Can't we at least arm teachers with cans of BEAR SPRAY??


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Yes - bear spray is not perfect. The range is only 30 feet or so but guns have disadvantages too. Anyone can easily shoot a can of bear spray since they are silent and have no recoil and there is no need for great accuracy anyway. They are cheap - $40. And no threat of killing an innocent person.

Will some shooters then wear gas masks? Perhaps, but bear spray in the eyes is horrible and so the mask will have to cover their eyes too and the spray on the lenses will make it hard to see.

Mind you i'm talking about those big 8 inch cannisters of bear spray, not those dinky cans of mace that only go 5 feet.
Yes - bear spray is not perfect. The range is only 30 feet or so but guns have disadvantages too. Anyone can easily shoot a can of bear spray since they are silent and have no recoil and there is no need for great accuracy anyway. They are cheap - $40. And no threat of killing an innocent person.

Will some shooters then wear gas masks? Perhaps, but bear spray in the eyes is horrible and so the mask will have to cover their eyes too and the spray on the lenses will make it hard to see.

Mind you i'm talking about those big 8 inch cannisters of bear spray, not those dinky cans of mace that only go 5 feet.

What about tasers? Or other non-lethal defensive measures?

I have reservations about teachers carrying guns, particularly around high school students, but I do understand why people see it as a good idea to mitigate school shootings. I'm surprised there aren't more calls for alternative possibilities like this, though.
Yes - bear spray is not perfect. The range is only 30 feet or so but guns have disadvantages too. Anyone can easily shoot a can of bear spray since they are silent and have no recoil and there is no need for great accuracy anyway. They are cheap - $40. And no threat of killing an innocent person.

Will some shooters then wear gas masks? Perhaps, but bear spray in the eyes is horrible and so the mask will have to cover their eyes too and the spray on the lenses will make it hard to see.

Mind you i'm talking about those big 8 inch cannisters of bear spray, not those dinky cans of mace that only go 5 feet.

WAY better than bear spray ... And free ... FASTER Saves Lives

Yes - bear spray is not perfect. The range is only 30 feet or so but guns have disadvantages too. Anyone can easily shoot a can of bear spray since they are silent and have no recoil and there is no need for great accuracy anyway. They are cheap - $40. And no threat of killing an innocent person.

Will some shooters then wear gas masks? Perhaps, but bear spray in the eyes is horrible and so the mask will have to cover their eyes too and the spray on the lenses will make it hard to see.

Mind you i'm talking about those big 8 inch cannisters of bear spray, not those dinky cans of mace that only go 5 feet.

WAY better than bear spray ... And free ... FASTER Saves Lives


I think his point was to find a way to increase protection/response against school shootings without having teachers carrying guns, because there is a lot of pushback against that idea. :dunno:
Yes - bear spray is not perfect. The range is only 30 feet or so but guns have disadvantages too. Anyone can easily shoot a can of bear spray since they are silent and have no recoil and there is no need for great accuracy anyway. They are cheap - $40. And no threat of killing an innocent person.

Will some shooters then wear gas masks? Perhaps, but bear spray in the eyes is horrible and so the mask will have to cover their eyes too and the spray on the lenses will make it hard to see.

Mind you i'm talking about those big 8 inch cannisters of bear spray, not those dinky cans of mace that only go 5 feet.

ANTIFA wears a mask , bear spray LOL............
I think his point was to find a way to increase protection/response against school shootings without having teachers carrying guns, because there is a lot of pushback against that idea. :dunno:

The FASTER Program is still worth looking into even if you don't utilized the firearms portion.

It includes military grade TC3 Training (tactical combat critical care) for teachers and staff ...
Since medical/fire first responders cannot enter a building until it is cleared.

Betsy Devos would agree with bear spray..mainly to keep those actual pesky bears out of the classroom.
In a few years, they'll have robocops in every school. Robot tech is making massive leaps.
There are already "Cop" robot patrols.....none armed.....yet.
Real-life Robocop starts work in Dubai tomorrow onward | Daily Mail Online

Robocops will solve this problem. They'll be tapped into every surveillance system and camera around the school and identify threats as they develop. They will process millions of images per second and identify anyone not belonging.

And they'll be armed....or at least have some type of defensive / offensive capabilities if not actual guns.

Let's just hope the damn things don't short circuit and usher in the first Robo Mass shooting <Facepalm>
Yes - bear spray is not perfect. The range is only 30 feet or so but guns have disadvantages too. Anyone can easily shoot a can of bear spray since they are silent and have no recoil and there is no need for great accuracy anyway. They are cheap - $40. And no threat of killing an innocent person.

Will some shooters then wear gas masks? Perhaps, but bear spray in the eyes is horrible and so the mask will have to cover their eyes too and the spray on the lenses will make it hard to see.

Mind you i'm talking about those big 8 inch cannisters of bear spray, not those dinky cans of mace that only go 5 feet.
Sounds like you have been irritating enough to women to get maced a couple of times. :laugh:
I was in the woods target shooting one day and some smartass a few hundred yards away shined a green laser right at my face.
BAM !!!!
I couldn't see JACK for about 5 minutes...totally blinded.
I wonder if that would have the same blinding effect on a mass shooter.
Of course, you'd want it at the end of a selfie stick cause if you don't instantly blind them, you just became the bullseye.
Maybe from around a good defensive position like around a brick wall corner etc?

But if everyone is already in his sights for example and 4 or 5 people did that, wouldn't the odds of survival go up for everyone?

What if 10 or twenty people had had green laser pointers in Las Vegas when that shooting occurred and pointed them at the shooter? Even 1/4 mile away they'd be plenty effective.

You might think "well that would make you easy to pick out"...but....not really because of the instant blinding effect plus as distance increases the arc of the laser beam makes it harder to pinpoint and he wouldn't see it until it was in his eyes.

I know this.....if someone shines a green (or red) laser in your're blind at least for a few minutes.
And they would be pin point accurate for hundreds of yards away to boot.

Whatdya think?
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I was in the woods target shooting one day and some smartass a few hundred yards away shined a green laser right at my face.
BAM !!!!
I couldn't see JACK for about 5 minutes...totally blinded.
I wonder if that would have the same blinding effect on a mass shooter.
Of course, you'd want it at the end of a selfie stick cause if you don't instantly blind them, you just became the bullseye.
Maybe from around a good defensive position like around a brick wall corner etc?

But if everyone is already in his sights for example and 4 or 5 people did that, wouldn't the odds of survival go up for everyone?

What if 10 or twenty people had had green laser pointers in Las Vegas when that shooting occurred and pointed them at the shooter? Even 1/4 mile away they'd be plenty effective.

I know this.....if someone shines a green (or red) laser in your're blind at least for a few minutes.
And they would be pin point accurate for hundreds of yards away to boot.

Whatdya think?
I think you are not factoring in human instinct.
Sounds like you have been irritating enough to women to get maced a couple of times. :laugh:

At least i've got girl friends, something a tar-baby tranny like you can't even comprehend. HAHA
Your blow up sex dolls dont really count. I was talking about real live women.
Yes - bear spray is not perfect. The range is only 30 feet or so but guns have disadvantages too. Anyone can easily shoot a can of bear spray since they are silent and have no recoil and there is no need for great accuracy anyway. They are cheap - $40. And no threat of killing an innocent person.

Will some shooters then wear gas masks? Perhaps, but bear spray in the eyes is horrible and so the mask will have to cover their eyes too and the spray on the lenses will make it hard to see.

Mind you i'm talking about those big 8 inch cannisters of bear spray, not those dinky cans of mace that only go 5 feet.

dont bring a knife to a gun fight

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