Can you provide evidence that Obama's policies are the direct reason for the...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...increase in unemployment rate during his presidency?

Keep in my mind that Obama said in mid 2009 that he expected the unemployment rate would likely rise to 10% in the next couple of years.

I don't think it's fair to put all of the blame on Obama simply because he is president.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs and saved even more. I do agree he could have done more (how much?), but I have yet to be convinced that Obama is the reason why the unemployment rate is as high as it is.

I really am open to answers on this. I want answers that illlustrate how his policies have been detrimental on a national level.
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Unemployment is a classic lagging economic indicator. We were bleeding jobs when Obama came into office as a result of the Bush economic meltdown of late 2008.
Unemployment is a classic lagging economic indicator. We were bleeding jobs when Obama came into office as a result of the Bush economic meltdown of late 2008.

This is a great example of the kind of thinking employed by those who still support the Big 0.

When the Big 0 took office, we had just entered into a recession. His policies were based on the fact that most recessions last between 12 and 18 months. He thought that regardless of anything that he did or did not do, he would get credit for the recovery which was almost certainly going to occur.

The recovery has yet to occur.

The question, then, is not what he might have done to create the recovery, but, rather, what has he done that stopped it.

Recoveries have always occurred within 12 to 18 months and this one has not.

Bush has been out of office for 3 years. He has no effect on what the Big 0 is doing. This is the property and fault of the Big 0.

If you refuse to acknowledge the actual cause, you will never correct that cause and find a solution.

Those who still support the Big 0 have no grasp of reality.
...increase in unemployment rate during his presidency?

Keep in my mind that Obama said in mid 2009 that he expected the unemployment rate would likely rise to 10% in the next couple of years.

Obama Sees 10% Unemployment Rate, Chides Wall Street Critics - Bloomberg

I don't think it's fair to put all of the blame on Obama simply because he is president.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs and saved even more. I do agree he could have done more (how much?), but I have yet to be convinced that Obama is the reason why the unemployment rate is as high as it is.

I really am open to answers on this. I want answers that illlustrate how his policies have been detrimental on a national level.

You're delusional. There are about 5 million fewer people working in the USA today than there were the day that the Big 0 tool office. Your quoting jobs figures that simply are not true.

If jobs were "saved" and "created" there would be more jobs, not fewer jobs.

The population has continued to grow, the jobs continue to shrink.

In what possible form of logic can you justify the created or saved meme that the owned profess?
Unemployment is a classic lagging economic indicator. We were bleeding jobs when Obama came into office as a result of the Bush economic meltdown of late 2008.

This is a great example of the kind of thinking employed by those who still support the Big 0.

When the Big 0 took office, we had just entered into a recession. His policies were based on the fact that most recessions last between 12 and 18 months. He thought that regardless of anything that he did or did not do, he would get credit for the recovery which was almost certainly going to occur.

The recovery has yet to occur.

The question, then, is not what he might have done to create the recovery, but, rather, what has he done that stopped it.

Recoveries have always occurred within 12 to 18 months and this one has not.

Bush has been out of office for 3 years. He has no effect on what the Big 0 is doing. This is the property and fault of the Big 0.

If you refuse to acknowledge the actual cause, you will never correct that cause and find a solution.

Those who still support the Big 0 have no grasp of reality.

You wingers need to huddle up and get your facts straight. I just read in another thread from PoliticalChic..........

The fastest growth periods were 1983-1990 and 1992-2004, known as the Reagan boom.

So according to HER "source" Reagan still had effects on the economy 20 YEARS LATER. And she even tried to back it up with a link.

Personally I think you're all full of shit and would say anything to pin blame on Obama.
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...increase in unemployment rate during his presidency?

Keep in my mind that Obama said in mid 2009 that he expected the unemployment rate would likely rise to 10% in the next couple of years.

Obama Sees 10% Unemployment Rate, Chides Wall Street Critics - Bloomberg

I don't think it's fair to put all of the blame on Obama simply because he is president.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs and saved even more. I do agree he could have done more (how much?), but I have yet to be convinced that Obama is the reason why the unemployment rate is as high as it is.

I really am open to answers on this. I want answers that illlustrate how his policies have been detrimental on a national level.

Yeah, well it was Barry's administration in Jan. '09 that claimed the (failed) stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%, and I don't recall our esteemed president calling out his people over it. So he can stick whatever he might have said about unemployment later in the year up his keister.
Unemployment is a classic lagging economic indicator. We were bleeding jobs when Obama came into office as a result of the Bush economic meltdown of late 2008.

That there's the biggie. When President Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We are now gaining jobs. How do you spin that as bad?

Yes, thank you for explaing this better than I did.
...increase in unemployment rate during his presidency?

Keep in my mind that Obama said in mid 2009 that he expected the unemployment rate would likely rise to 10% in the next couple of years.

Obama Sees 10% Unemployment Rate, Chides Wall Street Critics - Bloomberg

I don't think it's fair to put all of the blame on Obama simply because he is president.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs and saved even more. I do agree he could have done more (how much?), but I have yet to be convinced that Obama is the reason why the unemployment rate is as high as it is.

I really am open to answers on this. I want answers that illlustrate how his policies have been detrimental on a national level.

You're delusional. There are about 5 million fewer people working in the USA today than there were the day that the Big 0 tool office. Your quoting jobs figures that simply are not true.

If jobs were "saved" and "created" there would be more jobs, not fewer jobs.

The population has continued to grow, the jobs continue to shrink.

In what possible form of logic can you justify the created or saved meme that the owned profess?

What makes these figures untrue? Just because something sounds right, it doesn't mean it is right. You can dispute facts
...increase in unemployment rate during his presidency?

Keep in my mind that Obama said in mid 2009 that he expected the unemployment rate would likely rise to 10% in the next couple of years.

Obama Sees 10% Unemployment Rate, Chides Wall Street Critics - Bloomberg

I don't think it's fair to put all of the blame on Obama simply because he is president.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs and saved even more. I do agree he could have done more (how much?), but I have yet to be convinced that Obama is the reason why the unemployment rate is as high as it is.

I really am open to answers on this. I want answers that illlustrate how his policies have been detrimental on a national level.

You're delusional. There are about 5 million fewer people working in the USA today than there were the day that the Big 0 tool office. Your quoting jobs figures that simply are not true.

If jobs were "saved" and "created" there would be more jobs, not fewer jobs.

The population has continued to grow, the jobs continue to shrink.

In what possible form of logic can you justify the created or saved meme that the owned profess?

What makes these figures untrue? Just because something sounds right, it doesn't mean it is right. You can dispute facts
The facts are quite simple.

The best you can do is estimate. The thought of using hard numbers from the bureau of labor statistics hasnt occurred to you because they dont match your BS.

Again just facts.
Unemployment is a classic lagging economic indicator. We were bleeding jobs when Obama came into office as a result of the Bush economic meltdown of late 2008.

That there's the biggie. When President Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We are now gaining jobs. How do you spin that as bad?

There are fewer people working today than when Obama took office. How do you spin that as good?

ETA: every recovery evidences strong economic growth (a catch up phenomenon) with first "jobless recovery" then "low income McJobs" growth, then actual job growth. At this point in Reagan's term we were creating over a million jobs a month. Barry is at about 10% of that.
So we ask, what is the difference between this recovery and every other recovery? What else is unique? And we see the unprecedented intervention by the gov't in the economy: the managed bankruptcies, the pressure to stop foreclosures, the TARP/bail out, the cash for clunkers/caulkers/home buyers/etc, and of course the stimulus.
And then we look at levels of gov't intervention in recessions and we find a correlation that the more the gov't monkeys with the recession, the slower the recovery becomes. Since this administration has devoted far more resources to stopping the recession, it has also experienced far slower growth.
Is that a direct cause that everyone can see? No, but it is the kind of empirical reasoning that anyone with two brain cells and no Hope n Change bumper sticker could accept.
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Unemployment is a classic lagging economic indicator. We were bleeding jobs when Obama came into office as a result of the Bush economic meltdown of late 2008.

That there's the biggie. When President Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We are now gaining jobs. How do you spin that as bad?

There are fewer people working today than when Obama took office. How do you spin that as good?

Increased employment is celebrated. Democrats attempting to claim it was all them is laughable.
That there's the biggie. When President Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We are now gaining jobs. How do you spin that as bad?

There are fewer people working today than when Obama took office. How do you spin that as good?

Increased employment is celebrated. Democrats attempting to claim it was all them is laughable.

No, actually it isn't. But let's take a look at some of the reasons WHY the unemployment numbers continue to be high, shall we?

Governments continued to shed jobs, however, with local governments laying off 35,000 people and the troubled U.S. Postal Services eliminating 5,000 jobs.
Job growth picks up in September

I thought that WOULD be something a conservative celebrates, smaller government. The Boehner is the one that said "if we lose 200,000 be it". (Paraphrased)

And besides, the unemployment numbers ARE dropping.

November jobs report: Hiring up, unemployment down

Which ya'll still try to spin as somehow bad. You know what, at some point, you simply have to chalk it up to ODS.
As a financial advisor, I'm neck-deep in this stuff every day.

Obama did not just enter office "in a recession". He inherited a truly historic, one-of-a-kind financial disaster that is still playing out globally. Trying to paint this as just another run of the mill recession is an exercise in abject denial or utter ignorance. It took decades of irresponsible spending (both by the government and by consumers) and irresponsible governance (both both ridiculous, dishonest, paid-off, "major" parties) to get us here, and it may damn well take a decade or two to get out of it.

When I hear the Hannitys and Limbaughs of the world (and, by extension, their sheep) pretend that this is just another recession, I know they're not being honest. I don't think most of them understand how close we came to a complete collapse of our ENTIRE financial system, and how deep the roots of this mess remain. But they don't want to understand - they just want to attack "the other guys".

The two silly ends of the spectrum are too busy with their little slap fight to see what's going on.

...increase in unemployment rate during his presidency?

Keep in my mind that Obama said in mid 2009 that he expected the unemployment rate would likely rise to 10% in the next couple of years.

Obama Sees 10% Unemployment Rate, Chides Wall Street Critics - Bloomberg

I don't think it's fair to put all of the blame on Obama simply because he is president.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs and saved even more. I do agree he could have done more (how much?), but I have yet to be convinced that Obama is the reason why the unemployment rate is as high as it is.

I really am open to answers on this. I want answers that illlustrate how his policies have been detrimental on a national level.

We don't have to provide evidence of jack shit. all we need to no is that unemployment is 8.6%

Gas is up

food is up

energy is up


Fast and Furious

He'll say NO to the piple line.. unemployment will stay way the hell up

After Christmas it's go back up up up

He stays on vacation or the golf course

Eric Holder



And a 15 Trillion dollar debt..

Oh and he.s cost people their jobs in coal and oil.. and many many many small business have gone out of business..

All of this is BAD BAD BAD
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I crack up everytime I hear OBAMA CREATED 2.5 million jobs.

The only damn job a Government can CREATE is another Guberment job that is paid for OFF THE BACKS of WORKING taxpayers.

man ain't that Obama a generous guy
I crack up everytime I hear OBAMA CREATED 2.5 million jobs.

The only damn job a Government can CREATE is another Guberment job that is paid for OFF THE BACKS of WORKING taxpayers.

man ain't that Obama a generous guy

obama money!
...increase in unemployment rate during his presidency?

Keep in my mind that Obama said in mid 2009 that he expected the unemployment rate would likely rise to 10% in the next couple of years.

Obama Sees 10% Unemployment Rate, Chides Wall Street Critics - Bloomberg

I don't think it's fair to put all of the blame on Obama simply because he is president.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs and saved even more. I do agree he could have done more (how much?), but I have yet to be convinced that Obama is the reason why the unemployment rate is as high as it is.

I really am open to answers on this. I want answers that illlustrate how his policies have been detrimental on a national level.

How about the stimulus'

All that shit went into labor unions pockets. You know the 20%. Of course those in the private sector have less money now considering they had to bailout labor unions with their tax dollars , hence less money to spend hence lackof jobs...
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...increase in unemployment rate during his presidency?

Keep in my mind that Obama said in mid 2009 that he expected the unemployment rate would likely rise to 10% in the next couple of years.

Obama Sees 10% Unemployment Rate, Chides Wall Street Critics - Bloomberg

I don't think it's fair to put all of the blame on Obama simply because he is president.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs and saved even more. I do agree he could have done more (how much?), but I have yet to be convinced that Obama is the reason why the unemployment rate is as high as it is.

I really am open to answers on this. I want answers that illlustrate how his policies have been detrimental on a national level.

How about the stimulus'

NLRB Boeing


Gulf Coast Oil platforms out of business

He's lost more jobs than he's bothered to count cause he's covering up that like a cat covers up shit.

when he talks about jobs all he cares about are "union" jobs.. the rest of America can root hog and die poor.

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