CDC Exposed For Government Manipulation / Control Through 'Faking The Science'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Stunning report finds CDC exaggerated risk of COVID spread outdoors, partly based on 'misclassification'

Stunning report finds CDC exaggerated risk of COVID spread outdoors, partly based on 'misclassification'

CDC risk of coronavirus transmission outdoors greatly exaggerated, bombshell report finds

10% benchmark is based 'partly on a misclassification' of some transmission, report claims

"A stunning New York Times report claims that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's estimate that the risk of coronavirus transmission while outdoors is around 10% is greatly exaggerated.

The CDC has cited the estimate to back up its recommendation that vaccinated individuals do away with masks in certain outdoor situations, but should keep wearing masks during others.

According to the Times, the 10% benchmark is based "partly on a misclassification" of some virus transmission in Singapore at various construction sites that may have actually taken place in indoor settings. Singapore also classified settings that were a mix of indoors and outdoors as outdoors, including construction building sites, the outlet reported.

Still, the number of cases reported at the various sites did not add up to as much as 10% of transmission, but was more like 1% or less, the report stated."

The government repeatedly told Americans 'We have to FOLLOW THE SCIENCE' while THEY completely ignored the science and simply MADE SHIT UP to engage in Fear-Mongering, to manipulate, to control Americans.

We all 'knew' this early on...but we obeyed the lying, corrupt Democrats just the same - When Democrats like Pelosi, Whitmer, and others are dictating to Americans to stay and home and quarantine while they are out shopping for jewelry, getting a cut-n-blow (or whatever) or flying off on some billionaire's private airplane you have to know deep down that THEY know the situation is not as bad as they say it is. They love themselves to put themselves in real danger.

When Fauci was proved over and over to have no clue what he was talking about, was telling Americans to stay home and wear masks out yet was caught at a baseball game wearing no mask, when Fauci tells people to wear not only 1 mask but to wear multiple masks AFTER you get vaccines, you KNOW the government is full of shit and are COMPLEWTELY IGNORING THE SCIENCE.

All of their bullshit has been about power and control!

Is any person with half a brain even remotely surprised?
I did happen to notice no one said this before the pandemic..

I knew this was mostly overhyped bullshit from the beginning. It's basically equivalent to a bad seasonal flu. The true mortality rate is roughly .2%. Seasonal flu, depending on the year is .05 to .2% mortality.

Seasonal flu tends to take the very old or the very sick. We should have protected that population from the beginning instead of telling healthy 12 year olds they couldn't go to school for a year.
Why would Trump allow so much misinformation considering he was a stable genius?

Because he was following the advice of fucktards like Fauci. Remember when Fauci said there was no human to human transmission with Covid? How many positions has he taken on masks?

The "science" for the most part has been shit.
NOBODY in America has had covid since May of LAST YEAR.

The CDC and everyone else are still lying about it. WHY?
Anyone wearing a mask outside is an imbecile. Anyone driving in their car wearing a mask, and they're ALONE, is retarded.
Anyone wearing a regular cloth mask is an idiot. They do nothing to protect you.
Anyone wearing anything short of a military grade gas mask is an idiot.



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