Canadian Terror Experts: Is Muslim Student Association a Recruiter for Extremism


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
It's about time Canadian's speak out...
Canadian Terror Experts: Is Muslim Student Association a Recruiter for Extremism?

The MSA has "cultivated a vast network of likeminded organizations and people to accommodate its radical ideology through stealth jihad.
Mark Tapson

The Terrorism and Security Experts of Canada (TSEC Network) published a report titled "Is the Muslim Student Association of Canada/USA a Recruiting Point for Extremism?," in which they ask and answer the questions, "What is the Muslim Student Association? Where did it come from? Who founded it? Is it just a coincidence that so many extremist have come from its alumni? Or is something going on?" Their conclusion? Something's going on.

The report begins by noting that the Muslim Students Association (MSA) of the United States and Canada was established in 1963 by members of the Muslim Brotherhood at the University of Illinois:

Its creation was the result of Saudi Arabia-backed efforts to create a network of international Islamic organizations in order to spread its Wahhabist ideology. It was essentially “an arm of the Saudi-funded, Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Muslim World League. Since its inception, the MSA has emerged as the leading and most influential Islamic student organization in North America. Today, there are nearly six hundred MSA chapters in the United States and Canada.


If you want to educate yourself or others on this vastly influential and subversive arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States, this TSEC report is an authoritative, comprehensive place to go.

Canadian Terror Experts: Is Muslim Student Association a Recruiter for Extremism?

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