CBS Poll- 76% Approve of SOTU Speech


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
And they roll out Abraham’s. :21:


Yep. That was a speech for all time. Just an excellent job.

Giving a good speech is not the same as being a good president. He may get a bump in his approval numbers but he will promptly do something to send them right back down.
Yep. That was a speech for all time. Just an excellent job.

Even the Sheriff of El Paso called bullshit on Trump And you had to love the" FUCK YOU' Pelosi clap she gave to Trump when he lied his ass off about unity
Giving a good speech is not the same as being a good president. He may get a bump in his approval numbers but he will promptly do something to send them right back down.

The SUBSTANCE of his speech was excellent, and accurate, especially with regards to Jobs, the Economy, our booming ENERGY sector, Prison Reform, Border Security, etc. What was inaccurate in those areas? Be specific.
Giving a good speech is not the same as being a good president. He may get a bump in his approval numbers but he will promptly do something to send them right back down.

The SUBSTANCE of his speech was excellent, and accurate, especially with regards to Jobs, the Economy, our booming ENERGY sector, Prison Reform, Border Security, etc. What was inaccurate in those areas? Be specific.

It's being parsed out , and in many places by many pundits>>>>

State of the Union Fact Check: What Trump Got Right and Wrong

Giving a good speech is not the same as being a good president. He may get a bump in his approval numbers but he will promptly do something to send them right back down.

The SUBSTANCE of his speech was excellent, and accurate, especially with regards to Jobs, the Economy, our booming ENERGY sector, Prison Reform, Border Security, etc. What was inaccurate in those areas? Be specific.

There are many fact-checking articles online so I will not waste my limited time this morning going into that. I was more talking about Trump's habit of sabotaging himself. Another shutdown will be the end of him.

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