Caravan Illegals Already Think Like Democrats: 'Give us $50,000 Each & We Will Go Home!"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Migrant Caravan: 'Let Us in or Give Each of Us $50,000 to Turn Around and Go Home'
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'GIVE' you '$50,000' to go home? In the immortal words of CHUCK NORRIS:

Hope they all hold their breath for that to happen.

What a bunch of assholes.
couple that with what soros paid them (maybe) to come up here, they should have a pretty damn good year for a job of just walking across mexico.
If they tbink the US has taken something from Honduras then Honduras should demand repartition. We can say pound sand and they can force it militarily.

Shortest war in history. Lol
well to get asylum you have to be in fear of your life to go home. i would think just getting $50k to go away would defeat the entire premise that they are in fact scared to go home and are only here to cause a ruckus.
Illegals demanding what they walked all that way for: FREE $HIT
well to get asylum you have to be in fear of your life to go home. i would think just getting $50k to go away would defeat the entire premise that they are in fact scared to go home and are only here to cause a ruckus.
I would be afraid to return to that poor-ass country run by a crooked government, drug cartels, and criminals with $50,000 in my pocket.... We would be doing them a favor by NOT giving them the money, preventing them from being robbed and / or killed for the money.
How about fine them $50,000 and throw them in a Mexican Prison?
and if they want out they can work off the fine by helping build the wall.

there. now the migrants can either sit in a tijuana jail or build a wall for free and then go home. or go home w/o hassle now.
But but but, they are all just women and children fleeing oppression!!!!

How about fine them $50,000 and throw them in a Mexican Prison?
and if they want out they can work off the fine by helping build the wall.

there. now the migrants can either sit in a tijuana jail or build a wall for free and then go home. or go home w/o hassle now.

Oh! They can be the wall laborers to earn their bus ticket to back home with a little something in their pocket!


man, an hour into this post and no liberal non-sensical snark to be found.

they're slipping.
Liberals support this, right?

Lets just cut a check for $50,000 to everyone who comes to the border. Then they can just go back home to the horrible shithole nations they are fleeing from oppression and violence.

Seems fair.
man, an hour into this post and no liberal non-sensical snark to be found.

they're slipping.

Media Matters has not published the retort yet. They will parrot it when it's released.

Their liberal overlords have ot focus group the response, then the response is sent out via CNN and MSNBC.

Until then, they don't know how to repond. They don't think for themselves.
Migrant Caravan: 'Let Us in or Give Each of Us $50,000 to Turn Around and Go Home'

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'GIVE' you '$50,000' to go home? In the immortal words of CHUCK NORRIS:


You gotta know our resident Leftarded want to get in here and advocate for the cockroaches...many are thinking about how to work an angle right now...Come on Leftarded, get in here, tell us how good Americans OWE Mexico a piece of their checking accounts.
Two groups of Central American migrants marched to the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana on Tuesday with a list of demands, with one group delivering an ultimatum to the Trump administration: either let them in the U.S. or pay them $50,000 each to go home, a report said.
Caravan Migrants Demand $50K Each to Go Back Home

LMFAo there is nothing to make this crap up, pay them are you f-ing kidding me omg........ the nerve, the balls, the audacity " Pay you lmfao" !!

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