Catch The Latest Retreat By Democrats...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....or maybe, simply the latest lie they have to admit.

1. Biden administration looking out for workers who lose their jobs in the well-paying oil and gas sectors:

John Kerry to oil and gas workers: Go to work to make the solar panels.

2. Now, the same John Kerry naming who those solar panel workers will be competing against:

"Green New Deal: John Kerry Admits Uyghur Slave Labor Is Being Used to Build Solar Panels

Biden Climate Czar John Kerry was pressed on the Chinese Communist Party's use of slave labor to make and sell solar panels to the rest of the world. Kerry said the abuse and genocide of the Uyghurs, who are forced to build the panels, is a "problem," but said climate change must be addressed through "clean" sources of energy.

"How can you assure us, this quest that we're on [clean energy] that slave labor coming out of China where genocide is taking place as we speak, are never a part of the climate solution in the United States?" Ranking Member Michael McCaul (R-TX) asked.

"It is a problem. Xinjiang province not only produces some of the solar panels that we believe are being, in some cases produced in forced labor by Uyghurs, but also there are a significant amount of rare earth mineral that are used in the solar panel themselves," Kerry said. "Nothing can be traded and I've made that very clear. President Biden has made it very clear. Climate is existential for everybody on the planet. We have to deal with it and because China is nearly 30 percent of emissions on that planet China has got to be a bigger part of the solution, not the problem."

No.....Americans did not vote for this over Trump.
....or maybe, simply the latest lie they have to admit.

1. Biden administration looking out for workers who lose their jobs in the well-paying oil and gas sectors:

John Kerry to oil and gas workers: Go to work to make the solar panels.

2. Now, the same John Kerry naming who those solar panel workers will be competing against:

"Green New Deal: John Kerry Admits Uyghur Slave Labor Is Being Used to Build Solar Panels

Biden Climate Czar John Kerry was pressed on the Chinese Communist Party's use of slave labor to make and sell solar panels to the rest of the world. Kerry said the abuse and genocide of the Uyghurs, who are forced to build the panels, is a "problem," but said climate change must be addressed through "clean" sources of energy.

"How can you assure us, this quest that we're on [clean energy] that slave labor coming out of China where genocide is taking place as we speak, are never a part of the climate solution in the United States?" Ranking Member Michael McCaul (R-TX) asked.

"It is a problem. Xinjiang province not only produces some of the solar panels that we believe are being, in some cases produced in forced labor by Uyghurs, but also there are a significant amount of rare earth mineral that are used in the solar panel themselves," Kerry said. "Nothing can be traded and I've made that very clear. President Biden has made it very clear. Climate is existential for everybody on the planet. We have to deal with it and because China is nearly 30 percent of emissions on that planet China has got to be a bigger part of the solution, not the problem."

No.....Americans did not vote for this over Trump.

What Kerry meant was that American oil and gas workers he put out of work will have the "option" to replace the Uighur slaves under Chairman Xi's and Biden's plan for America.
....or maybe, simply the latest lie they have to admit.

1. Biden administration looking out for workers who lose their jobs in the well-paying oil and gas sectors:

John Kerry to oil and gas workers: Go to work to make the solar panels.

2. Now, the same John Kerry naming who those solar panel workers will be competing against:

"Green New Deal: John Kerry Admits Uyghur Slave Labor Is Being Used to Build Solar Panels

Biden Climate Czar John Kerry was pressed on the Chinese Communist Party's use of slave labor to make and sell solar panels to the rest of the world. Kerry said the abuse and genocide of the Uyghurs, who are forced to build the panels, is a "problem," but said climate change must be addressed through "clean" sources of energy.

"How can you assure us, this quest that we're on [clean energy] that slave labor coming out of China where genocide is taking place as we speak, are never a part of the climate solution in the United States?" Ranking Member Michael McCaul (R-TX) asked.

"It is a problem. Xinjiang province not only produces some of the solar panels that we believe are being, in some cases produced in forced labor by Uyghurs, but also there are a significant amount of rare earth mineral that are used in the solar panel themselves," Kerry said. "Nothing can be traded and I've made that very clear. President Biden has made it very clear. Climate is existential for everybody on the planet. We have to deal with it and because China is nearly 30 percent of emissions on that planet China has got to be a bigger part of the solution, not the problem."

No.....Americans did not vote for this over Trump.

Slave Uighurs to compete against or not, America can't build solar panels at anywhere near the cost China makes them.

And there's little chance that illegal aliens coming into America can do it without extensive training either. And that would just mean that they would demand higher wages that would then take away any American competitiveness.

There 'is maybe' a way forward for America but even the bulk of the progressives aren't ready to accept it yet.

What an opportunity for Trump if he could betray his corporate benefactors!

Large corporation only have an interest in the bottom line that shows their profits. Unless they're forced to take social needs of the country into consideration.

Elizabeth Warren has the taxation formula all ready and prepared for America!
....or maybe, simply the latest lie they have to admit.

1. Biden administration looking out for workers who lose their jobs in the well-paying oil and gas sectors:

John Kerry to oil and gas workers: Go to work to make the solar panels.

2. Now, the same John Kerry naming who those solar panel workers will be competing against:

"Green New Deal: John Kerry Admits Uyghur Slave Labor Is Being Used to Build Solar Panels

Biden Climate Czar John Kerry was pressed on the Chinese Communist Party's use of slave labor to make and sell solar panels to the rest of the world. Kerry said the abuse and genocide of the Uyghurs, who are forced to build the panels, is a "problem," but said climate change must be addressed through "clean" sources of energy.

"How can you assure us, this quest that we're on [clean energy] that slave labor coming out of China where genocide is taking place as we speak, are never a part of the climate solution in the United States?" Ranking Member Michael McCaul (R-TX) asked.

"It is a problem. Xinjiang province not only produces some of the solar panels that we believe are being, in some cases produced in forced labor by Uyghurs, but also there are a significant amount of rare earth mineral that are used in the solar panel themselves," Kerry said. "Nothing can be traded and I've made that very clear. President Biden has made it very clear. Climate is existential for everybody on the planet. We have to deal with it and because China is nearly 30 percent of emissions on that planet China has got to be a bigger part of the solution, not the problem."

No.....Americans did not vote for this over Trump.

Slave Uighurs to compete against or not, America can't build solar panels at anywhere near the cost China makes them.

And there's little chance that illegal aliens coming into America can do it without extensive training either. And that would just mean that they would demand higher wages that would then take away any American competitiveness.

Large corporation only have an interest in the bottom line that shows their profits. Unless they're forced to take social needs of the country into consideration.

Elizabeth Warren has the taxation formula all ready and prepared for America!

Wow, CCP propaganda, racism, and corporate whoring all in one post! You're a good DemoKKKrat! Chairman Xi is pleased.

What Kerry meant was that American oil and gas workers he put out of work will have the "option" to replace the Uighur slaves under Chairman Xi's and Biden's plan for America.
You're getting it marvin. There are lots of jobs for Americans if they can lower their wages expectations.
....or maybe, simply the latest lie they have to admit.

1. Biden administration looking out for workers who lose their jobs in the well-paying oil and gas sectors:

John Kerry to oil and gas workers: Go to work to make the solar panels.

2. Now, the same John Kerry naming who those solar panel workers will be competing against:

"Green New Deal: John Kerry Admits Uyghur Slave Labor Is Being Used to Build Solar Panels

Biden Climate Czar John Kerry was pressed on the Chinese Communist Party's use of slave labor to make and sell solar panels to the rest of the world. Kerry said the abuse and genocide of the Uyghurs, who are forced to build the panels, is a "problem," but said climate change must be addressed through "clean" sources of energy.

"How can you assure us, this quest that we're on [clean energy] that slave labor coming out of China where genocide is taking place as we speak, are never a part of the climate solution in the United States?" Ranking Member Michael McCaul (R-TX) asked.

"It is a problem. Xinjiang province not only produces some of the solar panels that we believe are being, in some cases produced in forced labor by Uyghurs, but also there are a significant amount of rare earth mineral that are used in the solar panel themselves," Kerry said. "Nothing can be traded and I've made that very clear. President Biden has made it very clear. Climate is existential for everybody on the planet. We have to deal with it and because China is nearly 30 percent of emissions on that planet China has got to be a bigger part of the solution, not the problem."

No.....Americans did not vote for this over Trump.

Slave Uighurs to compete against or not, America can't build solar panels at anywhere near the cost China makes them.

And there's little chance that illegal aliens coming into America can do it without extensive training either. And that would just mean that they would demand higher wages that would then take away any American competitiveness.

Large corporation only have an interest in the bottom line that shows their profits. Unless they're forced to take social needs of the country into consideration.

Elizabeth Warren has the taxation formula all ready and prepared for America!

Wow, CCP propaganda, racism, and corporate whoring all in one post! You're a good DemoKKKrat! Chairman Xi is pleased.

That guy is posting from America's largest national park, Canada.

Wow, CCP propaganda, racism, and corporate whoring all in one post! You're a good DemoKKKrat! Chairman Xi is pleased.

America's only leg up that could allow it to compete is in the large gap in taxes that American corporations have to play with. This can allow some chance of America competing with China in a very limited amount of business.

Americans can't work faster and better and they can't produce a better product.

It only calls for 'socially' responsible capitalism being forced on corporations by government.

Elizabeth Warren has the taxation formula all ready and prepared for America!
An amazing consistency....

The Democrats were the party of slavery in 1860.....

....and they are fine with slavery today, as long as it is for building solar panels.

"The Uyghur genocide is the ongoing series of human rights abuses perpetrated by the government of China against the Uyghur people and other ethnic and religious minorities..."

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Wow, CCP propaganda, racism, and corporate whoring all in one post! You're a good DemoKKKrat! Chairman Xi is pleased.

That guy is posting from America's largest national park, Canada.
We Canadians have the credentials hon.

America's big problem with poverty and quality of life for the working class was manifested on Jan. 6th. for the world to see. The people's mission was to take down failed government, even though Trump's cause was strictly for his own benefit.

Elizabeth Warren has the taxation formula all ready and prepared for America!

Biden has been given a chance to bring it on and Trump's only chance of coming back is in ensuring Biden's failure.

Wow, CCP propaganda, racism, and corporate whoring all in one post! You're a good DemoKKKrat! Chairman Xi is pleased.

That guy is posting from America's largest national park, Canada.
We Canadians have the credentials hon.

America's big problem with poverty and quality of life for the working class was manifested on Jan. 6th. for the world to see. The people's mission was to take down failed government, even though Trump's cause was strictly for his own benefit.

Elizabeth Warren has the taxation formula all ready and prepared for America!

Biden has been given a chance to bring it on and Trump's only chance of coming back is in ensuring Biden's failure.

I sure hope that means you're stayin' there!

This is why normal folks are staying in a free country:

"Canadian Father JAILED for Violating a Court Order to Use His Trans Child's Preferred Pronouns

...Robert Hoogland surrendered himself to the court in response to a warrant issued for his arrest by the attorney general of British Columbia. His crime? Referring to his teen, a biological female, as “daughter,” referring to her with female pronouns, and refusing to affirm her medical transition to become a trans male. Peterson noted that this was inevitable..."

Happy there, Donald Hitler?
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

China has hit on the way forward for a large country with many millions of people to take care of.

Unfortunately for America, greedy capitalism can't be tolerated any longer because it doesn't share the wealth in any sufficient way.

China's capitalism, kept under control by their communist system is so far showing huge success. They have elevated hundreds of millions of their people up out of poverty, such has never been equaled by any democracy in history.

China doesn't have any plans in stopping the program and isn't going to tolerate any interference from either, H.K., Uighurs, or other imperialist interference from outside.

That's just the facts hon. America needs to modify it's capitalism in order to compete!

big corporations have to start paying their bills they owe for the rights and privileges America affords them to do business and prosper.

see my comment on Eliz Warren's plan.

Wow, CCP propaganda, racism, and corporate whoring all in one post! You're a good DemoKKKrat! Chairman Xi is pleased.

That guy is posting from America's largest national park, Canada.
We Canadians have the credentials hon.

America's big problem with poverty and quality of life for the working class was manifested on Jan. 6th. for the world to see. The people's mission was to take down failed government, even though Trump's cause was strictly for his own benefit.

Elizabeth Warren has the taxation formula all ready and prepared for America!

Biden has been given a chance to bring it on and Trump's only chance of coming back is in ensuring Biden's failure.

I sure hope that means you're stayin' there!

This is why normal folks are staying in a free country:

"Canadian Father JAILED for Violating a Court Order to Use His Trans Child's Preferred Pronouns

...Robert Hoogland surrendered himself to the court in response to a warrant issued for his arrest by the attorney general of British Columbia. His crime? Referring to his teen, a biological female, as “daughter,” referring to her with female pronouns, and refusing to affirm her medical transition to become a trans male. Peterson noted that this was inevitable..."

Happy there, Donald Hitler?
You've lost it and have become childish now hon. I'm calling a time out for us for a while.
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

China has hit on the way forward for a large country with many millions of people to take care of.

Unfortunately for America, greedy capitalism can't be tolerated any longer because it doesn't share the wealth in any sufficient way.

China's capitalism, kept under control by their communist system is so far showing huge success. They have elevated hundreds of millions of their people up out of poverty, such has never been equaled by any democracy in history.

China doesn't have any plans in stopping the program and isn't going to tolerate any interference from either, H.K., Uighurs, or other imperialist interference from outside.

That's just the facts hon. America needs to modify it's capitalism in order to compete!

big corporations have to start paying their bills they owe for the rights and privileges America affords them to do business and prosper.

see my comment on Eliz Warren's plan.

....especially since your Marxism/Nazism worked out so well in the 'Century of Slaughter.'

From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.

Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

1. Modern history presents us with two divergent models of economic arrangement: socialism, and capitalism. One of these appears preoccupied with the common good, and social betterment, the other with profits and production.

2. In its modern beginnings, socialism was optimistic and well intentioned, without the overlay of its contemporary varieties that tend to bemoan prosperity, romanticize poverty, and promote a view that place individual rights are a secondary concern. This is to say that the earliest socialists sought the fullest possible flourishing of humanity, “the common good.”

3. A half-century before Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, there was Gracchus Babeuf’s Plebeian Manifesto, which was later renamed the Manifesto of the Equals. Babeuf’s early (1796) work has been described as socialist, anarchist, and communist, and has had an enormous impact. He wrote: “The French Revolution was nothing but a precursor of another revolution, on which will be bigger, more solemn, and which will be the last…We reach for something more sublime and more just: the common good or the community of goods! Nor more individual property in land: the land belongs to no one. We demand, we want, the common enjoyment of the fruits of the land: the fruits belong to all.” Here, then, are the major themes of socialist theory. It takes very little interpolation to find that opponents profit at the expense of the environment, and conditions of inequality in society.

4. For Babeuf, socialism would distribute prosperity across the entire population, as it would “[have] us eat four good meals a day, [dress} us most elegantly, and also [provide] those of us who are fathers of families with charming houses worth a thousand louis each.”

5. Oscar Wilde: “Under socialism…there will be no people living in fetid dens and fetid rags, and bringing up unhealthy, hunger pinched children in the midst of impossible and absolutely repulsive surroundings…Each member of society will share in the general prosperity and happiness of the society…”

6. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

7. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.

So you're not much of a reader, huh?

Wow, CCP propaganda, racism, and corporate whoring all in one post! You're a good DemoKKKrat! Chairman Xi is pleased.

That guy is posting from America's largest national park, Canada.
We Canadians have the credentials hon.

America's big problem with poverty and quality of life for the working class was manifested on Jan. 6th. for the world to see. The people's mission was to take down failed government, even though Trump's cause was strictly for his own benefit.

Elizabeth Warren has the taxation formula all ready and prepared for America!

Biden has been given a chance to bring it on and Trump's only chance of coming back is in ensuring Biden's failure.

I sure hope that means you're stayin' there!

This is why normal folks are staying in a free country:

"Canadian Father JAILED for Violating a Court Order to Use His Trans Child's Preferred Pronouns

...Robert Hoogland surrendered himself to the court in response to a warrant issued for his arrest by the attorney general of British Columbia. His crime? Referring to his teen, a biological female, as “daughter,” referring to her with female pronouns, and refusing to affirm her medical transition to become a trans male. Peterson noted that this was inevitable..."

Happy there, Donald Hitler?
You've lost it and have become childish now hon. I'm calling a time out for us for a while.

I don't know if I'll be able to bear up under the loss.....

Seems like climate change is an existential threat that overrides genocide and slavery in the progressive mentality. An existential threat for everyone except those in the Chinese labor camps.

It would appear that the new administration wants the same for the US gas workers also...

...Little to no pay. Just work till you drop. It's for the good of the country and the people! Where's your patriotism? Your letter of commendation for all your hard work with little to no pay is in the mail.



Wow, CCP propaganda, racism, and corporate whoring all in one post! You're a good DemoKKKrat! Chairman Xi is pleased.

That guy is posting from America's largest national park, Canada.
We Canadians have the credentials hon.

America's big problem with poverty and quality of life for the working class was manifested on Jan. 6th. for the world to see. The people's mission was to take down failed government, even though Trump's cause was strictly for his own benefit.

Elizabeth Warren has the taxation formula all ready and prepared for America!

Biden has been given a chance to bring it on and Trump's only chance of coming back is in ensuring Biden's failure.
Trump doesn't have to do a thing. Biden, Kameltoe and the globalist democrats have ensured their own destruction already. Stay in your basement canuck, Trudeau's goose steppers will be arresting you if you dare leave it. Sounds like a real free country to me--hahaha! Moron.

So you're not much of a reader, huh?
Stating your opinion with quotes such as this are tolerable and fair play. Childish attempts to insult others are 'not'.

America's style of capitalism that leaves the working people behind is failing and the dissatisfaction with the system was demonstrated on Jan. 6th.

The world's leading democracies are leaving America behind and it was Americans themselves who told the world that on Jan. 6th.

In the meantime the world's leading democracies have gained the right to brag about their attitude of 'socially responsible government, with their degree of success.

Call it socialism if it pleases you. We call it capitalism.
Stomping down on the immigrants and the nigras isn't the answer. Hitting up big corporations to make them contribute their fair share is!

Now you get your time out.

So you're not much of a reader, huh?
Stating your opinion with quotes such as this are tolerable and fair play. Childish attempts to insult others are 'not'.

America's style of capitalism that leaves the working people behind is failing and the dissatisfaction with the system was demonstrated on Jan. 6th.

The world's leading democracies are leaving America behind and it was Americans themselves who told the world that on Jan. 6th.

In the meantime the world's leading democracies have gained the right to brag about their attitude of 'socially responsible government, with their degree of success.

Call it socialism if it pleases you. We call it capitalism.
Stomping down on the immigrants and the nigras isn't the answer. Hitting up big corporations to make them contribute their fair share is!

Now you get your time out.
You are a moron, Mr. Hitler. You are free in Canada to stay in your house. If you leave, you get cited. That sounds pretty dictatorial to me. Screw yourself and stay on your own side of the border. We don't want you or need you. Now you can give me a timeout too, you ignorant bastard.

So you're not much of a reader, huh?
Stating your opinion with quotes such as this are tolerable and fair play. Childish attempts to insult others are 'not'.

America's style of capitalism that leaves the working people behind is failing and the dissatisfaction with the system was demonstrated on Jan. 6th.

The world's leading democracies are leaving America behind and it was Americans themselves who told the world that on Jan. 6th.

In the meantime the world's leading democracies have gained the right to brag about their attitude of 'socially responsible government, with their degree of success.

Call it socialism if it pleases you. We call it capitalism.
Stomping down on the immigrants and the nigras isn't the answer. Hitting up big corporations to make them contribute their fair share is!

Now you get your time out.


Nay, nay......I accurately describe.

The Left has slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children since their coming-out party in 1917. They make al Qaeda look like the Red Cross.
Yet, some them.

Insults are the least of your just deserts.

There is no reason for you to write back, dunce.

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