Can't The Caucus Date Be Rescheduled?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I heard that they are facing severe weather right now. Why can't they just wait until the worst of it is over and caucus afterwards? I mean, I'm looking forward to seeing it broadcasted and its results, but it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. :confused:
I heard that they are facing severe weather right now. Why can't they just wait until the worst of it is over and caucus afterwards? I mean, I'm looking forward to seeing it broadcasted and its results, but it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. :confused:
Ah, it is either important enough to attend or it isn't important enough to attend. You will hear the results, regardless.
I heard that they are facing severe weather right now. Why can't they just wait until the worst of it is over and caucus afterwards? I mean, I'm looking forward to seeing it broadcasted and its results, but it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. :confused:

I guess the bigger question RR is: Why can they hold a national election
by mail in ballot and expand the voting deadline by weeks,
but need to hold the Iowa Caucus in person
and on only one day???

Screen Shot 2022-12-23 at 7.35.26 PM.jpg
Ah, it is either important enough to attend or it isn't important enough to attend. You will hear the results, regardless.
If you’re watching this from Mars, you’re wondering why in the hell folks are risking frostbite to do something in person they could do remotely.

Moreover the entire primary system is clinically retarded.

The States need to schedule the primaries; don’t leave it up to the parties.
Schedule 10 states on the 1st Tuesday of every month from February to June.
Start in the South where it should be warmer; then in Spring move north.
This allows:
  • voters from more states to weigh in on early contests before candidates drop out
  • candidates to campaign regionally (the 10 states would be clustered together geographically) instead of shuttling between IA and NH
  • more states means greater demographic variety so candidates who appeal to rural voters don’t have an advantage over those who may appeal to urban voters (and vice versa)
It also forces candidates (or should force them) to stop pandering. Harder to pander to multiple constituencies at once.
If you’re watching this from Mars, you’re wondering why in the hell folks are risking frostbite to do something in person they could do remotely.

Moreover the entire primary system is clinically retarded.

The States need to schedule the primaries; don’t leave it up to the parties.
Schedule 10 states on the 1st Tuesday of every month from February to June.
Start in the South where it should be warmer; then in Spring move north.
This allows:
  • voters from more states to weigh in on early contests before candidates drop out
  • candidates to campaign regionally (the 10 states would be clustered together geographically) instead of shuttling between IA and NH
  • more states means greater demographic variety so candidates who appeal to rural voters don’t have an advantage over those who may appeal to urban voters (and vice versa)
It also forces candidates (or should force them) to stop pandering. Harder to pander to multiple constituencies at once.
Ah, how the states run their elections is how the states run their elections. We don't ever get to choose whether other states caucus or primary, or when they do it. Voters in other states don't get a say in how your state does it either.
Ah, how the states run their elections is how the states run their elections.
This is true. Nevertheless, forcing people to gather together to raise their hands in -4 degree weather is moronic by any standard.
We don't ever get to choose whether other states caucus or primary, or when they do it.
This is true as well. And as a result in our current system, if you don't "catch fire" as a candidate in the early contests to get monetary contributions or are very well endowed financially, you cannot survive. So 3 or 4 states act to "weed out" candidates before the overwhelming majority of voters even get to vote. Again, it is moronic by any standard.
Voters in other states don't get a say in how your state does it either.
True as well.

What is also true is that we have courts and state officials making decisions about who can be on the ballot. And as a result, retaliatory actions are being taken (or are threatened to be undertaken) by state officials in other states as a result. Joe Biden didn't have anything to do with the decisions by the Colorado Supreme Court or the Secretary of State of Maine. But somehow, he is being targeted none the less.

It is no way to run an election. But that is where we are because--as is the case with a great many issues--the US is not adult to admit that what we have is not working; or not working as well as it should.
This is true. Nevertheless, forcing people to gather together to raise their hands in -4 degree weather is moronic by any standard.

This is true as well. And as a result in our current system, if you don't "catch fire" as a candidate in the early contests to get monetary contributions or are very well endowed financially, you cannot survive. So 3 or 4 states act to "weed out" candidates before the overwhelming majority of voters even get to vote. Again, it is moronic by any standard.

True as well.

What is also true is that we have courts and state officials making decisions about who can be on the ballot. And as a result, retaliatory actions are being taken (or are threatened to be undertaken) by state officials in other states as a result. Joe Biden didn't have anything to do with the decisions by the Colorado Supreme Court or the Secretary of State of Maine. But somehow, he is being targeted none the less.

It is no way to run an election. But that is where we are because--as is the case with a great many issues--the US is not adult to admit that what we have is not working; or not working as well as it should.
He is not being targeted because he had anything to do with it. He is being targeted because he is the man sitting in that chair, and running again and his opponent and his opponents minions will use anything they can.

Of course it should work better, but since 1776 it has worked better than any other system, or at least until the Jan 6, 2020 Capital attack to overthrow the election. That and the calling for the hanging of public officials that would not go along with it, during the attack was pretty far over the line, I have to admit.

The primaries and caucuses do not excite me much.
I guess the bigger question RR is: Why can they hold a national election
by mail in ballot and expand the voting deadline by weeks,
but need to hold the Iowa Caucus in person
and on only one day???

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do yourself a favor and look up what a Caucus is and quit making such a fool out of yourself
White 6 What about the general election?
You will get to watch that, also, if you keep paying your cable and internet bill. If not, you can go to a public library, log in here, and you will get all the informed ( :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:) non-partisan views, I'm sure, or go to Walmart and buy you some rabbit ears for your TV.
You will get to watch that, also, if you keep paying your cable and internet bill. If not, you can go to a public library, log in here, and you will get all the informed ( :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:) non-partisan views, I'm sure, or go to Walmart and buy you some rabbit ears for your TV.

No, I was asking if the general election excites you.
No, I was asking if the general election excites you.
At this point no. I have voted in every presidential (and other) election since 1972(Nixon:dunno: Who knew?), so it's old hat and noise.
At this point no. I have voted in every presidential (and other) election since 1972(Nixon:dunno: Who knew?), so it's old hat and noise.

Well then in that case you're in for an incredibly boring year here on USMB lol because that's what a lot of the chatter on here is going to be about.
Well then in that case you're in for an incredibly boring year here on USMB lol because that's what a lot of the chatter on here is going to be about.
Oh, it is interesting reading and interacting in discussing it here, but it's not like I have ever been one for getting involved in campaigns, rallies, signs in yard or bumper sticker on cars.

I was interested in that 1972 election and might have had a Nixon bumper sticker. My brother was fighting to survive the days and nights in the jungles of Vietnam with the Marines, and my lottery number was 42 when I was getting ready for graduation. You could say, young men my age, at the time, had some skin in the game, possibly with life or death consequences.
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