Cancer and heart disease vaccines ‘ready by end of the decade’


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
Cancer and heart disease vaccines ‘ready by end of the decade’

Fri 7 Apr 2023 19.00 BST

Millions of lives could be saved by a groundbreaking set of new vaccines for a range of conditions including cancer, experts have said. A leading pharmaceutical firm said it is confident that jabs for cancer, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases, and other conditions will be ready by 2030.

Studies into these vaccinations are also showing “tremendous promise”, with some researchers saying 15 years’ worth of progress has been “unspooled” in 12 to 18 months thanks to the success of the Covid jab.

Dr Paul Burton, the chief medical officer of pharmaceutical company Moderna, said he believes the firm will be able to offer such treatments for “all sorts of disease areas” in as little as five years.


Burton said :“I think we will have mRNA-based therapies for rare diseases that were previously undruggable, and I think that 10 years from now, we will be approaching a world where you truly can identify the genetic cause of a disease and, with relative simplicity, go and edit that out and repair it using mRNA-based technology.”


Burton said: “I think it was an order of magnitude, that the pandemic sped [this technology] up by. It has also allowed us to scale up manufacturing, so we’ve got extremely good at making large amounts of vaccine very quickly.”

Read more: ... the-decade

Awesome news! Maybe if we're lucky A.i will speed this up by 2-4 years. Fingers crossed. Fuck cancer and heart disease.
Awesome news! Maybe if we're lucky A.i will speed this up by 2-4 years. Fingers crossed. Fuck cancer and heart disease.
This is where A.I and quantum.computing can thrive. Being humans, just as we figure out how to eliminate disease, hunger and live forever, some nut will learn how to blow up the earth.
Sorry but I’m not interested. I’ve got marginal blood pressure and cholesterol issues but I will NOT be taking a vaccine for any of it. Cancers run in my family. I won’t vac for that either.
Sorry but I’m not interested. I’ve got marginal blood pressure and cholesterol issues but I will NOT be taking a vaccine for any of it. Cancers run in my family. I won’t vac for that either.
After Covid, I wonder if even half of American will take the vaccine.
Nobody is a fan of cancer or heart disease, but a "vaccine" that cures either one is a pipe dream.
A vaccine against or cure for cancer I can envision at some point. As for heart disease, the best way to avoid that is not be a big fat ass, but I imagine that’s too much to ask for most Americans.
A vaccine against or cure for cancer I can envision at some point. As for heart disease, the best way to avoid that is not be a big fat ass, but I imagine that’s too much to ask for most Americans.

And eat sushi
Nobody is a fan of cancer or heart disease, but a "vaccine" that cures either one is a pipe dream.

It certainly seems aggressively unconvincing at this point.

Are Bill Gates and Fauci involved?

If so, better wait for others to test it....
It certainly seems aggressively unconvincing at this point.

Are Bill Gates and Fauci involved?

If so, better wait for others to test it....
Just like the Covid Vax Scam, this is NOT a cancer vaccine. It is only for people who already have advanced Melanoma cancer. The shot is as a treatment to keep the cancer from returning. Not enough long term data to know if it works. But we know how that goes, if Big Pharma wants the money, the FDA will approve it and they'll use the general population for their test group.
Absurd .
America already has vaccines for Cancers and Heart disease.

They are the Covid Killer shots .

Will end every condition quickly and if you are missing something they are guaranteed to home deliver .
Awesome news! Maybe if we're lucky A.i will speed this up by 2-4 years. Fingers crossed. Fuck cancer and heart disease.
Lol. You’re dreaming. Cancer and heart disease are HUGE money makers for the enormous profit making HC system.

1,600 Americans die every fucking day of cancer or complications from the flawed treatment of cancer. The treatment of cancer hasn’t changed in decades. It’s still chemo and radiation. Ridiculous!

Diet and life style cause cancer. Obesity and high sugar/carb diets cause cancer.

Cancer and heart disease were almost unheard of in America prior to roughly 1900. Why? Because we ate almost exclusively animal products. MEAT!

Great video here.

Blues Man

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