Canadas rapidly declining economy is forced to loosen more travel restrictions for fully vaccinated travellers


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The irony is that Canada is opening up it's borders to fully vaccinated Americans even though whether one is vaccinated or not does not impact whether they carry the virus and/or spread it. It makes politicians and cracker jack box, lobbyists, I mean "scientists", feel smug about their brilliance though.

Canada isn't a Republic with civil liberties, right to self determination and a defended Constitution, so we know that keeping Americans out is hurting our very weak, uncreative and feeble police state economy. Former Toronto Police chief Bill Blair is probably fighting hard against his natural reflex to maintain an iron fist of control on the border, but there is a potential election coming up, so he has to feign liberty-first.

Canadians have MORE restrictions on OUR lives, but, we want to convince Americans that "it's cool, come on over. See, we are just like you, free and stuff". Meanwhile there is a push to force all federal workers to be vaccinated and creepy, fascist Quebec already has a vaccine passport in effect.

Maybe Americans won't help support Canadas creepy system this time and will spend their money at home...

For more than a year and a half, Canada has kept its doors closed to most non-essential foreign travellers. But that changes today when the federal government opens our border to fully vaccinated Americans.

The government will also loosen several travel restrictions that apply to Canadians returning home from abroad.

Here's what travellers can expect at the Canadian border beginning today.

The Americans are coming​

For more than a month, fully vaccinated Canadian travellers have been allowed to skip quarantine when returning home from abroad.

In a continuation of its phased reopening of the border, starting today, the government will allow fully vaccinated Americans to both enter Canada and skip the mandatory 14-day quarantine.

But before eager Americans pack their bags, they should make sure they meet all requirements, said Denis Vinette, vice-president of the Canada Border Services Agency's COVID-19 border task force.

"People need to know what their obligations are," he said.
The irony is that Canada is opening up it's borders to fully vaccinated Americans even though whether one is vaccinated or not does not impact whether they carry the virus and/or spread it. It makes politicians and cracker jack box, lobbyists, I mean "scientists", feel smug about their brilliance though.

Canada isn't a Republic with civil liberties, right to self determination and a defended Constitution, so we know that keeping Americans out is hurting our very weak, uncreative and feeble police state economy. Former Toronto Police chief Bill Blair is probably fighting hard against his natural reflex to maintain an iron fist of control on the border, but there is a potential election coming up, so he has to feign liberty-first.

Canadians have MORE restrictions on OUR lives, but, we want to convince Americans that "it's cool, come on over. See, we are just like you, free and stuff". Meanwhile there is a push to force all federal workers to be vaccinated and creepy, fascist Quebec already has a vaccine passport in effect.

Maybe Americans won't help support Canadas creepy system this time and will spend their money at home...

For more than a year and a half, Canada has kept its doors closed to most non-essential foreign travellers. But that changes today when the federal government opens our border to fully vaccinated Americans.

The government will also loosen several travel restrictions that apply to Canadians returning home from abroad.

Here's what travellers can expect at the Canadian border beginning today.

The Americans are coming​

For more than a month, fully vaccinated Canadian travellers have been allowed to skip quarantine when returning home from abroad.

In a continuation of its phased reopening of the border, starting today, the government will allow fully vaccinated Americans to both enter Canada and skip the mandatory 14-day quarantine.

But before eager Americans pack their bags, they should make sure they meet all requirements, said Denis Vinette, vice-president of the Canada Border Services Agency's COVID-19 border task force.

"People need to know what their obligations are," he said.
Fiat time !

Most Americans are oblivious to what the Chinese did toy the Canadian economy and nation over the last decade alone ...especially real-estate

Thiers something similar gaining ground here extremely large number of them are oblivious to it also
The irony is that Canada is opening up it's borders to fully vaccinated Americans even though whether one is vaccinated or not does not impact whether they carry the virus and/or spread it. It makes politicians and cracker jack box, lobbyists, I mean "scientists", feel smug about their brilliance though.

Canada isn't a Republic with civil liberties, right to self determination and a defended Constitution, so we know that keeping Americans out is hurting our very weak, uncreative and feeble police state economy. Former Toronto Police chief Bill Blair is probably fighting hard against his natural reflex to maintain an iron fist of control on the border, but there is a potential election coming up, so he has to feign liberty-first.

Canadians have MORE restrictions on OUR lives, but, we want to convince Americans that "it's cool, come on over. See, we are just like you, free and stuff". Meanwhile there is a push to force all federal workers to be vaccinated and creepy, fascist Quebec already has a vaccine passport in effect.

Maybe Americans won't help support Canadas creepy system this time and will spend their money at home...

For more than a year and a half, Canada has kept its doors closed to most non-essential foreign travellers. But that changes today when the federal government opens our border to fully vaccinated Americans.

The government will also loosen several travel restrictions that apply to Canadians returning home from abroad.

Here's what travellers can expect at the Canadian border beginning today.

The Americans are coming​

For more than a month, fully vaccinated Canadian travellers have been allowed to skip quarantine when returning home from abroad.

In a continuation of its phased reopening of the border, starting today, the government will allow fully vaccinated Americans to both enter Canada and skip the mandatory 14-day quarantine.

But before eager Americans pack their bags, they should make sure they meet all requirements, said Denis Vinette, vice-president of the Canada Border Services Agency's COVID-19 border task force.

"People need to know what their obligations are," he said.
How are Canada’s Covid death numbers looking? What or who exactly is FORCING them the open travel as you call it?
The irony is that Canada is opening up it's borders to fully vaccinated Americans even though whether one is vaccinated or not does not impact whether they carry the virus and/or spread it. It makes politicians and cracker jack box, lobbyists, I mean "scientists", feel smug about their brilliance though.

Canada isn't a Republic with civil liberties, right to self determination and a defended Constitution, so we know that keeping Americans out is hurting our very weak, uncreative and feeble police state economy. Former Toronto Police chief Bill Blair is probably fighting hard against his natural reflex to maintain an iron fist of control on the border, but there is a potential election coming up, so he has to feign liberty-first.

Canadians have MORE restrictions on OUR lives, but, we want to convince Americans that "it's cool, come on over. See, we are just like you, free and stuff". Meanwhile there is a push to force all federal workers to be vaccinated and creepy, fascist Quebec already has a vaccine passport in effect.

Maybe Americans won't help support Canadas creepy system this time and will spend their money at home...

For more than a year and a half, Canada has kept its doors closed to most non-essential foreign travellers. But that changes today when the federal government opens our border to fully vaccinated Americans.

The government will also loosen several travel restrictions that apply to Canadians returning home from abroad.

Here's what travellers can expect at the Canadian border beginning today.

The Americans are coming​

For more than a month, fully vaccinated Canadian travellers have been allowed to skip quarantine when returning home from abroad.

In a continuation of its phased reopening of the border, starting today, the government will allow fully vaccinated Americans to both enter Canada and skip the mandatory 14-day quarantine.

But before eager Americans pack their bags, they should make sure they meet all requirements, said Denis Vinette, vice-president of the Canada Border Services Agency's COVID-19 border task force.

"People need to know what their obligations are," he said.

What's the difference betwern a republic and a democracy?

What freedoms and rights do you have that they don't?

Would you like me to post a copy of their constitution?

You've got an overly enlarged mouth which only belches hatred. Your a real assert to modern civilised society.
So widely read too.
What's the difference betwern a republic and a democracy?

What freedoms and rights do you have that they don't?

Would you like me to post a copy of their constitution?

You've got an overly enlarged mouth which only belches hatred. Your a real assert to modern civilised society.
So widely read too.

Ok, I'll play your game of "get him to talk", only because I've only had three hours sleep and I am aware of how precarious Canadas global position is right now.

The depth of your ignorance aside and your juvenile attempt to engage me in this chatter only amplifies you're equally abysmal attempt to try and flip the script. I may not be very bright, but I know the game. I also know I've lost too much, unlike the enemies of human rights and their political defenders who reside in Canada, so I will amuse you.

What freedoms and rights do I, a Canadian have that THEY (Americans) don't? Ok, you've got me, you tell me, I can't think of any.

Our Charter was only written in 1982, nearly 40 years after WW2 and embarrassingly decades after our own signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the U.N.
Yet, we still have the Creepy Ones in Ontario (Peel Region, TPS, OPP) covertly targeting our young.

As I've repeated on here many times, as one lawyer told me, "the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, theory". Imagine, a Canadian lawyer acknowledging to my face that "we don't HAVE a Charter of Rights, it's just make believe".

Try and demand a court case be televised and transparent for the public to see. Canada doesn't allow this basic premise of transparency of justice.

Go do your research on the massive well known scandals of police chiefs and the career REWARDS they were given AFTER the scandals, I dare you to post your findings on this site: Giuliano Zaccardelli, Bob Paulson, Julian Fantino, Bill Blair, to name but a few.

If by widely read you mean "many different people across different timelines have read my words", than yes I am. Conducted generally in private emails to people of influence in different governments and businesses I normally wouldn't rub elbows with. Also via social media or posts on various public forums.

As an unapologetic defender of civil liberties and accountability, I'm a problem for liars who call themselves men. Destroy my career and lie about who the real threat to public safety is and you've created a predicament. I know too much about too many. It's abundantly clear that Canada is not an ally to the U.S in particular.

Some failed to consider that I'd ever blow the whistle and contact allied governments and police agencies myself, sharing only some details I'm not supposed to know. See the problem they unnecessarily created?

I calculated that it was better that I purposely put a target on myself online, thus I welcomed police and intel agents in other countries to listen to me. They can do their own work if they so choose (or not) and decide who is telling the truth and who isn't.

Considering how serious the implications are for their own businesses and national interests, I just assumed that they'd take interest, at some point, in some form. That was the gamble I took.

Some of the victims of what I am aware of are no longer with us to tell their stories...
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Ok, I'll play your game of "get him to talk", only because I've only had three hours sleep and I am aware of how precarious Canadas global position is right now.

The depth of your ignorance aside and your juvenile attempt to engage me in this chatter only amplifies you're equally abysmal attempt to try and flip the script. I may not be very bright, but I know the game. I also know I've lost too much, unlike the enemies of human rights and their political defenders who reside in Canada, so I will amuse you.

What freedoms and rights do I, a Canadian have that THEY (Americans) don't? Ok, you've got me, you tell me, I can't think of any.

Our Charter was only written in 1982, nearly 40 years after WW2 and embarrassingly decades after our own signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the U.N.
Yet, we still have the Creepy Ones in Ontario (Peel Region, TPS, OPP) covertly targeting our young.

As I've repeated on here many times, as one lawyer told me, "the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, theory". Imagine, a Canadian lawyer acknowledging to my face that "we don't HAVE a Charter of Rights, it's just make believe".

Try and demand a court case be televised and transparent for the public to see. Canada doesn't allow this basic premise of transparency of justice.

Go do your research on the massive well known scandals of police chiefs and the career REWARDS they were given AFTER the scandals, I dare you to post your findings on this site: Giuliano Zaccardelli, Bob Paulson, Julian Fantino, Bill Blair, to name but a few.

If by widely read you mean "many different people across different timelines have read my words", than yes I am. Conducted generally in private emails to people of influence in different governments and businesses I normally wouldn't rub elbows with. Also via social media or posts on various public forums.

As an unapologetic defender of civil liberties and accountability, I'm a problem for liars who call themselves men. Destroy my career and lie about who the real threat to public safety is and you've created a predicament. I know too much about too many. It's abundantly clear that Canada is not an ally to the U.S in particular.

Some failed to consider that I'd ever blow the whistle and contact allied governments and police agencies myself, sharing only some details I'm not supposed to know. See the problem they unnecessarily created?

I calculated that it was better that I purposely put a target on myself online, thus I welcomed police and intel agents in other countries to listen to me. They can do their own work if they so choose (or not) and decide who is telling the truth and who isn't.

Considering how serious the implications are for their own businesses and national interests, I just assumed that they'd take interest, at some point, in some form. That was the gamble I took.

Some of the victims of what I am aware of are no longer with us to tell their stories...

I'll ask again, what's the difference between a republic and a democracy?
No need to go ballistic. You suggest you know everything, answer that.
I'll ask again, what's the difference between a republic and a democracy?
No need to go ballistic. You suggest you know everything, answer that.

When did I say I know everything? I know enough about the creepy Canadian police.
You split hairs on semantics because you have no rebuttal.

There is a reason Canadians leave for America and don't return. In far higher numbers than vice versa.

You can conflate both systems as you wish, the theory is that a Republic is a system in which power rests primarily with citizens, not with unaccountable officials. There may by plenty of overlap, but in practice, we know how much more transparent and accountable the U.S is to Canada and other systems.

This is illustrated via individual examples of differences between Canada and a more free America, not broad strokes. Off the top of my head, without even searching for differences in definitions:

- Canadas system is a Constitutional Monarchy. Heavy on monarchy, light on Constitution. The U.S a Republic.
- As such our head of state is still the British Monarchy. Even the land I own my home on is owned by the Crown, I am simply a Freeholder (how nice of them to bestow this opportunity to us).

- The PM when making key appointments to power is free to do so without consultation. Only the Queens ascension. In the U.S, both sides vote on the appointment.

- In the U.S Senate members are elected, in Canada, they are appointed.

- In Canada, a simple vote of "non-confidence" by other parties can force an elected leader out. No trial is needed. Even if it were, I already made yuo aware that in Canada cameras are not permitted in the courtroom. In the U.S a full impeachment trial is required.

- Term Limits. Our PM can remain in power for 30 years if he can continue to get the votes. He also can force an election date, while the U.S president must abide by the four year cycle.

- Division of power between our PM and the U.S President. Or as I learned it in school (yes, I took politics at one point), America has "checks and balances" between their branches, we do not.

Ultimately as far as I am concerned, it comes down to transparency, accountability of government information/activities against citizens. Also, recourse for Americans who have had violations of their Pursuit of Happiness or other tenets protected in their Bill of Rights.

In Canada, we remind the subjects that there is a God Ordained ruler and we have no rights. Which is why the police are so free to destroy no matter how unimpressive they are.

Now go and troll someone else, I can type much faster than you.
When did I say I know everything? I know enough about the creepy Canadian police.
You split hairs on semantics because you have no rebuttal.

There is a reason Canadians leave for America and don't return. In far higher numbers than vice versa.

You can conflate both systems as you wish, the theory is that a Republic is a system in which power rests primarily with citizens, not with unaccountable officials. There may by plenty of overlap, but in practice, we know how much more transparent and accountable the U.S is to Canada and other systems.

This is illustrated via individual examples of differences between Canada and a more free America, not broad strokes. Off the top of my head, without even searching for differences in definitions:

- Canadas system is a Constitutional Monarchy. Heavy on monarchy, light on Constitution. The U.S a Republic.
- As such our head of state is still the British Monarchy. Even the land I own my home on is owned by the Crown, I am simply a Freeholder (how nice of them to bestow this opportunity to us).

- The PM when making key appointments to power is free to do so without consultation. Only the Queens ascension. In the U.S, both sides vote on the appointment.

- In the U.S Senate members are elected, in Canada, they are appointed.

- In Canada, a simple vote of "non-confidence" by other parties can force an elected leader out. No trial is needed. Even if it were, I already made yuo aware that in Canada cameras are not permitted in the courtroom. In the U.S a full impeachment trial is required.

- Term Limits. Our PM can remain in power for 30 years if he can continue to get the votes. He also can force an election date, while the U.S president must abide by the four year cycle.

- Division of power between our PM and the U.S President. Or as I learned it in school (yes, I took politics at one point), America has "checks and balances" between their branches, we do not.

Ultimately as far as I am concerned, it comes down to transparency, accountability of government information/activities against citizens. Also, recourse for Americans who have had violations of their Pursuit of Happiness or other tenets protected in their Bill of Rights.

In Canada, we remind the subjects that there is a God Ordained ruler and we have no rights. Which is why the police are so free to destroy no matter how unimpressive they are.

Now go and troll someone else, I can type much faster than you.

I was wrong about your intelligence. You're as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.

You description of a republic is exactly the same as a democracy. Monarchy doesn't matter. Constitution just as tight as any modern democracy.

God is not regarded as the ruler. Grow up.

Why do Americans think they discovered freedom etc? It's not as if the world is adopting that style of democracy with guns the main issue.
You've got some weird interpretations of common sense items.
I was wrong about your intelligence. You're as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.

You description of a republic is exactly the same as a democracy. Monarchy doesn't matter. Constitution just as tight as any modern democracy.

God is not regarded as the ruler. Grow up.

Why do Americans think they discovered freedom etc? It's not as if the world is adopting that style of democracy with guns the main issue.
You've got some weird interpretations of common sense items.

You don't understand the "Divine Right of Kings" do you?

Before you attack my experiences and knowledge, investigate further your own shortcomings.
You don't understand the "Divine Right of Kings" do you?

Before you attack my experiences and knowledge, investigate further your own shortcomings.

Your suggestion above is irrelevant. I asked the difference between a republic and a democracy. Both can exist under monarchy if the people allow it.
Either you provide the answer or take my reply as another attack on your experiences because I don't believe you know.
How are Canada’s Covid death numbers looking? What or who exactly is FORCING them the open travel as you call it?

I am sick and tired and fed up with all of this convid bs. It's time to get back to the good old normal days that we all once lived and enjoyed just 18 months ago. This convid hoax and game will never end until the people decide that they have had enough and want their freedoms back.

Canadians are still not allowed to travel by car into America. Only essential people are allowed. While Joe Biden let's in hundreds of illegals every day from Mexico into America, he will not allow many Canadians to drive into America. Canadians are not a threat to America. But many of those illegals are probably a real danger to America. There is something wrong with this border picture. :102:
The irony is that Canada is opening up it's borders to fully vaccinated Americans even though whether one is vaccinated or not does not impact whether they carry the virus and/or spread it. It makes politicians and cracker jack box, lobbyists, I mean "scientists", feel smug about their brilliance though.

Canada isn't a Republic with civil liberties, right to self determination and a defended Constitution, so we know that keeping Americans out is hurting our very weak, uncreative and feeble police state economy. Former Toronto Police chief Bill Blair is probably fighting hard against his natural reflex to maintain an iron fist of control on the border, but there is a potential election coming up, so he has to feign liberty-first.

Canadians have MORE restrictions on OUR lives, but, we want to convince Americans that "it's cool, come on over. See, we are just like you, free and stuff". Meanwhile there is a push to force all federal workers to be vaccinated and creepy, fascist Quebec already has a vaccine passport in effect.

Maybe Americans won't help support Canadas creepy system this time and will spend their money at home...

For more than a year and a half, Canada has kept its doors closed to most non-essential foreign travellers. But that changes today when the federal government opens our border to fully vaccinated Americans.

The government will also loosen several travel restrictions that apply to Canadians returning home from abroad.

Here's what travellers can expect at the Canadian border beginning today.

The Americans are coming​

For more than a month, fully vaccinated Canadian travellers have been allowed to skip quarantine when returning home from abroad.

In a continuation of its phased reopening of the border, starting today, the government will allow fully vaccinated Americans to both enter Canada and skip the mandatory 14-day quarantine.

But before eager Americans pack their bags, they should make sure they meet all requirements, said Denis Vinette, vice-president of the Canada Border Services Agency's COVID-19 border task force.

"People need to know what their obligations are," he said.
Whatever happened to the word discrimination? I thought that nobody could be discriminated against? It's the law, isn't it? Here in Canada our comrade PM wants to introduce vaccine passports meaning that if you are not vaccinated one gets to be denied services and they cannot live a normal life anymore. You will be discriminated against for not being vaccinated. 666 is here. I guess that the RFID chip will be next. Can that chip be inserted in your ass? Just wondering. That way one can then turn around and give the guy/gal with the scanner the "MOON". LOL.

Here in Canada we have this thing called the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which says that no one can be discriminated against. We are all supposed to be equal. I guess not, eh? I guess that when it comes to convid 19 one can be discriminated against especially if one is not vaccinated. It must be written in the charter somewhere but I cannot seem to find it anywhere. I will keep trying. :auiqs.jpg:

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