Can you say...COUP? Homeland Security preparing for civil conflict

Not at all.

The thought of forest service personnel with guns "protecting" camps gives me pause.

The forest service, increasingly, is dealing with drug cartel members planting illegal marijuana crops on forest service land, and heavily guarding these crops with booby traps and automatic weapons. It's kind of a bummer, really.

It's been pretty well-documented since the early 00's.

Here's one example: International drug cartels infiltrating Colorado's national forests - The Denver Post

Try this google search and see what you find, if you doubt me:


The federal parks on the northern and southern U.S. border have also been used quite heavily by traffickers of humans and drugs, so some of the more isolated parks have gotten pretty dangerous in some areas; particularly in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

So the forest service is going to go to war with illegal aliens?

THAT'S what all the ammo is about?

So where is the evidence of THAT?

While you have moments of clarity, as a sum total, you're fucking retarded.
So why are they stockpiling ammo this close to the election? Any insight?

Because with each passing day, more of who Obama really is has been exposed. He got into office illegally, and he intends to keep that office no matter what.

The American people are going to send him home in November, the only question is, how much cheating will he do to retain power and will he accept the decision of the American people?

My guess is, the voter fraud that has gone on for over a century by dumbocrats is about to racheted up 1,000 fold. But of course, with that much rampant cheating, there's bound to be tons of evidence. He's stock piling so that after the cheating gets exposed, he can defend his power.

You have to remember, this is a man who submitted a bio to a publisher that said "Born in KENYA, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii". His parents were anti-American, pro-communist radicals, and Obama himself loathes the U.S. Constitution. He's not going to recognize it's power nor abide by it's authority. That is why he's stock piling ammo
Oh....I don't know, hundreds of thousands of pissed off Muslims?

Epic fail on trying to make excuses for Obama. You see, the DHS does not get involved with foreign affairs. Those "hundreds of thousands of pissed off muslims" you refer to are the responsibility of the DoD. So if they were ordering the ammo, that would make sense.

For the DHS to order that much ammo means they are very concerned with something domestic. The question is, what and why?

My guess is, Obama plans to ramp up the voter fraud full-bore and is very concerned about what the results will be once that evidence starts coming out.
So why are they stockpiling ammo this close to the election? Any insight?

Because with each passing day, more of who Obama really is has been exposed. He got into office illegally, and he intends to keep that office no matter what.

The American people are going to send him home in November, the only question is, how much cheating will he do to retain power and will he accept the decision of the American people?

My guess is, the voter fraud that has gone on for over a century by dumbocrats is about to racheted up 1,000 fold. But of course, with that much rampant cheating, there's bound to be tons of evidence. He's stock piling so that after the cheating gets exposed, he can defend his power.

You have to remember, this is a man who submitted a bio to a publisher that said "Born in KENYA, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii". His parents were anti-American, pro-communist radicals, and Obama himself loathes the U.S. Constitution. He's not going to recognize it's power nor abide by it's authority. That is why he's stock piling ammo

No kidding.

You people are funny :lol: Do the names Ashcroft & Gonzales ring a bell? Hint: They WERE NOT Democrats :)

You do realize that the DOJ had nothing to do with creating the Department of Homeland security. It was a democrat plan adopted by the Bush administration.

It's an outgrowth of the Office of Homeland Security (which was a Bush creation in the wake of 9/11) and the creation of the department had far more Republican support than Democratic support. Every Republican senator voted for it, as did 207 of the 217 Republican House members voting. While most Senate Democrats voted for it, a majority of House Democrats voted against it.
I'm still wondering why a DOMESTIC agency needs all that DEADLY, EXPENSIVE ammo while our politician's consider squashing MY ability to do the same?
I'm still wondering why a DOMESTIC agency needs all that DEADLY, EXPENSIVE ammo while our politician's consider squashing MY ability to do the same?

Shhhh... Guy, you know that you cannot use logic and reason with liberals. It freaks them the fuck out and causes them to get all nasty.
I'm still wondering why a DOMESTIC agency needs all that DEADLY, EXPENSIVE ammo while our politician's consider squashing MY ability to do the same?

HEY YOU!!! Dont look behind the curtain ....YEAH YOU!! I said ...hey stop that!!!!

If this shit doesnt disturb you are a fool!!!
This country has a history of pulling shit against an unaware public.
Cointelpro,MKultra...the list goes on.
I dont trust either party when it comes to this kind of shit.
So why are they stockpiling ammo this close to the election? Any insight?

Oh....I don't know, hundreds of thousands of pissed off Muslims? Protect the citizenry from people like you if Obama wins? Maybe it was the normal time to order ammo?

It's batshit crazy conspiracy theorists like you and bigreb that gives conservatives. a bad name.
You're nucking help.

If, by some "batboy/aliens ate Elvis" chance that it really happens? I will be the first person to apologize to you. But that's what? a 1:100 billion chance? So, I think I'm safe.

Typical of the Liberal Left. Can't respond to an honest question. We all know that Oblamer and his Alphabet agencies have stocked up on more than a billion rounds of ammunition. In fact it just more than our military normally has on hand.

DHS Stocking up Ammo​

This year the Department of Homeland Security has purchased a reported 750 million rounds of hollow-point bullets. To help put this in perspective, US troops fighting in Iraq used about 70 million rounds/year.

In an effort to quell apprehensions as to the intent of her agency, Secretary Janet Napolitano emphasized that “it is important that the government not be out-gunned by its enemies. We must have the firepower to suppress anyone who may rise against us.”

Napolitano also cited the lack of skill of the forces under her command compared to potential enemies. “The extra rounds are needed to offset the larger ratio of misses we anticipate may occur should we have to face opponents trained by the NRA or similarly able terrorist-related organizations.”

SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News « The Constitution Club
You people are seriously fucking crazy.

I mean it.

Completely bat-shit crazy.

Who exactly do you think is planning this "coup"?

No, wait, don't answer that, I'm sure the answer will be something just as insane.

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