Capitol Police Release Damning Facts, Slam DOJ Decision to Not Charge the 'Colbert Nine'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Capitol Police Release Damning Facts, Slam DOJ Decision to Not Charge the 'Colbert Nine'​

20 Jul 2022 ~~ By Bonchie

In one of the most expected, predictable moves imaginable, the Department of Justice announced on Monday that it would not charge the so-called “Colbert Nine” after they illegally entered the US Capitol Building last June.
Nine members of far-left TV host Stephen Colbert’s production team were arrested on June 16th after refusing to leave the premises. They had previously been told they must have an escort and that their entry wasn’t permitted. In its decision to not prosecute, the DOJ presented the situation as one big misunderstanding, noting that the Colbert team members had been invited by congressional members, including Rep. Adam Schiff.

If you read the entire statement, it’s abundantly clear that this was not just a misunderstanding brought about by a group of people who weren’t aware of the rules. They were informed multiple times over multiple days via multiple incidents that they could not be in any of the Capitol buildings without a credentialed escort. Earlier on June 16th, they had been escorted out of the Capitol Rotunda and told the rules. Their intent to ignore the law in order to harass GOP members isn’t in doubt.
The idea that there wasn’t enough evidence for the DOJ to at least charge them with misdemeanors is farcical. If this were a group of Republicans illegally entering the Capitol Building multiple times to harass Democrat congressional members, they’d still be in solitary confinement right now. Everyone knows it because everyone knows our justice system is a two-tiered joke. Being of the left in Washington, DC, is essentially a get-out-of-jail-free card.
Lastly, doesn’t it sort of feel like the USCP is realizing it’s been played by Democrats over the last year and a half for political gain? Capitol Police have gone from being hailed as heroes of January 6th to having Democrat members openly defy them and accuse them of insurrection. The tone of that letter detailing the “Colbert Nine” incident is certainly forceful and very interesting.

Once again, the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat "Two Tiered/Bifurcated Justice System" rears its ugly head in Washington D.C.
At this point they don't even try to hide it. Just ask AOC and Omar that were supposedly handcuffed in a protest recently and weren't charged, or our friend from Florida name Hogg that interrupted a Congressional session on Gun Control.
No charges leveled against them either, while participants of the J6th protest have been illegally languishing in prison for more than a year without legal representation.

Put's a whole new perspective on "coming quietly" when the Schutzstaffel come to your door.
Could they be charged in 2025? Since there is no trial, there is no issue of double jeopardy

Capitol Police Release Damning Facts, Slam DOJ Decision to Not Charge the 'Colbert Nine'​

20 Jul 2022 ~~ By Bonchie

In one of the most expected, predictable moves imaginable, the Department of Justice announced on Monday that it would not charge the so-called “Colbert Nine” after they illegally entered the US Capitol Building last June.
Nine members of far-left TV host Stephen Colbert’s production team were arrested on June 16th after refusing to leave the premises. They had previously been told they must have an escort and that their entry wasn’t permitted. In its decision to not prosecute, the DOJ presented the situation as one big misunderstanding, noting that the Colbert team members had been invited by congressional members, including Rep. Adam Schiff.

If you read the entire statement, it’s abundantly clear that this was not just a misunderstanding brought about by a group of people who weren’t aware of the rules. They were informed multiple times over multiple days via multiple incidents that they could not be in any of the Capitol buildings without a credentialed escort. Earlier on June 16th, they had been escorted out of the Capitol Rotunda and told the rules. Their intent to ignore the law in order to harass GOP members isn’t in doubt.
The idea that there wasn’t enough evidence for the DOJ to at least charge them with misdemeanors is farcical. If this were a group of Republicans illegally entering the Capitol Building multiple times to harass Democrat congressional members, they’d still be in solitary confinement right now. Everyone knows it because everyone knows our justice system is a two-tiered joke. Being of the left in Washington, DC, is essentially a get-out-of-jail-free card.
Lastly, doesn’t it sort of feel like the USCP is realizing it’s been played by Democrats over the last year and a half for political gain? Capitol Police have gone from being hailed as heroes of January 6th to having Democrat members openly defy them and accuse them of insurrection. The tone of that letter detailing the “Colbert Nine” incident is certainly forceful and very interesting.

Once again, the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat "Two Tiered/Bifurcated Justice System" rears its ugly head in Washington D.C.
At this point they don't even try to hide it. Just ask AOC and Omar that were supposedly handcuffed in a protest recently and weren't charged, or our friend from Florida name Hogg that interrupted a Congressional session on Gun Control.
No charges leveled against them either, while participants of the J6th protest have been illegally languishing in prison for more than a year without legal representation.

Citizens around the world view such decisions and assess the U.S system accordingly. Increasingly, you are more closely compared to Canadas system.

This is even more egregious when I witness CNN promoting another "blockbuster day" of "1/6 Hearings". Has anyone educated them that Jan 6th, 2020, was a hell of a long time ago. If it ever had any value of importance, it is long gone.

Everyone knows, this is about protecting the Establishment politicians and their donors influence, nothing else. Anyone who promotes the idea that "this is about saving the Republic" etc. haven't been very convincing to me, especially considering all that has been committed against Trump since 2015.
Citizens around the world view such decisions and assess the U.S system accordingly. Increasingly, you are more closely compared to Canadas system.

This is even more egregious when I witness CNN promoting another "blockbuster day" of "1/6 Hearings". Has anyone educated them that Jan 6th, 2020, was a hell of a long time ago. If it ever had any value of importance, it is long gone.

Everyone knows, this is about protecting the Establishment politicians and their donors influence, nothing else. Anyone who promotes the idea that "this is about saving the Republic" etc. haven't been very convincing to me, especially considering all that has been committed against Trump since 2015.

Now if they could convince American muppets that Trump is responsible for Climate Change too; they'd have a long shot Daily Double.

Capitol Police Release Damning Facts, Slam DOJ Decision to Not Charge the 'Colbert Nine'​

20 Jul 2022 ~~ By Bonchie

In one of the most expected, predictable moves imaginable, the Department of Justice announced on Monday that it would not charge the so-called “Colbert Nine” after they illegally entered the US Capitol Building last June.
Nine members of far-left TV host Stephen Colbert’s production team were arrested on June 16th after refusing to leave the premises. They had previously been told they must have an escort and that their entry wasn’t permitted. In its decision to not prosecute, the DOJ presented the situation as one big misunderstanding, noting that the Colbert team members had been invited by congressional members, including Rep. Adam Schiff.

If you read the entire statement, it’s abundantly clear that this was not just a misunderstanding brought about by a group of people who weren’t aware of the rules. They were informed multiple times over multiple days via multiple incidents that they could not be in any of the Capitol buildings without a credentialed escort. Earlier on June 16th, they had been escorted out of the Capitol Rotunda and told the rules. Their intent to ignore the law in order to harass GOP members isn’t in doubt.
The idea that there wasn’t enough evidence for the DOJ to at least charge them with misdemeanors is farcical. If this were a group of Republicans illegally entering the Capitol Building multiple times to harass Democrat congressional members, they’d still be in solitary confinement right now. Everyone knows it because everyone knows our justice system is a two-tiered joke. Being of the left in Washington, DC, is essentially a get-out-of-jail-free card.
Lastly, doesn’t it sort of feel like the USCP is realizing it’s been played by Democrats over the last year and a half for political gain? Capitol Police have gone from being hailed as heroes of January 6th to having Democrat members openly defy them and accuse them of insurrection. The tone of that letter detailing the “Colbert Nine” incident is certainly forceful and very interesting.

Once again, the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat "Two Tiered/Bifurcated Justice System" rears its ugly head in Washington D.C.
At this point they don't even try to hide it. Just ask AOC and Omar that were supposedly handcuffed in a protest recently and weren't charged, or our friend from Florida name Hogg that interrupted a Congressional session on Gun Control.
No charges leveled against them either, while participants of the J6th protest have been illegally languishing in prison for more than a year without legal representation.

They won't be charged because Colbert is a beloved progressive tv personality. He pushes their agendas even to the point he dressed like a syringe for a vaccine song and dance routine, he only has guests on his show that are progressive, he makes fun of trump even today every chance he can and he gets fake angry about everything he is supposed to for the camera.

Nothing will happen to him because he is a useful tool.

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