CBO: Republican House IRS bill will increase the deficit by $114 billion

These, BTW, are ARMED IRS agents who will be ready and able to shoot non-compliant taxpayers at a drop of a hat.

How many new penitentiaries will the US government have to build to house the alleged tax evaders that Sleepy Joe wants to bring in? How much in welfare and food stamps will the taxpayers have to pay to support their families while the breadwinner is playing poker for cigarettes in the big house?
Damn, clutching those pearls AGAIN?
I'm thinking you don't get what all that means. IN THE HOUSE, Ways and Means controls tax legislation..but they do not rule by fiat. All they do is write and recommend legislation--the House passes it..and then it goes to the Senate. For final approval..if it passes, off to Biden's desk.

The Senate and the President can, indeed, most certainly stop them~
How can they stop it when Congress is in charge of the purse? All you have to do, is stop funding the government. Simple.
I'm thinking you don't get what all that means. IN THE HOUSE, Ways and Means controls tax legislation..but they do not rule by fiat. All they do is write and recommend legislation--the House passes it..and then it goes to the Senate. For final approval..if it passes, off to Biden's desk.

The Senate and the President can, indeed, most certainly stop them~
/----/ OK, we'll see what happens. BTW
Republicans already successfully snipped the IRS’ funding, cutting more than $275 million from the agency’s budget in the fiscal year 2023 federal spending bill that was enacted last month. It provided the IRS with $12.3 billion for the current fiscal year. - CNN
Meet the party of the deficit:

the libs are thinking this way, no wonder US is trending toward the shit hole. The money is left in the people's pockets, which should be good for the Econ. In terms of the deficit, it does not work this way. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Meet the party of the deficit:

That reduction comes at the price of everyday Americans, like you, from getting taxed to death while also having to deal with inflation. So you should be thanking them for taking out of action 8500 irs agents that were aimed squarely at the average American. So yes, there be a loss of money that would have come out of our pockets.

Besides, that money wouldn't have been an issue if the current administration would stop sending billions upon billions to Ukraine and other countries instead of taking care of their own first.

48 billion went to Ukraine alone in 2022.

You left out the billions that us citizens would be paying to fight overzealous IRS agents with a quota. These agents would crush the US citizenry.

Lets see, 87,000 agents going after likely a hundred people each annually, at the cost of probably $10,000 or so on average to fight them in court. Thats $87 billion a year out of tax payers pockets just to DEFEND themselves. Fuck that shit!

One can get a good tax lawyer for about 3500.
Meet the party of the deficit:

Increase or 'not reduce by' as Biden claimed. After the trilion dollar Omnibus Clusterfuck Pork Bomb Democrats rammed through,you're freaking out about a mere $114 Billion?

Biden's / Democrats' Open Boder ABD Ukraine money laundering schemes - along with the interest due on tbe debt they keep growing - are probably costing that much PER DAY.
Bwaaahhhaaaaa....Not that having an additional 81 thousand IRS agents wouldnt add to the deficit. You are such a fucking moron, it is shameful.
Umm… the IRS collects revenue.

You left out the billions that us citizens would be paying to fight overzealous IRS agents with a quota. These agents would crush the US citizenry.

Lets see, 87,000 agents going after likely a hundred people each annually, at the cost of probably $10,000 or so on average to fight them in court. Thats $87 billion a year out of tax payers pockets just to DEFEND themselves. Fuck that shit!
Doesn’t cost anything to not lie on your tax return. :dunno:
These, BTW, are ARMED IRS agents who will be ready and able to shoot non-compliant taxpayers at a drop of a hat.

How many new penitentiaries will the US government have to build to house the alleged tax evaders that Sleepy Joe wants to bring in? How much in welfare and food stamps will the taxpayers have to pay to support their families while the breadwinner is playing poker for cigarettes in the big house?
Be compliant with the law. :dunno:
Most wont. Most will spend more for a better lawyer. Some people will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I have a certified public accountant, it costs me over 5 thousand dollars a year for them to keep the book straight, while saving me 10s of thousands of dollars a year in taxes. Money well spent.

Oh and the IRS still owes me 10 thousand dollars but keeps adding it to the taxes two years ago, which were paid in full. If the agent shows up at my door, i will demand they do a self audit for my money.
Nonsense. Properly prepared tax returns are audit proof.
/——-/ You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Why am I being selected for an audit?​

Selection for an audit does not always suggest there's a problem. The IRS uses several different methods:

  • Random selection and computer screening - sometimes returns are selected based solely on a statistical formula. We compare your tax return against "norms" for similar returns. We develop these "norms" from audits of a statistically valid random sample of returns, as part of the National Research Program the IRS conducts. The IRS uses this program to update return selection information.
  • Related examinations – we may select your returns when they involve issues or transactions with other taxpayers, such as business partners or investors, whose returns were selected for audit.
Next, an experienced auditor reviews the return. They may accept it; or if the auditor notes something questionable, they will identify the items noted and forward the return for assignment to an examination group.

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