Cancel the Department of Education


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Aug 27, 2010
The right says the ED is a breeding ground for Unions, cost to much to run, and isn't teaching the children a thing. They want to privatize education, but if they were serious they wouldn't be asking taxpayers to fund it with vouchers and other righty scams that border on lunacy.

I would love to cancel the Education Department for a year and send all the teachers home, and lock up the schools. Because I know it isn't the teachers failing the children's education, it is the parents who are ailing and it is the community environment that is failing where the schools are located.

So what would happen if we closed the schools for a year? Does anyone think parents would voluntarily pay for private education? Would they give up their jobs and home school their darlings? Would they be forced to hire baby sitters? Would grade averages drop like a rock in America. Would we still be able to produce professionals from scientists to physicians? Would crime go up along with gang activities?

Give it your best shot...............:eusa_pray:
The right says the ED is a breeding ground for Unions, cost to much to run, and isn't teaching the children a thing. They want to privatize education, but if they were serious they wouldn't be asking taxpayers to fund it with vouchers and other righty scams that border on lunacy.

I would love to cancel the Education Department for a year and send all the teachers home, and lock up the schools. Because I know it isn't the teachers failing the children's education, it is the parents who are ailing and it is the community environment that is failing where the schools are located.

So what would happen if we closed the schools for a year? Does anyone think parents would voluntarily pay for private education? Would they give up their jobs and home school their darlings? Would they be forced to hire baby sitters? Would grade averages drop like a rock in America. Would we still be able to produce professionals from scientists to physicians? Would crime go up along with gang activities?

Give it your best shot...............:eusa_pray:

Canceling the DOE doesn't cancel education it just puts the states in control of it, as it should be. It's a states right issue.
The right says the ED is a breeding ground for Unions, cost to much to run, and isn't teaching the children a thing. They want to privatize education, but if they were serious they wouldn't be asking taxpayers to fund it with vouchers and other righty scams that border on lunacy.

I would love to cancel the Education Department for a year and send all the teachers home, and lock up the schools. Because I know it isn't the teachers failing the children's education, it is the parents who are ailing and it is the community environment that is failing where the schools are located.

So what would happen if we closed the schools for a year? Does anyone think parents would voluntarily pay for private education? Would they give up their jobs and home school their darlings? Would they be forced to hire baby sitters? Would grade averages drop like a rock in America. Would we still be able to produce professionals from scientists to physicians? Would crime go up along with gang activities?

Give it your best shot...............:eusa_pray:

Canceling the DOE doesn't cancel education it just puts the states in control of it, as it should be. It's a states right issue.

Exactly. Eduation is not an interstate issue. Each state should be able to set its own standards. If the feds want to take it over, then each state should abolish thier own department of education. The redundancy is a waste of money.
The Dept of education doesn't run local schools. If you shut it down, no one would even notice accept that over time the schools would gradually improve.

The right says the ED is a breeding ground for Unions, cost to much to run, and isn't teaching the children a thing. They want to privatize education, but if they were serious they wouldn't be asking taxpayers to fund it with vouchers and other righty scams that border on lunacy.

I would love to cancel the Education Department for a year and send all the teachers home, and lock up the schools. Because I know it isn't the teachers failing the children's education, it is the parents who are ailing and it is the community environment that is failing where the schools are located.

So what would happen if we closed the schools for a year? Does anyone think parents would voluntarily pay for private education? Would they give up their jobs and home school their darlings? Would they be forced to hire baby sitters? Would grade averages drop like a rock in America. Would we still be able to produce professionals from scientists to physicians? Would crime go up along with gang activities?

Give it your best shot...............:eusa_pray:
The right says the ED is a breeding ground for Unions, cost to much to run, and isn't teaching the children a thing. They want to privatize education, but if they were serious they wouldn't be asking taxpayers to fund it with vouchers and other righty scams that border on lunacy.

I would love to cancel the Education Department for a year and send all the teachers home, and lock up the schools. Because I know it isn't the teachers failing the children's education, it is the parents who are ailing and it is the community environment that is failing where the schools are located.

So what would happen if we closed the schools for a year? Does anyone think parents would voluntarily pay for private education? Would they give up their jobs and home school their darlings? Would they be forced to hire baby sitters? Would grade averages drop like a rock in America. Would we still be able to produce professionals from scientists to physicians? Would crime go up along with gang activities?

Give it your best shot...............:eusa_pray:

Oh my, what would we ever do. It's not like we had public education prior to 1980 or something. :eusa_whistle:
The right says the ED is a breeding ground for Unions, cost to much to run, and isn't teaching the children a thing. They want to privatize education, but if they were serious they wouldn't be asking taxpayers to fund it with vouchers and other righty scams that border on lunacy.

I would love to cancel the Education Department for a year and send all the teachers home, and lock up the schools. Because I know it isn't the teachers failing the children's education, it is the parents who are ailing and it is the community environment that is failing where the schools are located.

So what would happen if we closed the schools for a year? Does anyone think parents would voluntarily pay for private education? Would they give up their jobs and home school their darlings? Would they be forced to hire baby sitters? Would grade averages drop like a rock in America. Would we still be able to produce professionals from scientists to physicians? Would crime go up along with gang activities?

Give it your best shot...............:eusa_pray:

Canceling the DOE doesn't cancel education it just puts the states in control of it, as it should be. It's a states right issue.

Oh, so in one state I could graduate with the two state classes, history and math. In another state I could graduate with three classes, English, PE, and social studies.

Then in college in one state, I could become a doctor in one semester with just three medical classes. In the next state, I would need five years to earn my PhD. Of course my license wouldn't be any good in the next state, where I would have to go to school for three years.

And as patients die by thousands in dirty deplorable hospitals with people not educated well enough to do the job, what would you be saying then??
The Dept of education doesn't run local schools. If you shut it down, no one would even notice accept that over time the schools would gradually improve.

The right says the ED is a breeding ground for Unions, cost to much to run, and isn't teaching the children a thing. They want to privatize education, but if they were serious they wouldn't be asking taxpayers to fund it with vouchers and other righty scams that border on lunacy.

I would love to cancel the Education Department for a year and send all the teachers home, and lock up the schools. Because I know it isn't the teachers failing the children's education, it is the parents who are ailing and it is the community environment that is failing where the schools are located.

So what would happen if we closed the schools for a year? Does anyone think parents would voluntarily pay for private education? Would they give up their jobs and home school their darlings? Would they be forced to hire baby sitters? Would grade averages drop like a rock in America. Would we still be able to produce professionals from scientists to physicians? Would crime go up along with gang activities?

Give it your best shot...............:eusa_pray:

Why would they improve? Same parents, same social environment & violence. Why?
The right says the ED is a breeding ground for Unions, cost to much to run, and isn't teaching the children a thing. They want to privatize education, but if they were serious they wouldn't be asking taxpayers to fund it with vouchers and other righty scams that border on lunacy.

I would love to cancel the Education Department for a year and send all the teachers home, and lock up the schools. Because I know it isn't the teachers failing the children's education, it is the parents who are ailing and it is the community environment that is failing where the schools are located.

So what would happen if we closed the schools for a year? Does anyone think parents would voluntarily pay for private education? Would they give up their jobs and home school their darlings? Would they be forced to hire baby sitters? Would grade averages drop like a rock in America. Would we still be able to produce professionals from scientists to physicians? Would crime go up along with gang activities?

Give it your best shot...............:eusa_pray:

Canceling the DOE doesn't cancel education it just puts the states in control of it, as it should be. It's a states right issue.

Oh, so in one state I could graduate with the two state classes, history and math. In another state I could graduate with three classes, English, PE, and social studies.

Then in college in one state, I could become a doctor in one semester with just three medical classes. In the next state, I would need five years to earn my PhD. Of course my license wouldn't be any good in the next state, where I would have to go to school for three years.

And as patients die by thousands in dirty deplorable hospitals with people not educated well enough to do the job, what would you be saying then??

Did you realize that up until 1980, that the states were responsible for public education? You might want to check and see what the U.S students performance rankings were prior to 1980 as compared to now. I believe that the only thing you'll find that has gone up is the amount of taxpayer money expended.
Another phenomena, some states wouldn't fund education, so families would pour over into other states that do, causing over crowding and chaos.
Government schools and teacher's unions are nothing more than jobs programs for incompetent teachers. Vouchers would merely redirect monies from inadequate school systems to schools that actually teach students the basics and true American history. Since a study of American history shows that patriotism bends people away from the liberal cause (that of collectivism and wealth re-distribution that both encourage and reward personal non-productivity), the liberals do not want it taught in schools.

Liberalism equates to insanity and self destruction of the American way...freedom. When we are all subjects of the nanny government, there will be no freedoms. There will be only three classes of people...those that have paying jobs within the government, those that work to support the government and those that do not work.\

We need schools where incompetent teachers are FIRED for their inability to perform their jobs. Let them seek employment elsewhere...just like workers in the current private sector do.
The right says the ED is a breeding ground for Unions, cost to much to run, and isn't teaching the children a thing. They want to privatize education, but if they were serious they wouldn't be asking taxpayers to fund it with vouchers and other righty scams that border on lunacy.

I would love to cancel the Education Department for a year and send all the teachers home, and lock up the schools. Because I know it isn't the teachers failing the children's education, it is the parents who are ailing and it is the community environment that is failing where the schools are located.

So what would happen if we closed the schools for a year? Does anyone think parents would voluntarily pay for private education? Would they give up their jobs and home school their darlings? Would they be forced to hire baby sitters? Would grade averages drop like a rock in America. Would we still be able to produce professionals from scientists to physicians? Would crime go up along with gang activities?

Give it your best shot...............:eusa_pray:

Canceling the DOE doesn't cancel education it just puts the states in control of it, as it should be. It's a states right issue.

Oh, so in one state I could graduate with the two state classes, history and math. In another state I could graduate with three classes, English, PE, and social studies.

Then in college in one state, I could become a doctor in one semester with just three medical classes. In the next state, I would need five years to earn my PhD. Of course my license wouldn't be any good in the next state, where I would have to go to school for three years.

And as patients die by thousands in dirty deplorable hospitals with people not educated well enough to do the job, what would you be saying then??

The DOE has nothing to do with Doctors. Those are regulated by State medical boards, which then issue a liscence to practice medicine in my state. This is the same for most professions, such as Engineering. My NYS P.E. is not valid in California, or any other state unless I apply for it.

If that state decides to give M.D. certs based on that level of education, so be it. No state however would ever do that.

Nice strawman argument though.
Canceling the DOE doesn't cancel education it just puts the states in control of it, as it should be. It's a states right issue.

Oh, so in one state I could graduate with the two state classes, history and math. In another state I could graduate with three classes, English, PE, and social studies.

Then in college in one state, I could become a doctor in one semester with just three medical classes. In the next state, I would need five years to earn my PhD. Of course my license wouldn't be any good in the next state, where I would have to go to school for three years.

And as patients die by thousands in dirty deplorable hospitals with people not educated well enough to do the job, what would you be saying then??

Did you realize that up until 1980, that the states were responsible for public education? You might want to check and see what the U.S students performance rankings were prior to 1980 as compared to now. I believe that the only thing you'll find that has gone up is the amount of taxpayer money expended.

It would be like comparing apples to oranges I am afraid. Kids today have more subject matter, more to learn, less discipline & less attention, more violent threats, less parent involvement, etc. I am thankful I had a mom in the home to assist me everyday.
Oh, so in one state I could graduate with the two state classes, history and math. In another state I could graduate with three classes, English, PE, and social studies.

Then in college in one state, I could become a doctor in one semester with just three medical classes. In the next state, I would need five years to earn my PhD. Of course my license wouldn't be any good in the next state, where I would have to go to school for three years.

And as patients die by thousands in dirty deplorable hospitals with people not educated well enough to do the job, what would you be saying then??

Did you realize that up until 1980, that the states were responsible for public education? You might want to check and see what the U.S students performance rankings were prior to 1980 as compared to now. I believe that the only thing you'll find that has gone up is the amount of taxpayer money expended.

It would be like comparing apples to oranges I am afraid. Kids today have more subject matter, more to learn, less discipline & less attention, more violent threats, less parent involvement, etc. I am thankful I had a mom in the home to assist me everyday.

Even in this case why do we need the Federal Government involved? What does adding a bunch of people 5 layers above the actual teaching professionals help with the problem above?

its a waste of money. It would be better to just block grant the money to the states instead of creating another burarcacy layer even further away from the actual work being done.
The right says the ED is a breeding ground for Unions, cost to much to run, and isn't teaching the children a thing. They want to privatize education, but if they were serious they wouldn't be asking taxpayers to fund it with vouchers and other righty scams that border on lunacy.

I would love to cancel the Education Department for a year and send all the teachers home, and lock up the schools. Because I know it isn't the teachers failing the children's education, it is the parents who are ailing and it is the community environment that is failing where the schools are located.

So what would happen if we closed the schools for a year? Does anyone think parents would voluntarily pay for private education? Would they give up their jobs and home school their darlings? Would they be forced to hire baby sitters? Would grade averages drop like a rock in America. Would we still be able to produce professionals from scientists to physicians? Would crime go up along with gang activities?

Give it your best shot...............:eusa_pray:

Canceling the DOE doesn't cancel education it just puts the states in control of it, as it should be. It's a states right issue.

Oh, so in one state I could graduate with the two state classes, history and math. In another state I could graduate with three classes, English, PE, and social studies.

Then in college in one state, I could become a doctor in one semester with just three medical classes. In the next state, I would need five years to earn my PhD. Of course my license wouldn't be any good in the next state, where I would have to go to school for three years.

And as patients die by thousands in dirty deplorable hospitals with people not educated well enough to do the job, what would you be saying then??

No, you're a lying jackass, I don't see you becoming a "Doctor" unless they give honorary degrees for stupid
Wow shinto, you are on a "I don't get it." roll today.

Did you know that before the DOE America was constantly ranked in the top 5?

And since it's creation we have dropped and are currently ranked 18th?
Canceling the DOE doesn't cancel education it just puts the states in control of it, as it should be. It's a states right issue.

Oh, so in one state I could graduate with the two state classes, history and math. In another state I could graduate with three classes, English, PE, and social studies.

Then in college in one state, I could become a doctor in one semester with just three medical classes. In the next state, I would need five years to earn my PhD. Of course my license wouldn't be any good in the next state, where I would have to go to school for three years.

And as patients die by thousands in dirty deplorable hospitals with people not educated well enough to do the job, what would you be saying then??

The DOE has nothing to do with Doctors. Those are regulated by State medical boards, which then issue a liscence to practice medicine in my state. This is the same for most professions, such as Engineering. My NYS P.E. is not valid in California, or any other state unless I apply for it.

If that state decides to give M.D. certs based on that level of education, so be it. No state however would ever do that.

Nice strawman argument though.

You miss the point. the DOE sets the "standard" for education so all professionals are exposed to the same materials and can practice in any state with the same consumer confidence. Otherwise students would run to the one semester course & start their practice with the same plank hanging on the wall. Burn strawman!!:lol:
Wow shinto, you are on a "I don't get it." roll today.

Did you know that before the DOE America was constantly ranked in the top 5?

And since it's creation we have dropped and are currently ranked 18th?

So what? Before 1980 the conditions for education were entirely different than they are today.
Canceling the DOE doesn't cancel education it just puts the states in control of it, as it should be. It's a states right issue.

Oh, so in one state I could graduate with the two state classes, history and math. In another state I could graduate with three classes, English, PE, and social studies.

Then in college in one state, I could become a doctor in one semester with just three medical classes. In the next state, I would need five years to earn my PhD. Of course my license wouldn't be any good in the next state, where I would have to go to school for three years.

And as patients die by thousands in dirty deplorable hospitals with people not educated well enough to do the job, what would you be saying then??

No, you're a lying jackass, I don't see you becoming a "Doctor" unless they give honorary degrees for stupid

And I don't see you becoming a good cocksucker unless your performance picks up from the last time, ya fucking worn-out kneed lying imbecile.

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