the overall health of the forest? Probably not. Was it good for the spotted owl? It probably didn’t make a difference. Did it hurt the overall economies of the West? Yes.” Nickson, “Eco-Fascists,” p.129.

Thank goodness Trump is emasculating the socialists who infest the EPA.
Oh my, PC is on her holy campaign for polluted air, undrinkable water that no fish can live in, and neighborhoods so polluted that the cancer rate is double what it previously was. What a wonderful goal.

Old gal, just get your fat ass out of the way, so we can ensure a livable world for our descendants.
Oh my, PC is on her holy campaign for polluted air, undrinkable water that no fish can live in, and neighborhoods so polluted that the cancer rate is double what it previously was. What a wonderful goal.

Old gal, just get your fat ass out of the way, so we can ensure a livable world for our descendants.

Can you really be this stupid?

Why would any group be in favor of less clean air and water, as we all use the same resources?

Why, you dunce?
Well if Earth day, green energy, and conservation is a big left wing plot, what is the right wing viewpoint? Endless pollution, drilling, strip mining, deforestation, destroying ecosystems, and killing off entire species is all perfectly fine as long as there is a profit to be made?

Yep, pretty much destroying Gods creation.... I don't think Gods going to be happy about that.
"Celebrate Earth Day (April 22)

by reminding liberals of all the whacko predictions made by environmentalists in 1970, the year the event was founded:
a new Ice Age (Newsweek);
a world "eleven degrees colder by the year 2000" (Kenneth Watt);
by 1985 air pollution to reduce the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half (Life magazine);
by 1995 between 75 and 85 percent of all species to be extinct (Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson);
mass starvation (Earth Day organizer Denis Hayes).

Say: "Thank you, thank you, Earth Day! If those 20 million hippies hadn't taken the day off work, we'd all be dead by now!"

James Delingpole, 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,
Oh my, PC is on her holy campaign for polluted air, undrinkable water that no fish can live in, and neighborhoods so polluted that the cancer rate is double what it previously was. What a wonderful goal.

Old gal, just get your fat ass out of the way, so we can ensure a livable world for our descendants.

Can you really be this stupid?

Why would any group be in favor of less clean air and water, as we all use the same resources?

Why, you dunce?
What? PC concerned about clean air and water? Are you a communist?
Oh my, PC is on her holy campaign for polluted air, undrinkable water that no fish can live in, and neighborhoods so polluted that the cancer rate is double what it previously was. What a wonderful goal.

Old gal, just get your fat ass out of the way, so we can ensure a livable world for our descendants.

Can you really be this stupid?

Why would any group be in favor of less clean air and water, as we all use the same resources?

Why, you dunce?
What? PC concerned about clean air and water? Are you a communist?

Where's your response to post #5?
Oh my, PC is on her holy campaign for polluted air, undrinkable water that no fish can live in, and neighborhoods so polluted that the cancer rate is double what it previously was. What a wonderful goal.

Old gal, just get your fat ass out of the way, so we can ensure a livable world for our descendants.

Can you really be this stupid?

Why would any group be in favor of less clean air and water, as we all use the same resources?

Why, you dunce?
What? PC concerned about clean air and water? Are you a communist?

Where's your response to post #5?
I've learned not to respond to your posts point by point because you don't debate. If you don't like the answer, you just insult the poster. Not worth the time and effort.
Oh my, PC is on her holy campaign for polluted air, undrinkable water that no fish can live in, and neighborhoods so polluted that the cancer rate is double what it previously was. What a wonderful goal.

Old gal, just get your fat ass out of the way, so we can ensure a livable world for our descendants.

Can you really be this stupid?

Why would any group be in favor of less clean air and water, as we all use the same resources?

Why, you dunce?
What? PC concerned about clean air and water? Are you a communist?

Where's your response to post #5?
I've learned not to respond to your posts point by point because you don't debate. If you don't like the answer, you just insult the poster. Not worth the time and effort.

"I've learned not to respond to your posts point by point because you don't debate."

You've learned nothing, especially nothing about telling the truth.

You didn't respond because you couldn't.
Well if Earth day, green energy, and conservation is a big left wing plot, what is the right wing viewpoint? Endless pollution, drilling, strip mining, deforestation, destroying ecosystems, and killing off entire species is all perfectly fine as long as there is a profit to be made?

"Well if Earth day, green energy, and conservation is a big left wing plot, ...."

Liberals....never able to connect the dots.

Where does one find the greatest of 'Global Warming' proponents?

Of course: the United Nations.

And who created the United Nations?

Joseph Stalin.

"The U.N. charter was authored by a communist, the first U.N. Secretary-general was a communist, and the U.N., from the beginning, was designed to be a Union of World Socialist Republics.

Stalin's spy, Alger Hiss was the leading force in the designing of the United Nations. He was secretary of the Dumbarten Oaks Conversations from August to October of 1944 where most of the preliminary planning for the U.N. was done. He was Roosevelt's right-hand man in February of 1945 at Yalta where the postwar boundaries of Europe were drawn (Roosevelt was a dying man at the time. (His death came only ten weeks later). At Yalta it was agreed that the Soviet Union would have three votes (one each for Russia, Ukraine, and Byelorussia) in the U.N. General Assembly, even though the United States had only one.

.... three years later. Alger Hiss was exposed as a communist spy and sent to prison. Only then did people understand why the emblem of the United Nations looked so much like the emblem of the Soviet Union."
What The U.N. Doesn't Want You To Know

Now....this is where you are free to try to deny anything I've posted.

I'm prepared for your silence.
You think everyone who disagrees with you is a communist.
Well if Earth day, green energy, and conservation is a big left wing plot, what is the right wing viewpoint? Endless pollution, drilling, strip mining, deforestation, destroying ecosystems, and killing off entire species is all perfectly fine as long as there is a profit to be made?


And of course supporting mass immigration so the uneducated families, from countries that refuse to provide a sound education so their children can have five or more uneducated children, doesn't add to; deforestation, destroying ecosystems, and killing entire species, to support those people.


I think it is the height of Absurdity to lower our own living standards by polluting our air, water and accepting less. That is what all this deregulation crap is all about and is leading us towards.

It takes higher intelligence to expect better.

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