canada Teaching Anti-Americanism

Nobody said that there isn't gun violence in Canada but it is much greater in the US. Canadians generally believe that American gun laws are insane. It is a big reason why Canadians don't want to be Americans.

I'm sure Canadians would prefer that America just go away so long as we leave our doctors and hospitals behind for them to use when they get tired of waiting on an endless list.

Although the Canadian health care system is federal, it is administered with varying degrees of efficiency in various provinces. (That's like "states" for the information and geography challenged).

In Manitoba, for instance, the waiting time is about the same for just about everything as in the States.

And speaking of waiting time and the oh so great health system in the States, for starters, ask the 40+ veterans who died waiting in Phoenix, and heaven knows how many more elsewhere.
Or the 30,000 plus patients who die of preventable infections in private sector American hospitals.
The OP is silly.

Canadians don't "hate" America. Canadians admire America in many ways. They just don't want to be Americans, so they highlight the differences to differentiate themselves from the US.

Canada exists today because the Loyalists didn't want to be a part of the Republic. "Not being American" is an integral part of being Canadian. Sadly, since being Canadian is a part of who we are not rather than who we are.

Canadian nationalists often hold up the United States as an example of what Canadians don't want to be. That usually comes down to two things - healthcare and guns. Rightfully or wrongfully, many Canadians believe that America is an inherently dangerous place because there are shoot-outs everywhere. And then, once you've been shot, you'll be kicked out of the hospital because you don't have healthcare, and if you're not, you'll lose your house in bankruptcy.
The only thing you are right about is the canadian need to differentiate themselves from Americans. Regretfully, it is a massive fail as they have stolen American culture and have zero culture of their own.

As for the gun violence...who in the hell are you kidding? Just pick up a canadian newspaper and you will read about their daily shootings. Or, you can just do a Google search.

Canadians are quite prominent in the entertainment industry. Movies, TV, music, literature and sports.

Quite true.

Some of the best professional wrestlers were/are Canadians.

OK, that's enough, quit while you're ahead... :eusa_shifty:
Yes, canada harbored American deserters during the Vietnam and Iraq wars. What kind of neighbor does that? Then, they have the audacity to create a coward's memorial for the deserters.

The poster "Nutz" has posted two threads in the last couple of days that attempt to ramp up hatred by Americans directed toward our Canadian allies.

Just saying.

Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book. Canada does their thing, we do ours. We coexist peacefully. I've got lots of canadian friends. Some of my family is from Canada.

Sorry true enemy of the US. Go ply your divisive trade somewhere else.

Hate is the wrong word. I hate no one. I am simply providing a public service announcement to Americans and canadians alike. Americans need to realize that we CANNOT trust or rely on canada and the canadian stock. Nonetheless, we CAN be friends with canada...they just need to be re-educated and their attitude needs to be adjusted.

Oh, and if you want to discuss divisive trade...that is another thread for another day in my PSA's about canada and how they look their gift horse in the mouth.

If you were talking that way about Native Americans, African Americans, Jews, Muslims, etc., you would be - rightfully and correctly - called a racist bigot.

Canadians are not a race, so I won't call you racist, but you left yourself wide open to be - rightfully and correctly - called a bleeding idiot.
I told you. Liberals have always tried to divide us.

You could have a point there. Nonetheless, throughout history, canada has always been a leech and looked their gift horse in the mouth. canadians have a nasty attitude towards Uncle Sam and are trying to carve out an identity by being anti-American as seen in their educational system.

It is dangerous to call or consider canada to be an ally. The fact remains, when the US was in a time of need after 9/11, the canadians were not there. When America was fighting the Cold War and defending North America, canada was not there. Why should we believe canada would be there the next time?


Ask the hundreds if not thousands of Americans who were returning from other parts of the world, whose planes could not land in the States. They were given shelter, food, compassion and sympathy by Canadians in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec. Those are Canadian provinces, kind of similar to the American states, I just figured I point that out to you, because you proved that you are woefully ignorant about Canada and Canadians.

The sentient know all about this -- don't know what Nutz' problem is...

>> In the immediate aftermath of the September 11th attacks, our Canadian neighbors sprang into action to help clear American airspace of any other potentially dangerous flights. The action was known as Operation Yellow Ribbon, and in those uncertain first hours after the attacks, it was hugely helpful. The mission also made a tiny town in Newfoundland world famous for its hospitality.

The tiny town [Gander] only boasted 10,000 residents, but what it lacked in population size, it more than made up for in airport capacity. Gander International Airport had previously served as a refueling stop for transatlantic flights and had served as a staging point for U-boat hunting flights during World War II. Gander ended up receiving 38 flights in the wake of the September 11th attacks, second only to Halifax’s 47 diverted flights.

Landing all the planes in Gander was easy. Figuring out what to do with the 6,500-plus passengers and crewmembers who were stuck on the ground until flights resumed was quite a bit tougher. Towns of 10,000 people aren’t exactly built to accommodate sudden 66% population surges, so there wasn’t hotel and restaurant capacity to take in all these stranded flyers.

Gander&#8217;s population may have been small, but the town was also ridiculously hospitable. To say the locals bent over backwards to accommodate their unexpected guests would be a gross understatement. When flyers stepped off of their planes, Gander&#8217;s citizens met them with homemade bagged lunches. The town converted its schools and large buildings into temporary shelters, and when those lodgings filled up, citizens took strangers into their homes. Medical personnel saw patients and filled prescriptions free of charge. <<
-- September 11th and the Hospitable People of Gander, Newfoundland

(Gander is every airline pilot's first radio contact with North America when coming from Europe and the last going the other way.)
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Nowhere have I ever seen American textbooks and classes go as low as canadians go to defame their might neighbor.

Lift a few more rocks.

Nope, can't find any examples. We treat canada very well...too well to be honest. If it weren't for the US, canada would be a Mexico to the North.

That is far from the truth. Canada is a great ally and significant country. One of the best after the US. They would have been fine if we weren't here.

NOTE: I don't believe the article in the least. I don't think they are spoon feed to hate us in any way shape or form. You get that from talking to any Canadians. They don't see us as an evil empire in the least. It's bullshit. They do see themselves as slightly better than us. They think they have tastier beer and they are HIGHLY critical of our health insurance system from afar. However, rabid anti-Americanism? Not in the least. Left in America push their own agenda as do leftist in every Western country. Case in point, my son still comes home and say he loves Obama, the greatest President America has ever had. When I question where he learned that, he says at school.
Nobody said that there isn't gun violence in Canada but it is much greater in the US. Canadians generally believe that American gun laws are insane. It is a big reason why Canadians don't want to be Americans.

I'm sure Canadians would prefer that America just go away so long as we leave our doctors and hospitals behind for them to use when they get tired of waiting on an endless list.

And speaking of waiting time and the oh so great health system in the States, for starters, ask the 40+ veterans who died waiting in Phoenix, and heaven knows how many more elsewhere.

A perfect example of the arrogant, shit talking canadian spewing anti-American drivel in an effort to make canada seem significant.

They pay more attention to our news than their own so they can be willfully ignorant of their many failures and international insignificance.
I know a few Canadians that expound on the superiority of Canada, and many that do not.
I'm sure Canadians would prefer that America just go away so long as we leave our doctors and hospitals behind for them to use when they get tired of waiting on an endless list.

And speaking of waiting time and the oh so great health system in the States, for starters, ask the 40+ veterans who died waiting in Phoenix, and heaven knows how many more elsewhere.

A perfect example of the arrogant, shit talking canadian spewing anti-American drivel in an effort to make canada seem significant.

They pay more attention to our news than their own so they can be willfully ignorant of their many failures and international insignificance.

--- from the same ignorant asshat who cries the blues about Canada "having no culture" and then when it's put right in front of his face declares "b-but but that doesn't count!" :lol:

By the way FJO's Hungarian. Which, like "Canadian", is a proper noun, ergo capitalized.

Do go on about these "failures" though. The flailing amuses me. Tell us what's happening in Canadian news, eh?
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I'm sure Canadians would prefer that America just go away so long as we leave our doctors and hospitals behind for them to use when they get tired of waiting on an endless list.

And speaking of waiting time and the oh so great health system in the States, for starters, ask the 40+ veterans who died waiting in Phoenix, and heaven knows how many more elsewhere.

A perfect example of the arrogant, shit talking canadian spewing anti-American drivel in an effort to make canada seem significant.

They pay more attention to our news than their own so they can be willfully ignorant of their many failures and international insignificance.

If Canadians had any reason to think about Americans in a derogatory way - which most Canadians don't - this post of yours would be the perfect example.

No valid argument, no compelling opposite opinion, no brains, no decency, no admission of being wrong, let the name calling and profanity begin!
Imagine, if you will, for a moment, that the country of Canada - according to Nutz - is rightfully American, is taken over by America.

It is safe to say that if that happened and Canadians were given the right to vote, America would never see a Republican president, a Republican Senate or a Republican House again. Ditto for a balanced Supreme Court.

What the hell is a liberal/progressive/Democrat like Nutz bitching about, in addition to the fact that he considers America's biggest trading partner "insignificant"?

America is canada's biggest trading partner, not vice versa. We import far more from canada than we export. The US doing business with canada is a form of welfare for an insignificant nation that we support militarily, socially and economically.

I am not a liberal/progressive/ or a democrat..thank you. Typical of a canadian to lie in order to try to make a point.

Did you know that canadians, throughout history, have been teaching their children to hate America and Americans

NEVER TRUST canada and canadians.

This has been a public service announcement to prevent conservatives from backing a canadian idiot for President of the United States.

So, anti Americanism is wrong, but anti Canada is good; phew, what a loony.

By the way, you chaps were more than a little late for two world wars and you started most of the other wars since 1945.
I told you. Liberals have always tried to divide us.

You could have a point there. Nonetheless, throughout history, canada has always been a leech and looked their gift horse in the mouth. canadians have a nasty attitude towards Uncle Sam and are trying to carve out an identity by being anti-American as seen in their educational system.

It is dangerous to call or consider canada to be an ally. The fact remains, when the US was in a time of need after 9/11, the canadians were not there. When America was fighting the Cold War and defending North America, canada was not there. Why should we believe canada would be there the next time?


Ask the hundreds if not thousands of Americans who were returning from other parts of the world, whose planes could not land in the States. They were given shelter, food, compassion and sympathy by Canadians in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec. Those are Canadian provinces, kind of similar to the American states, I just figured I point that out to you, because you proved that you are woefully ignorant about Canada and Canadians.
:lol: Russia would have done the same.
Whenever the Canadian government was unfriendly or hostile towards America, it was the Liberal, you know, your soul mates.
Like Carolyn Parrish who was calling Americans stupid and stomping on Bush dolls?
And again, the canadian lie, I am not a liberal.
Canada was there in WWII, alongside of America, if you don't believe it, just ask the people of Netherland. There were Canadian forces in Korea, and volunteers in Viet Nam, when the chicken hearted and lily-livered draft dodging Americans fled to Canada. Canada was there in Afghanistan, albeit not in Iraq - that was denied by a - you guessed it - LIBERAL Prime Minister.
WWII, forced into war as part of the British Empire. Korea and Vietnam...volunteers. canada only served as a sanctuary for draft dodgers.
Learn and heed the meaning of the old saying: If you can't say something nice, say nothing.
I've seen some of your comments on this forum...hypocrite mean much to you.
P.S. Names of countries, no matter how much you desire to malign them - start with a capital letter.
what about canuck, should that be capitalized too?
The OP is silly.

Canadians don't "hate" America. Canadians admire America in many ways. They just don't want to be Americans, so they highlight the differences to differentiate themselves from the US.

Canada exists today because the Loyalists didn't want to be a part of the Republic. "Not being American" is an integral part of being Canadian. Sadly, since being Canadian is a part of who we are not rather than who we are.

Canadian nationalists often hold up the United States as an example of what Canadians don't want to be. That usually comes down to two things - healthcare and guns. Rightfully or wrongfully, many Canadians believe that America is an inherently dangerous place because there are shoot-outs everywhere. And then, once you've been shot, you'll be kicked out of the hospital because you don't have healthcare, and if you're not, you'll lose your house in bankruptcy.
The only thing you are right about is the canadian need to differentiate themselves from Americans. Regretfully, it is a massive fail as they have stolen American culture and have zero culture of their own.

As for the gun violence...who in the hell are you kidding? Just pick up a canadian newspaper and you will read about their daily shootings. Or, you can just do a Google search.

Canadians are quite prominent in the entertainment industry. Movies, TV, music, literature and sports.

Some of the best professional wrestlers were/are Canadians.
Yes, they come to the US to become famous and make asses of themselves...they usually die before the age of 40. How many diseases has Pamela Anderson brought to the states?

Funny how they have to come to America for fame...being famous in canada just isn't good enough...because canada is insignificant. Thanks for making my point.

List of the largest trading partners of the United States

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Partners of the United States represent 73.9% of U.S. imports, and 71.7% of U.S. exports as of December 2011.[1] These figures do not include services or foreign direct investment, The largest U.S. partners with their total trade (sum of imports and exports) in billions of US Dollars for calendar year 2012 are as follows: [2]

A flow map of the largest trade partners of the US




Total Trade

Trade Balance

Canada 292.9 324.2 616.7 -31.8
China 110.6 425.6 536.2 -315
Mexico 216.3 277.7 494 -61.4
European Union 184.3 260.6 444.8 -76.3
Japan 70 146.4 216.4 -76.4
Germany 48.8 108.5 157.3 -59.7
United Kingdom 54.8 54.9 109.8 -0.1
South Korea 42.3 58.9 101.2 -16.6
Brazil 43.7 32.1 75.8 11.6
Saudi Arabia 13.8 55.7 73.8 -37.6
France 30.8 41.6 72.4 -10.8
Taiwan 24.4 38.9 63.2 -14.5
Netherlands 40.7 22.3 63 18.4
India 22.3 40.5 62.9 -18.2
Venezuela 17.6 38.7 56.4 -21.1
Italy 16 36.9 52.9 -20.9

This list does not include the European Union (EU), which includes five (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands and Italy) of the above states in a single economic entity. As a single economy, the EU is the largest trading partner of the US with $367.8 billion worth of EU goods going to the US and $268.6 billion of US goods going to the EU as of 2011, totaling approximately $636.4 billion in total trade.[3]

Countries of which United States is the largest trading partner[edit]

The United States is also the primary export or import partner of several countries. The percentages on these tables are based on 2012 data as shown on the CIA World Factbook. Some countries are repeated from the previous table.




Chad 81.9%
Haiti 81.7%
Mexico 78.0%
Canada 74.5%
Saint Kitts and Nevis 56.0%
Nicaragua 55.6%
Jamaica 48.0%
El Salvador 47.3%
Dominican Republic 47.0%
Trinidad and Tobago 42.1%
Guatemala 40.2%
Venezuela 39.1%
Costa Rica 38.9%
Ecuador 37.3%
Colombia 36.6%
Honduras 34.5%
Cambodia 32.6%
Belize 31.8%
Guyana 30.8%
Israel 27.8%
Suriname 25.7%
Iraq 21.1%
Sri Lanka 20.4%
Panama 20.2%
Bangladesh 18.7%
Ireland 17.9%
Vietnam 17.8%
Nigeria 16.8%
Jordan 16.6%
Fiji 14.6%
Saudi Arabia 14.2%
Saint Lucia 13.9%
Pakistan 13.6%




Canada 50.6%
Mexico 49.9%
Costa Rica 49.8%
Aruba 46.4%
Honduras 44.3%
Dominican Republic 43.3%
Guatemala 38.0%
Jamaica 36.1%
El Salvador 35.4%
Trinidad and Tobago 33.1%
Saint Kitts and Nevis 31.7%
Venezuela 31.7%
Bahamas 30.1%
Ecuador 28.4%
Suriname 26.0%
Peru 24.6%
Colombia 24.2%
Belize 23.6%
Panama 23.6%
Chile 22.9%
Guyana 22.2%
Nicaragua 19.0%
Qatar 14.2%
Israel 12.9%
Kuwait 11.8%
Philippines 11.5%
Lebanon 11.2%

See also[edit]
Economy of the United States
List of the largest trading partners of India
List of the largest trading partners of the European Union
List of the largest trading partners of the People's Republic of China


1.Jump up ^ Foreign Trade - U.S. Top Trading Partners
2.Jump up ^ U.S. Census Bureau "US Trade: Top Trading Partners - Total Trade, Exports, Imports"
3.Jump up ^ U.S. Census Bureau "Trade with European Union : 2011"
4.Jump up ^
5.Jump up ^

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The NYK Andromeda berthed in the Port of Singapore, 2005

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World Bank Group ·
World Trade Organization (WTO) (International Trade Centre)
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Schools of thought

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Free trade ·
Mercantilism ·

Regional organizations

EU ·
Mercosur ·

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Argentina ·
Canada ·
China ·
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India ·
Japan ·
Netherlands ·
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United States ·
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List of the largest trading partners of the United States

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Partners of the United States represent 73.9% of U.S. imports, and 71.7% of U.S. exports as of December 2011.[1] These figures do not include services or foreign direct investment, The largest U.S. partners with their total trade (sum of imports and exports) in billions of US Dollars for calendar year 2012 are as follows: [2]

A flow map of the largest trade partners of the US




Total Trade

Trade Balance

Canada 292.9 324.2 616.7 -31.8
China 110.6 425.6 536.2 -315
Mexico 216.3 277.7 494 -61.4
European Union 184.3 260.6 444.8 -76.3
Japan 70 146.4 216.4 -76.4
Germany 48.8 108.5 157.3 -59.7
United Kingdom 54.8 54.9 109.8 -0.1
South Korea 42.3 58.9 101.2 -16.6
Brazil 43.7 32.1 75.8 11.6
Saudi Arabia 13.8 55.7 73.8 -37.6
France 30.8 41.6 72.4 -10.8
Taiwan 24.4 38.9 63.2 -14.5
Netherlands 40.7 22.3 63 18.4
India 22.3 40.5 62.9 -18.2
Venezuela 17.6 38.7 56.4 -21.1
Italy 16 36.9 52.9 -20.9

This list does not include the European Union (EU), which includes five (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands and Italy) of the above states in a single economic entity. As a single economy, the EU is the largest trading partner of the US with $367.8 billion worth of EU goods going to the US and $268.6 billion of US goods going to the EU as of 2011, totaling approximately $636.4 billion in total trade.[3]

Countries of which United States is the largest trading partner[edit]

The United States is also the primary export or import partner of several countries. The percentages on these tables are based on 2012 data as shown on the CIA World Factbook. Some countries are repeated from the previous table.




Chad 81.9%
Haiti 81.7%
Mexico 78.0%
Canada 74.5%
Saint Kitts and Nevis 56.0%
Nicaragua 55.6%
Jamaica 48.0%
El Salvador 47.3%
Dominican Republic 47.0%
Trinidad and Tobago 42.1%
Guatemala 40.2%
Venezuela 39.1%
Costa Rica 38.9%
Ecuador 37.3%
Colombia 36.6%
Honduras 34.5%
Cambodia 32.6%
Belize 31.8%
Guyana 30.8%
Israel 27.8%
Suriname 25.7%
Iraq 21.1%
Sri Lanka 20.4%
Panama 20.2%
Bangladesh 18.7%
Ireland 17.9%
Vietnam 17.8%
Nigeria 16.8%
Jordan 16.6%
Fiji 14.6%
Saudi Arabia 14.2%
Saint Lucia 13.9%
Pakistan 13.6%




Canada 50.6%
Mexico 49.9%
Costa Rica 49.8%
Aruba 46.4%
Honduras 44.3%
Dominican Republic 43.3%
Guatemala 38.0%
Jamaica 36.1%
El Salvador 35.4%
Trinidad and Tobago 33.1%
Saint Kitts and Nevis 31.7%
Venezuela 31.7%
Bahamas 30.1%
Ecuador 28.4%
Suriname 26.0%
Peru 24.6%
Colombia 24.2%
Belize 23.6%
Panama 23.6%
Chile 22.9%
Guyana 22.2%
Nicaragua 19.0%
Qatar 14.2%
Israel 12.9%
Kuwait 11.8%
Philippines 11.5%
Lebanon 11.2%

See also[edit]
Economy of the United States
List of the largest trading partners of India
List of the largest trading partners of the European Union
List of the largest trading partners of the People's Republic of China


1.Jump up ^ Foreign Trade - U.S. Top Trading Partners
2.Jump up ^ U.S. Census Bureau "US Trade: Top Trading Partners - Total Trade, Exports, Imports"
3.Jump up ^ U.S. Census Bureau "Trade with European Union : 2011"
4.Jump up ^
5.Jump up ^

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Net capital outflow ·
Outsourcing ·
Trade justice ·
Trading nation

The NYK Andromeda berthed in the Port of Singapore, 2005

and policies

International Monetary Fund (IMF) ·
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ·
World Bank Group ·
World Trade Organization (WTO) (International Trade Centre)
Bilateral investment treaty ·
Economic integration ·
Free trade zone ·
Special economic zone ·
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Trade bloc

Schools of thought

Economic nationalism ·
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Regional organizations

EU ·
Mercosur ·

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If you can pare that down so it fits on a bumper strip somebody might read it.
The poster "Nutz" has posted two threads in the last couple of days that attempt to ramp up hatred by Americans directed toward our Canadian allies.

Just saying.

Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book. Canada does their thing, we do ours. We coexist peacefully. I've got lots of canadian friends. Some of my family is from Canada.

Sorry true enemy of the US. Go ply your divisive trade somewhere else.

Hate is the wrong word. I hate no one. I am simply providing a public service announcement to Americans and canadians alike. Americans need to realize that we CANNOT trust or rely on canada and the canadian stock. Nonetheless, we CAN be friends with canada...they just need to be re-educated and their attitude needs to be adjusted.

Oh, and if you want to discuss divisive trade...that is another thread for another day in my PSA's about canada and how they look their gift horse in the mouth.

If you were talking that way about Native Americans, African Americans, Jews, Muslims, etc., you would be - rightfully and correctly - called a racist bigot.

Canadians are not a race, so I won't call you racist, but you left yourself wide open to be - rightfully and correctly - called a bleeding idiot.

LOL...typical level of canadian debate.

List of the largest trading partners of the United States

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Partners of the United States represent 73.9% of U.S. imports, and 71.7% of U.S. exports as of December 2011.[1] These figures do not include services or foreign direct investment, The largest U.S. partners with their total trade (sum of imports and exports) in billions of US Dollars for calendar year 2012 are as follows: [2]

A flow map of the largest trade partners of the US




Total Trade

Trade Balance

Canada 292.9 324.2 616.7 -31.8
China 110.6 425.6 536.2 -315
Mexico 216.3 277.7 494 -61.4
European Union 184.3 260.6 444.8 -76.3
Japan 70 146.4 216.4 -76.4
Germany 48.8 108.5 157.3 -59.7
United Kingdom 54.8 54.9 109.8 -0.1
South Korea 42.3 58.9 101.2 -16.6
Brazil 43.7 32.1 75.8 11.6
Saudi Arabia 13.8 55.7 73.8 -37.6
France 30.8 41.6 72.4 -10.8
Taiwan 24.4 38.9 63.2 -14.5
Netherlands 40.7 22.3 63 18.4
India 22.3 40.5 62.9 -18.2
Venezuela 17.6 38.7 56.4 -21.1
Italy 16 36.9 52.9 -20.9

This list does not include the European Union (EU), which includes five (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands and Italy) of the above states in a single economic entity. As a single economy, the EU is the largest trading partner of the US with $367.8 billion worth of EU goods going to the US and $268.6 billion of US goods going to the EU as of 2011, totaling approximately $636.4 billion in total trade.[3]

Countries of which United States is the largest trading partner[edit]

The United States is also the primary export or import partner of several countries. The percentages on these tables are based on 2012 data as shown on the CIA World Factbook. Some countries are repeated from the previous table.




Chad 81.9%
Haiti 81.7%
Mexico 78.0%
Canada 74.5%
Saint Kitts and Nevis 56.0%
Nicaragua 55.6%
Jamaica 48.0%
El Salvador 47.3%
Dominican Republic 47.0%
Trinidad and Tobago 42.1%
Guatemala 40.2%
Venezuela 39.1%
Costa Rica 38.9%
Ecuador 37.3%
Colombia 36.6%
Honduras 34.5%
Cambodia 32.6%
Belize 31.8%
Guyana 30.8%
Israel 27.8%
Suriname 25.7%
Iraq 21.1%
Sri Lanka 20.4%
Panama 20.2%
Bangladesh 18.7%
Ireland 17.9%
Vietnam 17.8%
Nigeria 16.8%
Jordan 16.6%
Fiji 14.6%
Saudi Arabia 14.2%
Saint Lucia 13.9%
Pakistan 13.6%




Canada 50.6%
Mexico 49.9%
Costa Rica 49.8%
Aruba 46.4%
Honduras 44.3%
Dominican Republic 43.3%
Guatemala 38.0%
Jamaica 36.1%
El Salvador 35.4%
Trinidad and Tobago 33.1%
Saint Kitts and Nevis 31.7%
Venezuela 31.7%
Bahamas 30.1%
Ecuador 28.4%
Suriname 26.0%
Peru 24.6%
Colombia 24.2%
Belize 23.6%
Panama 23.6%
Chile 22.9%
Guyana 22.2%
Nicaragua 19.0%
Qatar 14.2%
Israel 12.9%
Kuwait 11.8%
Philippines 11.5%
Lebanon 11.2%

See also[edit]
Economy of the United States
List of the largest trading partners of India
List of the largest trading partners of the European Union
List of the largest trading partners of the People's Republic of China


1.Jump up ^ Foreign Trade - U.S. Top Trading Partners
2.Jump up ^ U.S. Census Bureau "US Trade: Top Trading Partners - Total Trade, Exports, Imports"
3.Jump up ^ U.S. Census Bureau "Trade with European Union : 2011"
4.Jump up ^
5.Jump up ^

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The NYK Andromeda berthed in the Port of Singapore, 2005

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wtf is that supposed to be. Compose your thoughts then get back to me.
Hate is the wrong word. I hate no one. I am simply providing a public service announcement to Americans and canadians alike. Americans need to realize that we CANNOT trust or rely on canada and the canadian stock. Nonetheless, we CAN be friends with canada...they just need to be re-educated and their attitude needs to be adjusted.

Oh, and if you want to discuss divisive trade...that is another thread for another day in my PSA's about canada and how they look their gift horse in the mouth.

If you were talking that way about Native Americans, African Americans, Jews, Muslims, etc., you would be - rightfully and correctly - called a racist bigot.

Canadians are not a race, so I won't call you racist, but you left yourself wide open to be - rightfully and correctly - called a bleeding idiot.

LOL...typical level of canadian debate.

What the fuck would you know about "Canadian debate"? You already have no clue about Canadian culture, Canadian education systems, Canadian mentality or Canadian history. Hell you can't even spell the name of the country.

As noted way back, worst thread train wreck ever. What does it feel like to have everybody from every side of the political spectrum, those normally at extreme odds with each other, in full agreement that the OP is a blithering idiot?

Did you know that canadians, throughout history, have been teaching their children to hate America and Americans

NEVER TRUST canada and canadians.

This has been a public service announcement to prevent conservatives from backing a canadian idiot for President of the United States.

So, anti Americanism is wrong, but anti Canada is good; phew, what a loony.

By the way, you chaps were more than a little late for two world wars and you started most of the other wars since 1945.
of course a muslim is going to be a fan of canada. you guys have pretty much taken it over havent you - sharia law and all. And where do you get anti-canadian...all of my posts are about loving and helping canada. They just need a little love and support.

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