CBO: extending unemployment benefits creates 19,000 jobs per billion dollar stimulus

Er, so decreasing unemployment....will hurt the economy....um OK

Now you understand why Liberal economics fails 100%
You do realiZe that tax cutting and over spending amount to the same thing right? More national debt.

Yes, and you realize Obama did the same thing Bush did right? Both were progressive like that. They understand that when taxes go up the economy contracts and people fucking hate you... But they also understand giving out "free chit" built on debts and deficits buys you massive votes.

That's why they both have the exact same policies of under taxing and over spending.... Because it wins elections. No one can win on raising taxes on everyone, only on 1%... pit the majority (99%) against the 1%... then when in office you dump trillions on the rich and make the poor and middle class far more poor, you know, as Obama did.

This time facts love the chit out of you billy, because facts love making liars look fucking silly stupid.

I don't understand this logic from the right that people who lose their jobs through no fault of their own don't deserve support. We lost millions of jobs from the 2008 crisis. Government intervention was needed.

Really- you should quit while you're behind LOL.
Does anyone have any unbiased sources with facts to dispute my thread? Anyone? No? Didn't think so.

Oh and citing crap like Fox News or Forbes.com doesn't count.
CBO: extending unemployment benefits creates 19,000 jobs per billion dollar stimulus

So we get 19,000 jobs for every billion spent.... ?

Spending a trillion will probably be a great idea...
This is really beyond belief.

19k jobs per 1 billion spent... And I don't know how many billions they count as "spent" on jobs. What I mean by that is they could spend 1 trillion, but say we spent 10 billion on jobs.

I dono...

You do realiZe that tax cutting and over spending amount to the same thing right? More national debt.

No they don't. Tax cutting means more money in my pocket. That's obviously preferable to letting a gang of criminals in Washington spend it.
You do realiZe that tax cutting and over spending amount to the same thing right? More national debt.

Yes, and you realize Obama did the same thing Bush did right? Both were progressive like that. They understand that when taxes go up the economy contracts and people fucking hate you... But they also understand giving out "free chit" built on debts and deficits buys you massive votes.

That's why they both have the exact same policies of under taxing and over spending.... Because it wins elections. No one can win on raising taxes on everyone, only on 1%... pit the majority (99%) against the 1%... then when in office you dump trillions on the rich and make the poor and middle class far more poor, you know, as Obama did.

This time facts love the chit out of you billy, because facts love making liars look fucking silly stupid.

I don't understand this logic from the right that people who lose their jobs through no fault of their own don't deserve support. We lost millions of jobs from the 2008 crisis. Government intervention was needed.

Feel free to write them a check and support them any time you like.
If that's the case the economy should be doing a hell of a lot better than it is and we should have more people joining in the search for work instead of dropping out of the workforce and giving up.
Does anyone have any unbiased sources with facts to dispute my thread? Anyone? No? Didn't think so.

Oh and citing crap like Fox News or Forbes.com doesn't count.

Yeah, but citing some Keynesian blather from About.Com does ?

:bsflag: :bsflag:
The CBO is in fact not a fact... The CBO is an estimate of information given to them. You can give the CBO any numbers to toy around with but their answer can have no barring on reality

And I gave you facts you dumb chit. FDR, great depression. Obama Great recession. Harding Roaring 20's, Coolidge Roaring 20's.

This is where like a dumbass you claim FDR had a depression to fix, and forget that Harding fixed the Depression he took over in 18 months....

Facts hate the shit out of you billy~

More fluff. How about you just give it a rest?

Please show how it is fluff. Please.

"Fluff" is a libturd euphemism for "facts and logic."
Yes, and you realize Obama did the same thing Bush did right? Both were progressive like that. They understand that when taxes go up the economy contracts and people fucking hate you... But they also understand giving out "free chit" built on debts and deficits buys you massive votes.

That's why they both have the exact same policies of under taxing and over spending.... Because it wins elections. No one can win on raising taxes on everyone, only on 1%... pit the majority (99%) against the 1%... then when in office you dump trillions on the rich and make the poor and middle class far more poor, you know, as Obama did.

This time facts love the chit out of you billy, because facts love making liars look fucking silly stupid.

I don't understand this logic from the right that people who lose their jobs through no fault of their own don't deserve support. We lost millions of jobs from the 2008 crisis. Government intervention was needed.

Feel free to write them a check and support them any time you like.

Many of us do.

We'd just prefer that the slobs and crooks in D.C. not be involved.
1) The benefits that the unemployed spend creates economic demand where there wouldn't be otherwise. For every tax dollar spent on these benefits, it creates $1.64 in economic stimulus (or 10 billion spent creates 16.7 billion in demand). Why? Because it creates a ripple effect in the market. Capitalism 101.

2) When the unemployed receive this insurance, they quickly spend ALL of it on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That is why it is so effective in creating jobs. Without this extra demand, more businesses are forced to lay their workers off.

3) Only 10,000 jobs are created every billion dollar TAX CUT. This is because the employed only spend HALF of their tax cuts. They have the luxury of saving some. All in all it does more harm than good: every dollar lost in revenue only creates .59 cents in growth.

4) This fiscal policy was a great success during the Great Depression.

This isn't Leftwing bull. We are talking basic economics. Demand side economic policies is the answer. Trickle down economics is a republican lie.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

Sure...So lets see.
By paying people NOT to work, creates jobs..
Right...Listen, I have a real good deal on some ocean front real estate in Arizona. Interested?
Does anyone have any unbiased sources with facts to dispute my thread? Anyone? No? Didn't think so.

Oh and citing crap like Fox News or Forbes.com doesn't count.

Yeah, but citing some Keynesian blather from About.Com does ?

:bsflag: :bsflag:

Their sources are the CBO and Moody.

Forgot...that makes it better. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The CBO isn't a source. It is a machine that gets input and provides output. Garbage In....Left Wing Propaganda out.
The Libs keep pushing this notion that UE benefits are so great for the economy.
What about working?
Does that do anything for the economy?
Libs don't seem to think it does.

How about that?
More and more the left wants us to think that there is nothing wrong with people being out of work.

The economy LOST MILLIONS of jobs.

Yeah....And to date, those jobs have not returned.
Obama said this is the "new normal"..
The participation rate in the labor force is at 62.8% which is the lowest it's been since 1978 and Americans not in the labor force has climbed to a all time high of 91.8 million this has happened while unemployment benefits have been continually extended.
The participation rate in the labor force is at 62.8% which is the lowest it's been since 1978 and Americans not in the labor force has climbed to a all time high of 91.8 million this has happened while unemployment benefits have been continually extended.

We should double the unemployment benefits... that would really get things moving according to the CBO. So why doesn't the CBSO (our affirmative action failure) tout this more ?

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