The left's fascination with junk science

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
I've often wondered why Big Left buys in to just about any junk science claim, regardless of ludicrous it is, or how easily it can be disproved by actual science, as long as it is preached by someone with the proper lefty bona fides.

Excellent examples below include:

1. The anthropogenic global warming hoax.
2. Dubious health schemes like the value of organic foods and the left's unscientific jihad against GMOs.
3. The insane insistence that the Covid vaccine doesn't protect against transmission of the virus.
4. The left's jihad against nuclear electric power, despite it's safe and successful use in many other countries.
5. The left's belief in astrology, and their simultaneous rejection of religion.

The whole article is a good read, and a good insight into the fragility and strangeness of the lefty mind.

1. The anthropogenic global warming hoax.
well proven. Only whimpering conspiracy losers say otherwise.

2. Dubious health schemes like the value of organic foods and the left's unscientific jihad against GMOs.
Mainly a right-wing thing now, as is antivaxxism. The two go hand-in-hand. Haven't you noticed the GMO conspiracies that are joined with antivaxxism?

3. The insane insistence that the Covid vaccine doesn't protect against transmission of the virus.

What are you babbling about? Did the voices tell you this?

4. The left's jihad against nuclear electric power, despite it's safe and successful use in many other countries.

Nuclear is incredibly expensive. Non-cutlists know that. Cult pseudoscience freaks just ignore the financial aspect of things, because they think money grows on trees.

5. The left's belief in astrology, and their simultaneous rejection of religion.
Again, what are you babbling about? It's generally Christian numbnuts who belief in both religion and astrology.

So, this thread would seem to be an illustration of how the weak right-wing mind is so easily fooled by propaganda.
I've often wondered why Big Left buys in to just about any junk science claim, regardless of ludicrous it is, or how easily it can be disproved by actual science, as long as it is preached by someone with the proper lefty bona fides.

Excellent examples below include:

1. The anthropogenic global warming hoax.
well proven. Only whimpering conspiracy losers say otherwise.

2. Dubious health schemes like the value of organic foods and the left's unscientific jihad against GMOs.
Mainly a right-wing thing now.

3. The insane insistence that the Covid vaccine doesn't protect against transmission of the virus.

What are you babbling about, moron?

4. The left's jihad against nuclear electric power, despite it's safe and successful use in many other countries.

Nuclear is increadibly expensive. Non-cutlists know that. Cult pseudoscience freaks just ignore the financial aspect of things, because they think money grows on trees.

5. The left's belief in astrology, and their simultaneous rejection of religion.
Again, what are you babbling about? It's generally Christian numbnuts who belief in both religion and astrology.

So, this thread would seem to be an illustration of how the weak right-wing mind is so easily fooled by propaganda.

Thank you for proving my point, nutjob.

Thank you for proving my point, nutjob.
As expected, it didn't take long to get you to cry and run. Cult losers always run when they're unable to defend their pseudoscience.

What other propaganda has your cult told you to repeat today? Run along and fetch it. We'll wait. You wouldn't want to be the last cultist to parrot the latest talking points, as you'd miss out on earning more cult brownie points.
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The left's fascination with junk science​

tenor (14).gif
I've often wondered why Big Left buys in to just about any junk science claim, regardless of ludicrous it is, or how easily it can be disproved by actual science, as long as it is preached by someone with the proper lefty bona fides.

Excellent examples below include:

1. The anthropogenic global warming hoax.
2. Dubious health schemes like the value of organic foods and the left's unscientific jihad against GMOs.
3. The insane insistence that the Covid vaccine doesn't protect against transmission of the virus.
4. The left's jihad against nuclear electric power, despite it's safe and successful use in many other countries.
5. The left's belief in astrology, and their simultaneous rejection of religion.

The whole article is a good read, and a good insight into the fragility and strangeness of the lefty mind.

Democrats don't have the mental capacity to fathom Science.
I've often wondered why Big Left buys in to just about any junk science claim, regardless of ludicrous it is, or how easily it can be disproved by actual science, as long as it is preached by someone with the proper lefty bona fides.

Excellent examples below include:

1. The anthropogenic global warming hoax.
well proven. Only whimpering conspiracy losers say otherwise.

2. Dubious health schemes like the value of organic foods and the left's unscientific jihad against GMOs.
Mainly a right-wing thing now.

3. The insane insistence that the Covid vaccine doesn't protect against transmission of the virus.

What are you babbling about, moron?

4. The left's jihad against nuclear electric power, despite it's safe and successful use in many other countries.

Nuclear is increadibly expensive. Non-cutlists know that. Cult pseudoscience freaks just ignore the financial aspect of things, because they think money grows on trees.

5. The left's belief in astrology, and their simultaneous rejection of religion.
Again, what are you babbling about? It's generally Christian numbnuts who belief in both religion and astrology.

So, this thread would seem to be an illustration of how the weak right-wing mind is so easily fooled by propaganda.

Thank you for proving my point, nutjob.
Is that really what you got outta that post?

If so that's just sad. Have you been checked for early onset dementia?

Thank you for proving my point, nutjob.
As expected, it didn't take long to get you to cry and run. Cult losers always run when they're unable to defend their pseudoscience.

What other propaganda has you cult told you to repeat today? Run along and fetch it. We'll wait. You wouldn't want to be the last cultist to do that, as you'd miss out on earning more cult brownie points.

Tell us about the polar bears!

1. The anthropogenic global warming hoax.
well proven. Only whimpering conspiracy losers say otherwise.

2. Dubious health schemes like the value of organic foods and the left's unscientific jihad against GMOs.
Mainly a right-wing thing now, as is antivaxxism. The two go hand-in-hand. Haven't you noticed the GMO conspiracies that are joined with antivaxxism?

3. The insane insistence that the Covid vaccine doesn't protect against transmission of the virus.

What are you babbling about? Did the voices tell you this?

4. The left's jihad against nuclear electric power, despite it's safe and successful use in many other countries.

Nuclear is incredibly expensive. Non-cutlists know that. Cult pseudoscience freaks just ignore the financial aspect of things, because they think money grows on trees.

5. The left's belief in astrology, and their simultaneous rejection of religion.
Again, what are you babbling about? It's generally Christian numbnuts who belief in both religion and astrology.

So, this thread would seem to be an illustration of how the weak right-wing mind is so easily fooled by propaganda.
The cult of scientism speaks!
Next up, the Trump cultists all rape reality by declaring that Trump wasn't involved with the Russians.

You know they will. They always do. Screaming their various conspiracies at ever-higher volumes is how they raise deflector shields against reality.

Thank you for proving my point, nutjob.
As expected, it didn't take long to get you to cry and run. Cult losers always run when they're unable to defend their pseudoscience.

What other propaganda has you cult told you to repeat today? Run along and fetch it. We'll wait. You wouldn't want to be the last cultist to do that, as you'd miss out on earning more cult brownie points.

Tell us about the polar bears!

The Polar Bears are evolving as I write. Easily seen in the Ghost Bear.
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Next up, the Trump cultists all rape reality by declaring that Trump wasn't involved with the Russians.

You know they will. They always do. Screaming their various conspiracies at ever-higher volumes is how they raise deflector shields against reality.

Nobody said anything about Trump, Kooky Kat....It's a cult that can't divert focus from its fetish.
1. The anthropogenic global warming hoax.
well proven. Only whimpering conspiracy losers say otherwise.

2. Dubious health schemes like the value of organic foods and the left's unscientific jihad against GMOs.
Mainly a right-wing thing now, as is antivaxxism. The two go hand-in-hand. Haven't you noticed the GMO conspiracies that are joined with antivaxxism?

3. The insane insistence that the Covid vaccine doesn't protect against transmission of the virus.

What are you babbling about? Did the voices tell you this?

4. The left's jihad against nuclear electric power, despite it's safe and successful use in many other countries.

Nuclear is incredibly expensive. Non-cutlists know that. Cult pseudoscience freaks just ignore the financial aspect of things, because they think money grows on trees.

5. The left's belief in astrology, and their simultaneous rejection of religion.
Again, what are you babbling about? It's generally Christian numbnuts who belief in both religion and astrology.

So, this thread would seem to be an illustration of how the weak right-wing mind is so easily fooled by propaganda.
The cult of scientism speaks!

Indeed. Ask any lefty about how vaccinated people can still transmit Covid, or how global warming causes global cooling.
View attachment 488346

Oddball here is probably the the biggest of the "NO COLLUSION!" conspiratards. It's his go-to conspiracy kookery. Whenever it's pointed out that he's making idiot crap up or being a piss-gargling cult fuktard again, he deflects by shrieking "RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!".

It's a shame. He used to be sane. Trumpism has lobotomized him.
View attachment 488346

Oddball here is probably the the biggest of the "NO COLLUSION!" conspiratards. It's his go-to conspiracy kookery. Whenever it's pointed out that he's making idiot crap up or being a piss-gargling cult fuktard again, he deflects by shrieking "RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!".

It's a shame. He used to be sane. Trumpism has lobotomized him.

It really bothers you that you've spent five years (so far) believing a conspiracy theory, doesn't it?

View attachment 488346

Oddball here is probably the the biggest of the "NO COLLUSION!" conspiratards. It's his go-to conspiracy kookery. Whenever it's pointed out that he's making idiot crap up or being a piss-gargling cult fuktard again, he deflects by shrieking "RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!".

It's a shame. He used to be sane. Trumpism has lobotomized him.
You're the assholes who keep bringing up TRUUUUUUMP!, no matter the subject of the thread.

It is you who are the cultists, mindlessly enthralled by the totem.

Indeed. Ask any lefty about how vaccinated people can still transmit Covid, or how global warming causes global cooling.

Geez, we get it.

You can't debate any liberal on any topic, so you just make stupid shit up.

That's not news, and there's no need to keep reinforcing the point.

Tell me you don't believe vaccinated people can still transmit Covid.

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