Cancel Me Harder, Baby. Jason Aldean‘s Shoots to #1

All this because some country dumbasses feel personally threatened by shit happening hundreds or thousands of miles away. There's no courage here. More like a statement that it's OK to violently react out of fear.
It should be OK to bust some thug heads. How else are they gonna learn not to fuck with decent folks.
The building he is standing in front of was the site of an infamous lynching.

All of Germany pretty much, especially the big cities, was infested with Nazis. Especially Nuremburg and the bigger cities. If ANY images of any of these cities are ever featured ever again, does that mean whomever features them supports Nazis?

Do explain.
YAll of Germany pretty much, especially the big cities, was infested with Nazis. Especially Nuremburg and the bigger cities. If ANY images of any of these cities are ever featured ever again, does that mean whomever features them supports Nazis?

Do explain.
This not Germany.
Fuck you child.
You are a cocksucker from Missouri who actually thinks that bullshit is country music.

This is a proper Country song:

You can't push my buttons. You don't know me and it just shows your arrogant, elitist, stereotype mentality to attempt to use Missouri as a pejorative.

I know you were a bias moderator from experience. And it's a fact that I'm glad you were removed.

I was going to give you a 'fake news' but the song you posted is a good one.

So is the one in the OP.

And your lynching narrative just looks weak. Grasping at straws to defend and protect criminal elements in society...carjackers and arsonist.

Good luck with that.
I was thinking just today that they did tried that in a SMALL TOWN when that muslim shot up the Police in Fargo ND....killing one Officer RIP. The remaining wounded Officers were able to kill the sand jockey I think?

Agreed: Not really Country. Zinc wins this thread.

The usual suspects and their allies in the mainstream media once again have attempted to set a false narrative that thanks to the freedom of the internet had blown up in their collective faces.

Attempting to paint anti-crime song highlighting the strength of tight knit communities as somehow racist and violent the left has proven that they are complete out of touch with the regular Americans.

Instead of the left's intended outcome of cancelling the artist and song...the tune and it's message has resonated with Americans of all races, creeds and colors...propelling it to number one ...

(NewsNation) — Country music singer Jason Aldean’s new song has topped the U.S. iTunes chart, despite its controversial lyrics and music video.

“Try That In A Small Town” hit the #1 spot on iTunes for songs in the U.S. Billboard Charts tweeted Wednesday. As of Thursday morning, it’s currently in the Top 15 of the Top 100: USA list.

(Strike out provided as a form of commentary by OP. There is nothing controversial about opposition to crime, assault, carjacking and arson.)
Music should never be censored for any reason.

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