Canada Issues Warning To U.S. Over Oil Pipeline Shutdown Order


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I normally would tell America to do as you must as Canada is definitely NOT your ally, especially in Ontario.

We will see how this all unfolds however. I don't want to see many Canadians suffer because of the actions of Canadas immoral covert police system that spits on America and your interests. The cat has been out of the bag for the last couple of decades I'm sure, I warned former leaders that we are hurting ourselves by treating foreign nations as we treat our own citizens.

It seems Canada is taking the U.S to court over this pipeline in hopes of dictating to you how you can operate in your own country.

The federal Canadian government has warned Washington of Michigan's plan to shut down a pipeline transporting Canadian crude to U.S. refineries risks worsening bilateral relations.

In a legal filing, Ottawa said the shutting down of the Line 5 pipeline will harm relations between Canada and the United States, have a negative impact on jobs and gasoline prices, and violate a treaty from 1977, the Financial Post said.

Earlier this month, Canada's Natural Resources Minister Seamus O'Regan told Bloomberg that keeping Line 5 open is "nonnegotiable."

"Line 5 is very different from Keystone XL and we fully support it, and we will defend it," O'Regan said.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the director of the state's Department of Natural Resources revoked Enbridge's easement for the operation of the twin Line 5 pipeline last November, citing repeated violations of the easement and the need to protect the Great Lakes.

Michigan's notice required Enbridge to cease operations of the pipelines in the Straits of Mackinac by May of 2021. Ten days after the state's notice, Enbridge filed a federal complaint at a U.S. district court seeking an injunction to stop Michigan's order for closure of the Line 5 pipeline, arguing that the state's shutdown order violates U.S. federal law and the Constitution.

Today is the last day for Enbridge to stop operating the pipeline, with Governor Whitmer threatening to seize the company's profits from Line 5 if it doesn't shut it down. Enbridge, for its part, has said it would only shut down the pipeline if a court or an energy regulator order it to do so.
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Joe must be happy that another pipeline went down and he didn't have to cancel it like he did to the Keystone pipeline....
Joe must be happy that another pipeline went down and he didn't have to cancel it like he did to the Keystone pipeline....

Trump was told not to let that pipeline go ahead and he went ahead and did it anyway. He's just that STUPID. When the pipeline leaked into the water table, which was the reason the environmental report said it should not be built, Trump did NOTHING.


Trump was told not to let that pipeline go ahead and he went ahead and did it anyway. He's just that STUPID. When the pipeline leaked into the water table, which was the reason the environmental report said it should not be built, Trump did NOTHING.


What in the ever loving fuck are you talking about? This pipeline has existed for 70 years, you dumbass.
Joe must be happy that another pipeline went down and he didn't have to cancel it like he did to the Keystone pipeline....

Trump was told not to let that pipeline go ahead and he went ahead and did it anyway. When the pipeline leaked into the water table, which was the reason the environmental report said it should not be built, Trump did NOTHING.


Ah, so, the crime here is that we pumped stuff up out of the ground and some of it went back into the ground where it came from? Ah Oh!!! :omg:

And Donald didn't do anything about it!!! :disbelief:

But thanks for reasserting for us that when the rest of the world doesn't do to please you, that you are on the ready to jump in, take over, run our fucking lives for us, and tell us what to do!
Joe must be happy that another pipeline went down and he didn't have to cancel it like he did to the Keystone pipeline....

Trump was told not to let that pipeline go ahead and he went ahead and did it anyway. When the pipeline leaked into the water table, which was the reason the environmental report said it should not be built, Trump did NOTHING.


Ah, so, the crime here is that we pumped stuff up out of the ground and some of it went back into the ground where it came from? Ah Oh!!! :omg:

And Donald didn't do anything about it!!! :disbelief:

But thanks for reasserting for us that when the rest of the world doesn't do to please you, that you are on the ready to jump in, take over, run our fucking lives for us, and tell us what to do!

If it had gone "back into the ground where it came from" it wouldn't be a problem. The problem is that it went back into the ground thousands of miles where it came from, and where the native American people got their drinking water from and thus poisoned their water.

I realize the issues of American people having a safe supply of drinking water is of no concern to you so you don't see a problem with this. Conservatives always put profits ahead of people.
Joe must be happy that another pipeline went down and he didn't have to cancel it like he did to the Keystone pipeline....
Joe doesn't hate pipelines. He cancelled sanctions Donald Trump placed on the Russian built Nord Stream
pipeline doing Vladimir Putin a tremendous favor.
Joe must be happy that another pipeline went down and he didn't have to cancel it like he did to the Keystone pipeline....
Joe doesn't hate pipelines. He cancelled sanctions Donald Trump placed on the Russian built Nord Stream
pipeline doing Vladimir Putin a tremendous favor.
We are now back to buying the oil we need from Russia and the middle east...that didn't take Joe very long....
Joe must be happy that another pipeline went down and he didn't have to cancel it like he did to the Keystone pipeline....
Joe doesn't hate pipelines. He cancelled sanctions Donald Trump placed on the Russian built Nord Stream
pipeline doing Vladimir Putin a tremendous favor.
We are now back to buying the oil we need from Russia and the middle east...that didn't take Joe very long....

We have been buying oil from Russia since Trump placed sanctions on Venezuela, stupid.
I normally would tell America to do as you must as Canada is definitely NOT your ally, especially in Ontario.

We will see how this all unfolds however. I don't want to see many Canadians suffer because of the actions of Canadas immoral covert police system that spits on America and your interests. The cat has been out of the bag for the last couple of decades I'm sure, I warned former leaders that we are hurting ourselves by treating foreign nations as we treat our own citizens.

It seems Canada is taking the U.S to court over this pipeline in hopes of dictating to you how you can operate in your own country.

The federal Canadian government has warned Washington of Michigan's plan to shut down a pipeline transporting Canadian crude to U.S. refineries risks worsening bilateral relations.

In a legal filing, Ottawa said the shutting down of the Line 5 pipeline will harm relations between Canada and the United States, have a negative impact on jobs and gasoline prices, and violate a treaty from 1977, the Financial Post said.

Earlier this month, Canada's Natural Resources Minister Seamus O'Regan told Bloomberg that keeping Line 5 open is "nonnegotiable."

"Line 5 is very different from Keystone XL and we fully support it, and we will defend it," O'Regan said.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the director of the state's Department of Natural Resources revoked Enbridge's easement for the operation of the twin Line 5 pipeline last November, citing repeated violations of the easement and the need to protect the Great Lakes.

Michigan's notice required Enbridge to cease operations of the pipelines in the Straits of Mackinac by May of 2021. Ten days after the state's notice, Enbridge filed a federal complaint at a U.S. district court seeking an injunction to stop Michigan's order for closure of the Line 5 pipeline, arguing that the state's shutdown order violates U.S. federal law and the Constitution.

Today is the last day for Enbridge to stop operating the pipeline, with Governor Whitmer threatening to seize the company's profits from Line 5 if it doesn't shut it down. Enbridge, for its part, has said it would only shut down the pipeline if a court or an energy regulator order it to do so.

Applicable Permits
Enbridge Energy’s Line 5 pipeline was built in 1953 and extends for 645 miles across the state of Michigan. Line 5, which is part of Enbridge’s Lakehead System, begins in Superior, Wisconsin, and ends in Sarnia, Canada.

Line 5 details
Marshall spill raises awareness
State creates pipeline task force
Board initiates Line 5 analyses
Coating gaps, anchor strike
First agreement between Enbridge, State
Second agreement between Enbridge, state
Agreement to build tunnel
Legal challenges to tunnel
The pipeline is a single, 30-in diameter pipe except for the section that crosses the Straits of Mackinac. That 4.5-mile section is two separate pipelines, each 20 inches in diameter, that lie on the lake bottom. The pipeline’s route through the Straits is within an easement issued in 1953 by the State of Michigan. The easement authorized Lakehead Pipe Line Co., Inc., which eventually became Enbridge Energy Limited Partnership, “to construct, lay and maintain pipe lines over, through, under and upon certain lake bottom lands …for the purpose of transporting petroleum and other products. … ”

Line 5 transports up to 540,000 barrels – or 22.68 million gallons – per day of light crude oil and natural gas liquids, according to Enbridge. Some of the natural gas liquids are refined into propane and used in the Upper Peninsula, while other products are routed for processing at oil refineries in Detroit and Toledo, Ohio. The remainder crosses the St. Clair river for processing in Sarnia.

Some Michigan drilling companies use Line 5 to transport the oil they produce. That product is introduced into the pipeline at Lewiston, Michigan.

In 2010, about 21,000 barrels of heavy crude oil spilled in a tributary of the Kalamazoo River near Marshall from a line owned by Enbridge.

As a result of the Kalamazoo River spill – one of the largest inland spills in U.S. history – the State and Enbridge in May 2015 entered into a $75 million Consent Judgment. That was followed in July 2016 with a Consent Decree between Enbridge and the federal government to resolve claims related to the Marshall spill. Enbridge agreed to pay $110 million on spill prevention and pipeline operations in the Great Lakes region and a $61 million fine. Cleanup efforts are ongoing and are estimated at more than $1 billion.

The spill prompted increased attention and focus on the potential ecological and economic damage that could occur if the Line 5 pipeline running beneath the Straits of Mackinac failed.


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