Capitalism Leviathan: The Dreaded Society


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The great capitalism economist-philosopher Adam Smith suggested in his seminal work The Wealth of Nations that assets flow like decision-making markers in a macro-system governed by competitive economics/bargaining, revealing the dynamic qualities of the unpredictable ebb and flow of the wealth of nation-states.

Beneath this 'veneer' of fluid-asset flow lies (implicitly) forces of great uncertainty and chaos, entities of complete misshapen causality (e.g., the Great Depression). Americans love this sort of 'folk-philosophy,' since it evokes our imagination regarding the 'spectral forces' churning the 'great turbines' of Wall Street (etc.).

We think of 'phantoms in shopping malls,' ghosts in libraries, spooks in large mansions, ghouls lurking in urban alleys (etc.).

Could capitalism release 'ghosts of calculations,' and if so, what will President Trump do to deal with such capitalism-frailties?

Here's a parable about a self-proclaimed 'capitalism-vigilante' named Scarecrow (simply an idealistic college student in a fun Halloween costume adapted from a comic book) who is 'warning' America about the lurking spectres of economics-based ugliness...



Evans was a terrific poker-player who decided there were some secret 'codes' to the reality of the dynamic foundations of asset-flow across the modern world of commerce-gauged decision-making (e.g., World Bank, Wall Street, etc.). Evans decided to become a 'capitalism-vigilante' named Scarecrow who insisted Americans should meditate on the metaphysical forces of uncertainty and chaos lurking in the sea of traffic in modern civilization. No one took Scarecrow seriously until a strange macro-entity called Leviathan emerged from the sewers and underground tunnels of NYC claiming it was a 'harbinger of gambling-related doom.'

SCARECROW: Why are you here, Leviathan?
LEVIATHAN: Fortune and capital create fears of ruin...
SCARECROW: Are you an 'entity' of the Great Depression?
LEVIATHAN: No, I'm a reminder of poverty!
SCARECROW: Why are you so misshapen?
LEVIATHAN: I resemble a demon, because capitalism is fragile.
SCARECROW: Why isn't there a 'phantom' from Ancient Egypt?
LEVIATHAN: Wall Street is much more ambitious than ancient empires!
SCARECROW: Are you referring to Enron and Occupy Wall Street?
LEVIATHAN: I'm referring to Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.
SCARECROW: So, are you like a 'Devil's Advocate' of tycoons and pirates?
LEVIATHAN: I admire piracy and profiteers, but I'm interested in anarchy.
SCARECROW: Americans adore Bonnie and Clyde and Gordon Gekko.
LEVIATHAN: Celebrity is child-like; I care about fortune-hunting.
SCARECROW: Is Las Vegas a symbol of immaturity?
LEVIATHAN: Ask President Trump...



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