Can't Ya' Give The President Credit...??


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY

Let's make believe this never happened:

1. WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama said Wednesday night that waterboarding authorized by former President George W. Bush was torture and that the information it gained from terror suspects could have been obtained by other means. "In some cases, it may be harder," he conceded at a White House news conference capping a whirlwind first 100 days in office.

The president also said he was "absolutely convinced" he had acted correctly in banning tough interrogation techniques including waterboarding, which simulates drowning, and in making public the Bush administration memos detailing their use on terrorist suspects. ...Obama has come under heavy criticism for his actions from former Vice President Dick Cheney and other Republicans. They have urged Obama to release memos they say will show the tough methods were successful in obtaining information.

Obama told reporters he has read the documents Cheney and others are referring to but said they are classified and declined to discuss their details. In a White House exchange with House Republican leader John Boehner last week, Obama said the record was equivocal.
Obama says waterboarding was torture

2. "I have been consistent in my strong belief that no Administration should allow the use of torture, including so-called 'enhanced interrogation techniques' like water-boarding, head-slapping, and extreme temperatures. It's time that we had a Department of Justice that upholds the rule of law and American values, instead of finding ways to enable the President to subvert them. No more political parsing or legal loopholes. I cannot support Judge Mukasey unless he clearly and unequivocally rejects techniques like water-boarding."
Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Obama: "I Cannot Support" Mukasey Without Clarity On Waterboarding

3. On Aug. 24, 2009, US Attorney General Eric Holder that, at the behest of President Barack Obama, he had appointed a special prosecutor to probe the interrogation techniques administered to detainees by CIA operatives during the George W. Bush administration.

Aug 31, 2009
In a wide-ranging interview with FOX News Sunday's Chris Wallace yesterday, former Vice President Dick Cheney outlined why investigating the legality of decisions made by a previous administration will do more than just create morale problems for America's national security personnel -- it will ensure that every single presidential decision will be open to long-term legal consequences.

Aug 25, 2009
US Attorney General Eric Holder announced Monday that he has launched an investigation into the methods used by CIA operatives who interrogated suspected terrorists during the Bush Administration ...CIA Interrogation Probe -- Tracking Obama's CIA Interrogation Probe

4. Obama Can't Let Go: May Investigate GITMO Interrogations
From Justin Quinn, Guide April 22, 2009

President Barack Obama can't seem to move on from the 2008 presidential election. He seems determined to continue his campaign against the Bush administration.

Obama released select documents Monday from his predecessor's National Security Files, which detailed the somewhat harsh interrogation techniques allegedly used against enemy combatants housed at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. Obama followed up the release of these documents by saying he couldn't rule out investigations and/or prosecutions of the top Bush officials who signed off on the use of the techniques.
Obama seems to forget that it was under the previous Democratic administration that the attacks of 9/11 were planned and the terrorists provided entry to the US.

While it may be convenient for Obama to divert attention from his administrations many early mistakes by trying to refocus the nation's attention on the Bush administration, Obama really should concentrate on keeping America safe and fixing its many problems. Investigating Bush officials solves nothing and only creates more division on Capitol Hill -- something Obama the presidential candidate promised he wouldn't do.

Obama Can't Let Go: May Investigate GITMO Interrogations

5. Something the president forgot to mention last night, when he claimed credit for “the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al Qaeda.” The president owes some thanks—and apologies—to the men and women of the CIA’s interrogation program.

So Guantanamo detainees provided the key intelligence that allowed the CIA to track down bin Laden. But not just any Guantanamo detainees. It turns out the detainees in question were KSM and Abu Faraj al-Libi, the man who succeeded KSM as al Qaeda’s operational commander, when the 9/11 mastermind was captured in 2003. Obama Owes Thanks for Bin Laden Operation to CIA Interrogators « The Enterprise Blog does the President share the credit and make up for the threats he made to the careers and efforts of Bush administration officials, and interrogators at Gitmo?

When does he offer the 'Sorry, Guys'?
He's campaigning. Can't give DA BOOOOOSH any credit. He's already thinking about his re-election in 2012. His Partisan Politics have trumped doing what's right. It is sad but it is what it is.
Yeah right like I would pay any attention to a Michel Moore blog either.
Challenge declined for lack of interest.
That is from a highly conservative blog and took vast liberties with the interpretation of what obama actually said.

Blogs are opinions and not facts.

You are obviously completely uninformed on Obama's position of the Bush administration's so-called 'enhanced interrogation techniques. Either that, or it just kills that the media is now all in agreement that the information that Obama used in finally killing bin Laden was due to Bush.

If you are that uninformed- too ignorant of subject of politics and current events to be in this message forum- here is the video of Obama himself saying that not only does he disagree with Bush's policy, but he was at one point threatening to bring Bush up on charges.

You sir, are an idiot.
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He definitely deserves some credit. Bush kept pressure on Osama for nearly 7 years, demolished his safe haven in Afghanistan, and killed off nearly every underling OBL had. At the time of OBL's death, Al Queda was running on its 11th and 12th stringers because everyone else up the ticket was dead or rotting in Gitmo.

Obama also deserves credit though. That was a gutsy call taking a unilateral action in a sovereign nation. Plus, 7 years of work is besides the point if you do nothing at all for 2 years. Obama following up on Bush's work ended up carrying the day.

This is a tough one for the true partisans. Right Wingers have tried to say that Obama bore full and total responsibility for everything that happened from the day he was elected forward. And now Obama has brought down OBL, so by that logic Obama gets the full credit. Left Wingers have blamed everything that's happened under Obama on Bush, which means by that logic OBL's take down is Bush's victory.

Rational folks will realize that this one is a win for both Bush and Obama. I'm sad that so few folks will see it that way though.
Yeah right like I would pay any attention to a Michel Moore blog either.
Challenge declined for lack of interest.

Challenge declined because your flimsy defense of the President is unfounded.

Where did I defend our president?
Apparently so flimsy as to be non existent.

"That is from a highly conservative blog and took vast liberties with the interpretation of what obama actually said."

As this President is 'highly liberal,' the above quote appears to use 'highly conservative' as a pejorative, and, as such, becomes a rebuttal to the OP, does it not?
I'm not all that concerned.

No one actually suffered consequinces.

Obama tossed his principles to kill a man.

That man was one of the most ruthless on the planet.

It was a good day. obama got props, the SEALs got props, even the CIA got some. But to expect Bush to get any, at this time, is a bit of a streatch when many like to say the economy is all obamas now.
He definitely deserves some credit. Bush kept pressure on Osama for nearly 7 years, demolished his safe haven in Afghanistan, and killed off nearly every underling OBL had. At the time of OBL's death, Al Queda was running on its 11th and 12th stringers because everyone else up the ticket was dead or rotting in Gitmo.

Obama also deserves credit though. That was a gutsy call taking a unilateral action in a sovereign nation. Plus, 7 years of work is besides the point if you do nothing at all for 2 years. Obama following up on Bush's work ended up carrying the day.

This is a tough one for the true partisans. Right Wingers have tried to say that Obama bore full and total responsibility for everything that happened from the day he was elected forward. And now Obama has brought down OBL, so by that logic Obama gets the full credit. Left Wingers have blamed everything that's happened under Obama on Bush, which means by that logic OBL's take down is Bush's victory.

Rational folks will realize that this one is a win for both Bush and Obama. I'm sad that so few folks will see it that way though.

Doc,'s no fun when you're even handed in these situations!

Can you be less fair, and fight?????

Yes, President Obama deserves credit for the event, especially as
the previous Democrat administration had no stomach to do it. Read the following:

"Mr. Richard Clarke, Mr. Sandy Berger, President Clinton are lying about the opportunities they had to kill Osama bin Laden. ...
Men and women at the CIA risked their lives to provide occasions to kill a man we knew had declared war and had attacked America four or five times before 1998. We had plans that had been approved by the Joint Operations Command at Fort Bragg. We had opportunities, many opportunities to kill him.

But that's the president's decision. That's absolutely the case. It's not a simple, dumb bureaucrat like me; that's not my decision. It's his. But for him to get on the television and say to the American people he did all he could is a flat lie, sir....

"Mr. Clarke, Mr. Berger, Mr. Clinton did have opportunities that were delivered by the men and women of the CIA to kill Osama bin Laden. In the first eight months of the Bush administration, there were no such opportunities."

Read more: Ex-CIA Agent Scheuer Responds to Clinton

Now then, the reason for the OP?

When I saw the many posts this morn demanding that President Obama be given credit, the historic accuracy needed to be inserted.

Simply, he used the plans, designs, methods and results of folks who he slandered and threatened with the weight of the legislative and judicial power of the United States, much as Scooter Libby was thrown in jail for the wrong political side of a debate.

That very much militates against any credit he deserves.

Let's make believe this never happened:

1. WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama said Wednesday night that waterboarding authorized by former President George W. Bush was torture and that the information it gained from terror suspects could have been obtained by other means. "In some cases, it may be harder," he conceded at a White House news conference capping a whirlwind first 100 days in office.

The president also said he was "absolutely convinced" he had acted correctly in banning tough interrogation techniques including waterboarding, which simulates drowning, and in making public the Bush administration memos detailing their use on terrorist suspects. ...Obama has come under heavy criticism for his actions from former Vice President Dick Cheney and other Republicans. They have urged Obama to release memos they say will show the tough methods were successful in obtaining information.

Obama told reporters he has read the documents Cheney and others are referring to but said they are classified and declined to discuss their details. In a White House exchange with House Republican leader John Boehner last week, Obama said the record was equivocal.
Obama says waterboarding was torture

2. "I have been consistent in my strong belief that no Administration should allow the use of torture, including so-called 'enhanced interrogation techniques' like water-boarding, head-slapping, and extreme temperatures. It's time that we had a Department of Justice that upholds the rule of law and American values, instead of finding ways to enable the President to subvert them. No more political parsing or legal loopholes. I cannot support Judge Mukasey unless he clearly and unequivocally rejects techniques like water-boarding."
Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Obama: "I Cannot Support" Mukasey Without Clarity On Waterboarding

3. On Aug. 24, 2009, US Attorney General Eric Holder that, at the behest of President Barack Obama, he had appointed a special prosecutor to probe the interrogation techniques administered to detainees by CIA operatives during the George W. Bush administration.

Aug 31, 2009
In a wide-ranging interview with FOX News Sunday's Chris Wallace yesterday, former Vice President Dick Cheney outlined why investigating the legality of decisions made by a previous administration will do more than just create morale problems for America's national security personnel -- it will ensure that every single presidential decision will be open to long-term legal consequences.

Aug 25, 2009
US Attorney General Eric Holder announced Monday that he has launched an investigation into the methods used by CIA operatives who interrogated suspected terrorists during the Bush Administration ...CIA Interrogation Probe -- Tracking Obama's CIA Interrogation Probe

4. Obama Can't Let Go: May Investigate GITMO Interrogations
From Justin Quinn, Guide April 22, 2009

President Barack Obama can't seem to move on from the 2008 presidential election. He seems determined to continue his campaign against the Bush administration.

Obama released select documents Monday from his predecessor's National Security Files, which detailed the somewhat harsh interrogation techniques allegedly used against enemy combatants housed at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. Obama followed up the release of these documents by saying he couldn't rule out investigations and/or prosecutions of the top Bush officials who signed off on the use of the techniques.
Obama seems to forget that it was under the previous Democratic administration that the attacks of 9/11 were planned and the terrorists provided entry to the US.

While it may be convenient for Obama to divert attention from his administrations many early mistakes by trying to refocus the nation's attention on the Bush administration, Obama really should concentrate on keeping America safe and fixing its many problems. Investigating Bush officials solves nothing and only creates more division on Capitol Hill -- something Obama the presidential candidate promised he wouldn't do.

Obama Can't Let Go: May Investigate GITMO Interrogations

5. Something the president forgot to mention last night, when he claimed credit for “the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al Qaeda.” The president owes some thanks—and apologies—to the men and women of the CIA’s interrogation program.

So Guantanamo detainees provided the key intelligence that allowed the CIA to track down bin Laden. But not just any Guantanamo detainees. It turns out the detainees in question were KSM and Abu Faraj al-Libi, the man who succeeded KSM as al Qaeda’s operational commander, when the 9/11 mastermind was captured in 2003. Obama Owes Thanks for Bin Laden Operation to CIA Interrogators « The Enterprise Blog does the President share the credit and make up for the threats he made to the careers and efforts of Bush administration officials, and interrogators at Gitmo?

When does he offer the 'Sorry, Guys'?

Have any of the mainstream media picked this up? If not then rightly or wrongly, it will be dismissed as politically motivated rumor-mongering by the left.

Let's make believe this never happened:

1. WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama said Wednesday night that waterboarding authorized by former President George W. Bush was torture and that the information it gained from terror suspects could have been obtained by other means. "In some cases, it may be harder," he conceded at a White House news conference capping a whirlwind first 100 days in office.

The president also said he was "absolutely convinced" he had acted correctly in banning tough interrogation techniques including waterboarding, which simulates drowning, and in making public the Bush administration memos detailing their use on terrorist suspects. ...Obama has come under heavy criticism for his actions from former Vice President Dick Cheney and other Republicans. They have urged Obama to release memos they say will show the tough methods were successful in obtaining information.

Obama told reporters he has read the documents Cheney and others are referring to but said they are classified and declined to discuss their details. In a White House exchange with House Republican leader John Boehner last week, Obama said the record was equivocal.
Obama says waterboarding was torture

2. "I have been consistent in my strong belief that no Administration should allow the use of torture, including so-called 'enhanced interrogation techniques' like water-boarding, head-slapping, and extreme temperatures. It's time that we had a Department of Justice that upholds the rule of law and American values, instead of finding ways to enable the President to subvert them. No more political parsing or legal loopholes. I cannot support Judge Mukasey unless he clearly and unequivocally rejects techniques like water-boarding."
Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Obama: "I Cannot Support" Mukasey Without Clarity On Waterboarding

3. On Aug. 24, 2009, US Attorney General Eric Holder that, at the behest of President Barack Obama, he had appointed a special prosecutor to probe the interrogation techniques administered to detainees by CIA operatives during the George W. Bush administration.

Aug 31, 2009
In a wide-ranging interview with FOX News Sunday's Chris Wallace yesterday, former Vice President Dick Cheney outlined why investigating the legality of decisions made by a previous administration will do more than just create morale problems for America's national security personnel -- it will ensure that every single presidential decision will be open to long-term legal consequences.

Aug 25, 2009
US Attorney General Eric Holder announced Monday that he has launched an investigation into the methods used by CIA operatives who interrogated suspected terrorists during the Bush Administration ...CIA Interrogation Probe -- Tracking Obama's CIA Interrogation Probe

4. Obama Can't Let Go: May Investigate GITMO Interrogations
From Justin Quinn, Guide April 22, 2009

President Barack Obama can't seem to move on from the 2008 presidential election. He seems determined to continue his campaign against the Bush administration.

Obama released select documents Monday from his predecessor's National Security Files, which detailed the somewhat harsh interrogation techniques allegedly used against enemy combatants housed at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. Obama followed up the release of these documents by saying he couldn't rule out investigations and/or prosecutions of the top Bush officials who signed off on the use of the techniques.
Obama seems to forget that it was under the previous Democratic administration that the attacks of 9/11 were planned and the terrorists provided entry to the US.

While it may be convenient for Obama to divert attention from his administrations many early mistakes by trying to refocus the nation's attention on the Bush administration, Obama really should concentrate on keeping America safe and fixing its many problems. Investigating Bush officials solves nothing and only creates more division on Capitol Hill -- something Obama the presidential candidate promised he wouldn't do.

Obama Can't Let Go: May Investigate GITMO Interrogations

5. Something the president forgot to mention last night, when he claimed credit for “the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al Qaeda.” The president owes some thanks—and apologies—to the men and women of the CIA’s interrogation program.

So Guantanamo detainees provided the key intelligence that allowed the CIA to track down bin Laden. But not just any Guantanamo detainees. It turns out the detainees in question were KSM and Abu Faraj al-Libi, the man who succeeded KSM as al Qaeda’s operational commander, when the 9/11 mastermind was captured in 2003. Obama Owes Thanks for Bin Laden Operation to CIA Interrogators « The Enterprise Blog does the President share the credit and make up for the threats he made to the careers and efforts of Bush administration officials, and interrogators at Gitmo?

When does he offer the 'Sorry, Guys'?

Have any of the mainstream media picked this up? If not then rightly or wrongly, it will be dismissed as politically motivated rumor-mongering by the left.

If the MSM had picked up what they should have, we wouldn't be saddled with this fraud.
Challenge declined because your flimsy defense of the President is unfounded.

Where did I defend our president?
Apparently so flimsy as to be non existent.

"That is from a highly conservative blog and took vast liberties with the interpretation of what obama actually said."

As this President is 'highly liberal,' the above quote appears to use 'highly conservative' as a pejorative, and, as such, becomes a rebuttal to the OP, does it not?

I suppose it could be viewed that way and I apologize for that mistake.
I personally feel that ALL extremists are wrong. And tend to ignore or ridicule them.

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