Carly Fiorina Did NOT Lie About Planned Parent Videos


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
It turns out that Carly Fiorina did NOT "lie" about the Planned Parent (PP) video in her comment during Wednesday's debate:

Carly Fiorina: I dare Hillary to watch videos of aborted baby’s leg twitching (video)


Fiorina was referring to the seventh undercover video from the Center for Medical Progress - released on August 19 - in which former StemExpress procurement technician Holly O'Donnell testifies that she saw an aborted baby's heart beating after its abortion, just before her trainer harvested the child's brain by cutting the baby's face with scissors.​

The child was the “closest thing to a [fully-developed] baby I've seen.”

Subsequent footage shows a baby boy of roughly equal developmental age, with his leg twitching. The video was not of the child in question but another child, in footage spliced into the video from the Center for Bioethical Reform. CMP Lead Investigator David Daleiden said he added the footage to better illustrate the subject matter.​

So one PP video DOES show a baby with his leg twitching, and another PP video includes a "procurement technician" admitting that she saw baby with his heart still beating after the abortion and that the baby's brain was then "harvested."

Liberals can shamelessly quibble about the video editing, but the bottom line is that PP videos show exactly what Carly Fiorina described. What difference does it make that the baby whose heart was still beating just before it was murdered was not the same baby whose legs were twitching after he/she was aborted? If anything, the fact that we're talking about two babies makes PP's crime even worse.

Fiorina described the video that she saw with about 90% accuracy--not bad for comments that had to be made quickly in a debate.
There are people from all walks of life that find this very disturbing. Perhaps when we stop singling and grouping parties out and work together changes can happen.
Do you like everything your party does 100% ?

I hate that this is happening yet I am glad that it is being exposed so it can be changed.

Fucking CEO of planned parenthood claims this is not true, and I Do Not believe her, she makes over a half million dollars a year of coarse she is going to lie.

Abortions of any kind need to be defunded and have these women go through the medical route , planned parenthood should be a non profit for education and birth control only....

The House just passed a bill making it first degree murder to kill a baby after a botched abortion

Lakooka thinks this is funny? But of course Lakooka didn't realize members of Acorn were found guilty....he scampered off that thread in a hurry LMAO
The fact remains that regulated protection of mother and fetus are statutory parts of federal and state laws.

If we concentrate on post-natal care and options for mother and child, we will be able to limit signficantly the number of abortions.
There are people from all walks of life that find this very disturbing. Perhaps when we stop singling and grouping parties out and work together changes can happen.
Do you like everything your party does 100% ?

I hate that this is happening yet I am glad that it is being exposed so it can be changed.

Fucking CEO of planned parenthood claims this is not true, and I Do Not believe her, she makes over a half million dollars a year of coarse she is going to lie.

Abortions of any kind need to be defunded and have these women go through the medical route , planned parenthood should be a non profit for education and birth control only....

Planned Parenthood should be driven out of the country on a rail, and any of the butchers and racketeers that have broken the law..and they all have....should be put in prison and/or get the death penalty as applies. Crimes against humanity.
The House just passed a bill making it first degree murder to kill a baby after a botched abortion

Lakooka thinks this is funny? But of course Lakooka didn't realize members of Acorn were found guilty....he scampered off that thread in a hurry LMAO
Lakota's a slimy, mentally ill piece of garbage. I wouldn't worry too much about what that loser says or thinks. She has no influence over anybody at all and never will.
Why do right wingers care so much about a fetus, but then screw the baby over with such glee?
The House just passed a bill making it first degree murder to kill a baby after a botched abortion

Lakooka thinks this is funny? But of course Lakooka didn't realize members of Acorn were found guilty....he scampered off that thread in a hurry LMAO
Lakota's a slimy, mentally ill piece of garbage. I wouldn't worry too much about what that loser says or thinks. She has no influence over anybody at all and never will.

He/she whines too much
The House just passed a bill making it first degree murder to kill a baby after a botched abortion

Lakooka thinks this is funny? But of course Lakooka didn't realize members of Acorn were found guilty....he scampered off that thread in a hurry LMAO
Lakota's a slimy, mentally ill piece of garbage. I wouldn't worry too much about what that loser says or thinks. She has no influence over anybody at all and never will.

He/she whines too much
Oh she's just demented and stupid besides. Mooches off some Indian partner, male, female, who knows, and think it's makes her Indian when all it does is make him a loser. Probably doesn't even do that anymore, I can't see any self respecting Native spending much time with the moron.
It turns out that Carly Fiorina did NOT "lie" about the Planned Parent (PP) video in her comment during Wednesday's debate:

Carly Fiorina: I dare Hillary to watch videos of aborted baby’s leg twitching (video)


Fiorina was referring to the seventh undercover video from the Center for Medical Progress - released on August 19 - in which former StemExpress procurement technician Holly O'Donnell testifies that she saw an aborted baby's heart beating after its abortion, just before her trainer harvested the child's brain by cutting the baby's face with scissors.​

The child was the “closest thing to a [fully-developed] baby I've seen.”

Subsequent footage shows a baby boy of roughly equal developmental age, with his leg twitching. The video was not of the child in question but another child, in footage spliced into the video from the Center for Bioethical Reform. CMP Lead Investigator David Daleiden said he added the footage to better illustrate the subject matter.​

So one PP video DOES show a baby with his leg twitching, and another PP video includes a "procurement technician" admitting that she saw baby with his heart still beating after the abortion and that the baby's brain was then "harvested."

Liberals can shamelessly quibble about the video editing, but the bottom line is that PP videos show exactly what Carly Fiorina described. What difference does it make that the baby whose heart was still beating just before it was murdered was not the same baby whose legs were twitching after he/she was aborted? If anything, the fact that we're talking about two babies makes PP's crime even worse.

Fiorina described the video that she saw with about 90% accuracy--not bad for comments that had to be made quickly in a debate.

Goddam you people will never give up will you?

She didn't lie because some OTHER video looks like something she described?

Are you mental?
Oh, Google, you make this so easy:

Fiorina-Backed Website Touted Planned Parenthood

Carly Fiorina has taken a hard line against Planned Parenthood as a Republican presidential candidate, but in 2005 she invested in a health care website similar to WebMD that touted abortion benefits and directed users to Planned Parenthood.

The Revolution Health Group website assured users abortion is safe and directed them to pro-choice groups including Planned Parenthood for more information, but did not link to any pro-life groups or offer a pro-choice perspective.

Fiorina-Backed Website Touted Planned Parenthood
She's a politician.

You far right hard heads need to understand that all of the candidates for the GOP are some sort of progressive statist.
She lied, someone talking about something happening doesn't mean it happened.

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