Catholic health care coverage...the flip side!

"Lay good money", is that a pun? Nobody really cares if Catholic women use birth control or if they don't and nobody but an aging prostitute would be concerned if Catholic men took Viagra. The point is that the Catholic Church should not be forced to fund birth control any more than Muslems should be forced to feed pork.

and they won't be. THey will merely be required to offer health insurance which is required to pay for birth control IF a person chooses to avail themselves of it.

Now, of course the whole issue of Obamacare is bullshit, BUT the church affiliated hospitals deserve no exemption here.

Yes they do. We have religious liberty in this country. Those hospitals, schools, social programs... all are directly influenced by our faith. It is a core doctrine of the church to help the needy. We've done this subject to death. You have one perspective. I have another.... and today we find out that Obama not only didn't bother to consult the Church before the 'accommodation' to get their feedback, we also find out that Sebelius and her crowd of rabid left wing lunatics didn't even consider the Constitutional aspect of it.
"Lay good money", is that a pun? Nobody really cares if Catholic women use birth control or if they don't and nobody but an aging prostitute would be concerned if Catholic men took Viagra. The point is that the Catholic Church should not be forced to fund birth control any more than Muslems should be forced to feed pork.

and they won't be. THey will merely be required to offer health insurance which is required to pay for birth control IF a person chooses to avail themselves of it.

Now, of course the whole issue of Obamacare is bullshit, BUT the church affiliated hospitals deserve no exemption here.

Yes they do. We have religious liberty in this country. Those hospitals, schools, social programs... all are directly influenced by our faith. It is a core doctrine of the church to help the needy. We've done this subject to death. You have one perspective. I have another.... and today we find out that Obama not only didn't bother to consult the Church before the 'accommodation' to get their feedback, we also find out that Sebelius and her crowd of rabid left wing lunatics didn't even consider the Constitutional aspect of it.

Sebelius said the pharmacy industry had NOT provided evidence that girls as young as 11 “can understand the label and use the product appropriately”.

Pro-lifers– thankful for any small victory in the culture war– nonetheless scratched their collective heads trying to discern Sebelius’ motives. Some opined she was throwing a bone to religious conservatives riled up at the continuing onslaught of hostile actions by the Obama administration. To name just two of these actions:

awarding preferential grants to unqualified, but abortion-supportive, groups to rescue & assist sex abuse victims;
issuing contraceptive mandates for insurance plans without meaningful conscience exemptions.

As one well-known pro-abortion blogger noted, “ this victory for women’s health [was] snatched away at the last minute by Sebelius, sending shocks of confusion and betrayal through the pro-choice community, who always thought of Sebelius as a member in good standing.”

Planned Parenthood beneficiary of Sebelius

She's a bloody loony from what I've read.
As long as they're not using it to masturbate with...I'm so going to hell.:lol:

My insurance for the longest time did not cover birth control pills... but did cover abortion and viagra from the time it hit the market.

I asked about that little piece of bullshit and the answer i got was that men needed sex to stay healthy. :wtf:

Of course people need sex to be healthy, emotionally healthy. You sound as anti-sex as the religious right
How about we bottom line it..

men... Viagra.... sex...woohoo!
Women..birth woohoo!

I would not have sex with a woman without birth control any more than she would. And a woman is not going to have sex with an impotent man. Your bottom line should be that men and women all benefit from Viagra and BC.
Satan of course.

A quarter of Republicans believe Obama is the "anti-Christ". And they call themselves "educated".

No. The Obamanation is merely doing the bidding of Satan in America. The Abomination that causes Desolation is when the Anti-Christ sits on the throne of Israel and declares himself to be God in the middle of the tribulation and begins the 3 1/2 year Great Tribulation.

Yes. I do call myself educated and I call you a fool for Fear of the Lord is the beginning of WISDOM.


With all of the debate over, to cover or not to cover, birth control pills and abortion...The idea being you should only have sex for procreation.

I would lay good money they cover Viagra. :eusa_whistle:

What does one have to do with the other? If I have a hard on there are a myriad of ways a woman and I can have safe healthy sex , if I don't have a hard on, well there are still ways to enjoy sex, but not nearly as much so.

You have no legitimate gripe here. Now , if your insurance carriers is covering condoms and vasectomy but not IUDs or tubals THEN you would have a complaint.

I apologize for pointing out that you are simply looking for sexism where it doesn't exist.

Oh, as for the Catholic Church, maybe they should focus on worrying more about catching priests who are fucking little boys and less on whether jack is getting jill pregnant every time he fucks her.


So Santorum can recommend them for awards?

My daughter takes the pill to control heavy bleeding and 3 or 4 week long periods. Many women need it to treat endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome-both which if left untreated can cause infertility. Why are these religious leaders so afraid their "Flocks" will go against the church if given the slightest chance? They must not be teaching too well.
As for Viagra-it is usually used by men past their prime for recreation-not procreation. But I am sure the church covers that.this is a medical issue for many women. Will they have to get a note from their doctors to give to the pastor to get coverage?
Are Catholics, of which I am one, aware that even using a condom is against the churches stance on birth control? Most likely not or they choose to ignore it.
More people have died in the name of religion than any other reason since the beginning of time- reason religion needs to be out of politics. How is the Catholic church imposing their beliefs on the rest of America any different than the Taliban or Muslims enforcing their rules on non believers? Does the term "Sharia law" sound familiar?
No church has any business telling me what I can and can not do with my body or having any say in my medical care.

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