Catholic Church needs to reform, but it won't happen until...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...the current generation of priests and bishops dies of old age.

These are the men who allowed homosexuals to infiltrate the Catholic Church, destroying it from within.
...the current generation of priests and bishops dies of old age.

These are the men who allowed homosexuals to infiltrate the Catholic Church, destroying it from within.

That's it? You're concerned about homosexuals, but don't seem to care about all the child molestation? What a ridiculous thread.
The Church is a huge business, first and foremost, and their focus is on profits. All this noise about child abuse is on their radar, but only as it impacts on the bottom line. Just look at the ways they obfuscate and lie in the compensation of the people whose lives they have destroyed.
They obviously don't really believe the lies thy peddle to enslave the masses, or they would know they're all headed for Hell.
Bishops are meeting starting tomorrow. "During the assembly the bishops will discuss and vote on a series of concrete measures to respond to the abuse crisis, including those approved for the agenda at the September meeting of the Administrative Committee, such as a third-party reporting mechanism, standards of conduct for bishops, and protocols for bishops resigned or removed because of abuse. The bishops will also hear reports from the National Advisory Council and National Review Board."

continued here U.S. Bishops To Meet Nov. 12-14 in Baltimore; Will Address Abuse Crisis and Action Items; Assembly to be Live Streamed, Live Tweeted, Carried Via Satellite
...the current generation of priests and bishops dies of old age.

These are the men who allowed homosexuals to infiltrate the Catholic Church, destroying it from within.
As if this all started recently in the Church of Rome! There is no universal organization of Christians.
The Magisterium of the Catholic church is still too top heavy with old, in the box, corrupt priests.
The reason that is an exaggeration is because the Magisterium is only a very small bit of the Catholic Church or even what it does. The base of the Catholic Church are the millions who sincerely listen to and who, in their own lives, practice the ways Christ taught.

This does not mean we should ignore sin and corruption wherever it might pop up--be that in the Magisterium, the smallest parish, or own lives. As someone mentioned earlier, the US Catholic Bishops are meeting, and their goal is to continue to clean house, make clear policies, and insure justice.
Catholic Church needs to reform, but it won't happen until...
the ludicrous requirement of celibacy is dropped.

Yes, but that’s just one thing. There are numerous other doctrines that contradict the scriptures. Personally I don’t think it can or will be “reformed” at this point.
the ludicrous requirement of celibacy is dropped.
Matthew 19:12 comes to mind:

For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it."

The other problem that emerged in the Middle Ages was with married priests, what belonged to the family, what belonged to the Church. In daily life, what came first, family or Church. Even today, there are those who have lived through ministry killing their marriage.
The reason that is an exaggeration is because the Magisterium is only a very small bit of the Catholic Church or even what it does. The base of the Catholic Church are the millions who sincerely listen to and who, in their own lives, practice the ways Christ taught. This does not mean we should ignore sin and corruption wherever it might pop up--be that in the Magisterium, the smallest parish, or own lives. As someone mentioned earlier, the US Catholic Bishops are meeting, and their goal is to continue to clean house, make clear policies, and insure justice.
The magisterium of the Catholic Church is the church's authority or office to give authentic interpretation of the Word of God, "whether in its written form or in the form of Tradition." Despite it's small size, it is the most powerful part of the Catholic faith, save the Pope himself speaking in "ex cathedra", which is extremely rare, the last time being in 1950 (when Pope Pius XII defined the Assumption of Mary as an article of faith).

I'm not suggesting that what is being done now, is not unimportant nor contrary to Catholic Sacred Tradition, In fact, it's long overdue. However, it should extent to the magisterium if cleaning house is its ultimate goal.
Why worry about the religious beliefs of people who don't subscribe to your religion?
The Magisterium of the Catholic church is still too top heavy with old, in the box, corrupt priests.
The reason that is an exaggeration is because the Magisterium is only a very small bit of the Catholic Church or even what it does. The base of the Catholic Church are the millions who sincerely listen to and who, in their own lives, practice the ways Christ taught.

This does not mean we should ignore sin and corruption wherever it might pop up--be that in the Magisterium, the smallest parish, or own lives. As someone mentioned earlier, the US Catholic Bishops are meeting, and their goal is to continue to clean house, make clear policies, and insure justice.
Catholic Bishops are trying to make sure no priest ever gets caught again.
Why worry about the religious beliefs of people who don't subscribe to your religion?
Because they believe that the more people who believe their malarkey, the more legitimate their malarkey appears, and the better they feel.
the ludicrous requirement of celibacy is dropped.
Matthew 19:12 comes to mind:

For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it."

The other problem that emerged in the Middle Ages was with married priests, what belonged to the family, what belonged to the Church. In daily life, what came first, family or Church. Even today, there are those who have lived through ministry killing their marriage.
So god's making eunuchs now? WHY?
Because they believe that the more people who believe their malarkey, the more legitimate their malarkey appears, and the better they feel.
Just say you are either anti-catholic and/or anti-religion; you'd at least be honest, this way I can ignore what you say.
Because they believe that the more people who believe their malarkey, the more legitimate their malarkey appears, and the better they feel.
Just say you are either anti-catholic and/or anti-religion; you'd at least be honest, this way I can ignore what you say.
I'm agnostic and see no proof either for or against the existence of a god. But leave the door open if anyone comes up with real proof either way. Can't be any fairer than that.

But some of the stuff I hear here is really far out there, that's why I use the word malarkey, and haven't yet come across anyone who has a rational, logical and realistic view of a potential god.
the ludicrous requirement of celibacy is dropped.
Matthew 19:12 comes to mind:

For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it."

The other problem that emerged in the Middle Ages was with married priests, what belonged to the family, what belonged to the Church. In daily life, what came first, family or Church. Even today, there are those who have lived through ministry killing their marriage.
Haven't a clue what you're trying to say.

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